10 Top Reasons Why Men Cheat ...


10 Top Reasons Why Men Cheat ...
10 Top Reasons Why Men Cheat ...

For as long as relationships have existed, men have cheated. While I can’t promise it won’t happen to you, here are the** top ten reasons why men do cheat**, so you can minimise the chances...

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Because They Can ...

This is possibly the hardest one to understand, but when men are offered sex, they are likely to take up the offer. Research suggests that this is because they are less used to be propositioned and so are more likely to feel flattered and wanted.


It Boosts His Ego ...

Men in long term relationships tend to feel less attractive to the opposite sex, so when a woman pays attention, he will allow her to stroke his ego some more. The thrill of the chase leads to a massive ego boost when he finally sleeps with her.


You Grow Apart ...

You stop taking an interest in golf or playstation games, and he finds somebody else who does. He’ll then want to see if they are compatible in the bedroom, too...

10 Obvious Signs of Cheating … Is He a Cheater?


He Has Fallen out of Love ...

He may just be staying for the kids, or for financial reasons, or because he doesn’t want to hurt you, so he’ll seek love elsewhere. To him, this is win-win.


You Argue a Lot ...

He will become less and less happy at home, and will go elsewhere to be comforted.

Do Women in Great Relationships Cheat ..?


Your Sex Life Has Died ...

Whether you’ve stopped making an effort or you’re just no longer interested, if your sex life is suffering chances are he will play away.


It’s Exciting ...

If your life has got boring, he will probably be bored. This is the reason men cheat with people they think are less attractive then their partner. The new woman will be more attentive, and make more of an effort, and he won’t be able to say no.


To See if He Can ...

If his friends get away with it, or his parents did, he may just want to see if he can too.

7 Steps to Get Over a Cheating Ex …


If You’ve Let Him in the past ...

It’s true, once he has done it once and been forgiven, he won’t think twice about doing it again.


Men often gauge the likelihood of repercussions from their past experiences. If a man has cheated before and faces minimal consequences, or if the relationship quickly returns to normal, he may interpret this as a green light to repeat the offense. It's essential to understand that this isn't reflective of every situation, but it is a pattern that can occur. Healthy communication and setting firm boundaries after such a betrayal is crucial if you decide to continue the relationship. Otherwise, he may feel emboldened to take your forgiveness as permission to stray again.


If You Did It to Him ...

Whether you actually have or he just suspects you to, he will feel hurt and upset and most of the time he will want revenge, whether it’s in the form of a barmaid or his ex-girlfriend.

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So while their reasons may be hard to understand, making note of them will make sure that you never make the mistakes that will tempt him towards cheating. Have you been cheated on? Or did you find a good way to stop him straying? Tell me about it!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Egotistical men with no conscience and poor character cheat.. They have poor self-esteem and no respect for their partners.

Men cheat because they're just not that into you. Plain and simple.

Katie, I have been tempted most of my life, but if you are strong and true, you can resist the temptation to cheat or have a little affair! You could defintely turn my head, but I don't know if you would get further that, even though you are quite beautiful... Love ya,

I would never cheat on someone, it's morally wrong and it would hurt them alot, I've had it done to me so I should know. If I wanted to sleep with someone else I would break up with them well before I did anything. It is a really horrible thing to do to someone especially if you 'love' them which u obviously don't because you're betraying their trust and your commitment to them. And no doubt the person you are cheating on them with doesn't want to be in a relationship with you because they know that you are a cheater and they are just as bad as you unless your a lying sack of shit and they are unaware, either way if you don't have feelings for someone anymore and want to move on its better to end the relationship because cheating is one of the worst ways to break up. If you are some kind of sicko that gets off on cheating you don't deserve to be with anyone, and what if you got some disease and then gave it to your partner that would be a dead give away.

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