12 Insider Tips on How to Make a Guy like You ...


12 Insider Tips on How to Make a Guy like You ...
12 Insider Tips on How to Make a Guy like You ...

First of all, I understand that surviving high school can be veryhard, especially when it comes to those relationships. Don’t let anyone tell you that they are only schoolyard relationships. Sure, they may not always be serious, but for those of you that do get into serious relationships in high school, you should know that they will actually leave an impression on your life, whether they last or not.

So, are you a girl and you are in need of tips on how to make a guy like you? Then you came to the right place! Of course, you will never be able to “make” a guy like you, it is either there or not there.

However, there are some things that you can do that will open up those eyes and let them see the “true” you. Girls, since there is no magical wand that we can wave around, we have to take the hard route. However, I have decided to cheat just a tinsy winsy bit…

I decided to turn to one of my**** favorite guy friends who made it through those high school relationships. Take note that he was a super nova when he was in high school (lol). Anyways, I got him to personally give me 12 insider tips **on how to make a guy like you. He said that those girls who used these technics on him, **captured his attention every time… So here we go:

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Get His Attention

In order to get a guy to like you, he has to first notice you. You need to try to get his attention first. If he looks past you each time, then just speak to him. Say “hi” and send him a smile. May be even a little “wink” before you walk away. When you walk away, he will be standing there wondering if that was a wink. He may think of it and try to figure out what that “wink” meant.


Get Closer

A good way to get him to notice you would be to join clubs that you know he attends, but make sure you enjoy those clubs as well. That way, he will see that the both of you have something in common. Don’t sign up for something that you do not like though, cause this should be something both of you enjoy, so that you could show how fun and smart you are all in one…


Wave at Him

When he waves back at you, then that means that he has noticed you. Don’t expect any guy to notice you, it does not always work this way. (I did this a lot. At first, you feel like a fool, but when you get that waive, you will feel special).



Girls, break out with that innocent look and flirt with him. Be playful, but do it in a friendly way. Just do not go overboard with it. Try looking at him until he looks at you. When he looks back at you, look away from him. THEN look at him again. (Yes, this is definitely some good flirting advice and I have personally used it more than once… In fact, this is how I met my husband! Actually, I met my husband by talking to my makeup – it’s a long story and I am focusing on you right now…)


Flirting is a great way to show someone you are interested in them. It's a subtle way to let them know you like them without having to say it out loud. When it comes to flirting with guys, there are a few key tips you should keep in mind.

First, be playful and friendly. Don't be too aggressive or it may come off as desperate. A good way to start is by looking at him until he looks back. When he looks back, look away and then look back again. This is a great way to get his attention and let him know you're interested.

Another tip is to be confident. Guys like confident women, so don't be afraid to show your true personality. Be yourself and don't be afraid to show your sense of humor. This will help you stand out and make you more attractive to him.

Finally, don't forget to smile! Smiling is a great way to show someone that you're interested in them. It also shows that you're friendly and approachable. Plus, it's a great way to break the ice and start a conversation.


Be There for Him

Let the guy know that you are there for him. You can find some way to let him know that you want to talk to him. Sometimes, texting works.



Give him a note when you are in the halls or in class, think of something fun.


Use Internet

Ask him for his Instant Messenger address. Sometimes, talking online is the best route to take.


Support Him

When you see that he has a problem, no matter how big or small it maybe, just let him know that you are there for him to lean on emotionally. Nearly every guy likes to be comforted. Some show this differently than others do. Take it from a guy, guys like comfort and they notice girls who give it.


Be More Active

Is there a dance coming up? If you are friends, then ask him if he is going with someone. Gone are the days where girls had to sit around waiting for that guy to ask them. Girls are now able to ask guys to dances and there is nothing wrong with it.


Be His Friend at First

When he starts to get close to you, try to be his friend. Do not try to be his girlfriend or anything special. Just be his friend and leave it at that…for now.



Smile at him when you pass him in the hallway. You have a beautiful smile, so I am sure that will get his attention.



When he says something that is funny or even not that funny, giggle at him, guys really appreciate it when we get their sense of humor no matter how bad it is.

Girls, walking up to him and saying “PLEASE NOTICE ME NOW!” is not going to work. He will look at you as if you are a weird girl. SO, you need to take these tips and run with them.

Also, if any guys are reading this post, would you please post your opinion on this topic? Iwould like to know more and have more advice than what my “highschool, Super Nova” friend has given me. Also girls, if you have advice, do feel free to share… There can never be too when it comes to love! (;

Photo Credit: {JooJoo}
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Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Hello there, Well, this is this boy.. obviously i like him, before i read this i realized i got to step 3, ive been saying hi to him in the halls, ive finished reading the tips, and ive skipped around a little, i talk to him over text, email and a few times on the way to a class and also we went to homecoming together, hes pretty shy, he says hi back, he waves, but he never tries to just hang out with me. i cant tell if i he likes me or not, but were not that close, he doesnt tell me that much... sooooo whats my next step? i already tried making plans, he said "hes too busy" i just dont know what to do, we havent talked for a few days, we dont say hi in thehallways, and his bestfriend doesnt like me. i just... should i just back off?

I met my crush in Jr.Kindergarten and we hated each other. I remember him but I don't think he remembers me. I've seen him in the halls at high school (it's our first year at high school) and he's really cute and he seems pretty nice. I wanna see him and talk and hopefully flirt but 1) we don't have ANY classes together and 2) some of his chick friends dislike me. (I don't know why they don't like me) I wanna get him to be interested but it's hard with all the limitations. I'm also cripplingly shy. I don't talk a bunch and if I do then it's quiet. Advice? Guidance? Pity? I could use it all!

okay theres this guy i like and he's 2 years older then me and hes totally hott and kinda like me but then again hes not. he like the same music as me and like hes into dancing and stuff, but he ddoesnt know who the eff i am but i always see him looking at me and he like looks at me from afar and hes sooo gorgeous and we would be perfect together, but what should i do . advanteges. -we go to the same school -we just click together somehow. -oh hes soo hottt disadvanteges -i dunt have a cell -im scared of his friends (there all older then me) -im scared to talk to him or even msg him on msn or fb. WHAT SHOULD I DOOO?

Hi! So there's this boy and he's in the same grade as me. I'm so shy around him and don't know what to say. How do I get him to start a conversation with me or even look at me? Also, I kind of want him to ask me to prom. How do I send that signal?

kso heey (: i have/had idk wuts going on but this guy use to like me i think but when hes with his friends he treats me like crap! but when were on our own hes kinda nice and hes even admitted to liking me and everythig but shud i like him cause of the way he treats me? cause it makes me feel bad when hes infront of his friends? :$ BUT i also really like him....i think idk im confused :s

Heyy. So I have a bf and all that stuffz but I don't think he actually likes me. :( I have his number and all but when I txt him he doesn't say much and is always the one to end a conversation. I always start them and he doesn't even seen to care about me or like talking to me. I don't know what to do and he is REALLY hot.. not that I only like him for his looks. He is so different from all the other boys at my school. plzzz help

so i like this guy and he rides my school bus and we talk every day his almost step dad and my dad are friends the guy i like helps work on it and we rode a 4 wheeler 2gether he makes me laught and he teeses me somethimes and tries on my shoues when i take um off and how they dont fit him we laught at each others jokes but i dont know if he likes me like that or not.edvice pleeeese!!! <3 sorie but im not a good speller ps im in the 8th grade and hes in 9th

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