16 Ideas on How to Get a Girl to like You ...


16 Ideas on How to Get a Girl to like You ...
16 Ideas on How to Get a Girl to like You ...

I hear a lot from my male friends that they don't know how to show a girl they like her and how to make her feel the same way.

So, I thought it was time the guys heard from the women about what they truly want from men. And here are my top tips on capturing a girl’s heart, but I am sure you too have some ideas, Ladies, so, please, by all means, pitch in!

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Listen to Her …

Listen when she speaks, and engage in actual conversation. Women love to talk about things, so give her support, and ask her how she feels about things.


Actions Speak Louder than Words …

Hold the door open for her, keep the lift, and help her carry heavy bags. Show her that you’re reliable and caring.


Remember Important Information …

Remember her birthday, her families’ names, her past…she’ll be impressed if you listen and reuse the knowledge.


Learn about Her Hobbies …

Make her feel important, and special. Remember her favorite bands, and ask her about new songs, or albums. She’ll feel close to you if she can discuss her opinions and likes with you.


Compliment Her …

Don’t go overboard; just give her a small compliment once in a while. Tell her that her hair looks nice in the morning, and she’ll feel pretty all day. Check out how to give a good compliment to make sure you are doing it right!


Value Her …

Tell her that you really love your lunchtime talks, or nights out. Make her feel a valued part of your day. Make her feel important, and she’s much more likely to open up to you.


Don’t Overcrowd Her …

Give her a little time to think about you, and miss you, if necessary. You can rest assured that if you’ve done all of the above, you’ll be on her mind.
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Get to Know Her Friends …

Impress her friends, and you’re half way there! Seriously! You know how important PR is, soif you make her friends fall in love with you, they'll for sure not rest until she falls in love with you!


Have Your Own Life ...

Girl’s don’t like guys who stick to them like cling film. Make sure you have one or two things every week that you have to do. This’ll give her chance to notice that you are independent, and reliable, and you do have your own life.


Make an Impression ...

Be yourself. Demonstrate a skill or talent thats unique to you, show off your dress sense, set yourself apart from the crowd. Not only will she notice what makes you you, it’ll make you feel much more confident too.


Flirt ...

Make brief eye contact, and smile at her. Strike up a casual conversation. Flirt. Don’t think of her as the girl of your dreams, or worry about what will happen if you say the wrong thing, just live in the moment and impress her.


Talk to Her ...

Tell her what you enjoy doing. Tell her about your future dreams, your aims, your past. Ask her what she loves in life, and get excited. Be positive, and listen. She’ll be attracted to this new, happy you.


Be Romantic ...

Think about what really gets her excited. Did she admit that strawberries are her only vice? Put a little punnet on her desk. Pay attention to her, and demonstrate that you know her better than anyone in the world.


Break the Touch Barrier ...

Make sure you aren’t being sleazy. Hold her hand, or touch her arm, and break the barrier. Look out for signs of discomfort, though, and don’t push it too far.


Make Her Laugh ...

Tell her jokes, watch her favourite sitcoms, play dares. Have fun with her.


Making her laugh is about understanding her sense of humor and engaging with it. Everyone loves to share a good laugh, and it's a way to ensure she enjoys your company. You don't have to be a stand-up comedian; sometimes it's just about being silly or finding amusement in the small things. Share funny stories from your day, play light-hearted pranks that you know she’d appreciate, or even send her laugh-worthy memes. Remember, laughter is a shared experience, it connects people, and it can certainly connect both of you on a deeper level.


Ask Her out ...

Invite her to do something with you. Make sure it’s something you’d both like to do, and try to avoid normal dates such as a drink or a club. Find her favourite restaurant, or a tribute night to her favourite band. Impress her.

With a little time and attention, you’re sure to catch her eye and if you’ve taken the time to complete the steps above, she’s sure to start to like you too. Surprise her with a night on the town, or a quiet meal at a restaurant. Take her a flower, and let her fall in love! Got a tip on how to make women swoon? Please share it with me!

So now you are on her mind, it shouldn’t take you long to establish your place in her heart. Have you got a tip, or a success story? Please let me know!
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Photo Credit: **luana183**

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I wish this was all that was needed but sadly it's not true. This is a wonderful way to make female friends however. but not anything other than friends. To get a girl to 'like' you, and you all know what I mean, you need to create pure raw attraction. to do this, do things like make a few light hearted friendly jokes to her. A classic is when a girl is looking in the mirror fixing her hair, tell her to, "relax, your hair doesn't look that bad." In short, use this guide to make famale friends, use it to make very good female friends, but dont expect more than that.

Great list. Some girls like guys that are really out there. The kind that comes over and starts talking to the girl, making her laugh and having a good conversation. If your REALLY outgoing, just going up to the girl and kissing her might give you some points, but for that, it really does depend on the girl. Mainly, find out what she likes and get interested in it. Talk to her about it, if it's an activity, go do it. This is advice from a girl. Note that.

i lov ur pretty face and i ll lyk u to lyk me

I don't think this advice really works guys .. They'd like puss moves .. I'm a girl and wat makes me like a guy is how passionate they are .. The bed is a good move .. Turn on a girl and ull have it in there=o in no time

I love this. It is so true and on the listening part....you actually have to listen don't act like it because we can tell when you faking and actually not listening. Makes situation worse.

Hi! Kati. Great tips! Although I don't use them much I normally travel to all inclusive resorts in the Caribbean like charlisangels adult sex vacations resort where the European and Russian escorts are hot!

Hello Katie I wanted to thank you very much for the 16 ways you could get a girl to like you article.I'm a 25 yr old man and may not be a Hottie or anything like that but I look good and I usually do my best to follow those suggestions and they do work, but I was wondering if there was more I could do it just dosen't seem to cut it anymore, are there new rules or something? All advice is greatly appreciated.

Hey, Great article...But Just to add something extra…people , do not follow this article word for word, step for step. Customize these steps to fit your personality and who u areas a person. And, u can use these steps as they apply to the situation at hand. If you go step by step, you'll most likely end up with a really good friend, or an "almost" love.

Wow.. I couldn't have said it any better. This list is just perfect! :D

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