7 Ideas on How to Dump a Guy Nicely ...


7 Ideas on How to Dump a Guy Nicely ...
7 Ideas on How to Dump a Guy Nicely ...

Ok, so you know it’s over, but you haven’t told him yet. Do yourself a favor and get it over with. There’s no point playing ‘girlfriend’ if your heart is in the wrong place. So how do you break off nicely? Here goes…

Meet him

Don’t break the news to him over the phone. Not only it is rude but he’s always going to wonder about what went wrong. Give him a chance to hear it from you directly. Email and SMS is even worse. Invite him home or go for a walk together. Either way, sit him down and explain how you feel. Be honest!

Answer why?

Most men are intelligent. He will want some kind of an explanation. Don’t just say ‘It’s off’ and walk away. This was the guy you fell in love with once. So be kind to him and explain why things didn’t work out for you. You owe him some kind of explanation especially if you’ve been together for a while.

Blame yourself

It’s easier and kinder to blame yourself for the break. You could say ‘It’s me, I’m just not ready for somebody as nice as you’ or something to that effect. Don’t lay all the blame on him or you’ll soon be having a fight rather than a conversation.
Let him think
Once you’ve told him, don’t expect an answer immediately. If he’s in love with you this will probably be breaking his heart. So respect that and let him be. Don’t shower him with questions or a hundred ‘I’m so sorry’s'. He will need a few minutes to let it sink in. Give him that time to think about what’s happened.

Let him talk

He may want to explain things especially if he did something wrong. Hear him out but don’t have that ‘Oh, I wish I had known’ look on your face. If your mind is really made up then let him now this is the end of the road. Avoid getting trapped into the loop again. A firm yet gentle ‘no’ is the best for both of you.
Just friends?**

That’s great if he wants it that way. But make sure you tell him how you want to keep the relationship. If a clean break is what you want, be clear that he understands that. If you want to go on as friends, but he doesn’t, then respect that and move on. Don’t sob uncontrollably on his shoulder as you’re the one breaking up with him! Remember?

Don’t hold on

Let him go. If he wants to leave, then let him. Don’t keep pulling him back into conversation. He probably just needs a good drink and some sleep!

Make sure you leave the relationship where it belongs, in the past!

7 Ways To Leave A Bad Relationship

Fabulous picture by cattycamehome

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I really need help!!I dumped a guy through my friends and now I think I like him again. I know that the beat thing to do is let go but I can't :(:( He's dating another girl now and I fell kinds jelous what should I do

I'm stickin my x bf for the past 2 years, then eventually he called over and ask me for a breakup, which well brings nauseatic nights and tearful smirks on my bedroom... After a week, I started going out, even if it still damns me. This guy named GAMEFREAK, total awesome, gentle, sexy, but 100% physically and emotionally virgin on social communication. At first, its fun, melting, and enjoying... But when I meet his group of guy friends in our class, and became closer to them, this guy that I dated freaks me out! We haven't committed yet, but he bacame possesive by telling me grudge words around our friends. JEalousy maybe? But his fb status says that HE MUST DUMP those BORING TOYS!, well am I just a toy? we are going out for almost 4months, shopping, and just spending out door activity together, what's weird is that am I boring? It is he who don't talk frequently, and I am so much tired of arranging activitites for him, for me the essence of being a lady is gone... Its been much an effort for this man, so he's free! Freaky? hehehe! I don't need to waste my time over an assumed perfect man if he don't know how to control his own feet, too lame to wait... I hope u shower me some advices that could knock his feet out of my face...thankyou ^^

I am dating my current boyfriend of almost 2 years....i also have 2 kids that arent his....I am in a really sticky situation. I have come across a new guy that i used to work with and have become very close friends with, he has asked me out a couple of times before...I used to be in love with my current boyfriend but i just dont feel the same way for him as i feel i have developed strong feelings for this other guy....PLEASE HELP!!!!

hey i am thinking of dumping my boyfriend. it just dose'nt work for me anymore we hardly talk and he is to clingy and dosen't know me very well. I used to smile evrythime i got a text from him or he phoned me but now I just don't cear he allways says the exact same text everyday that it no longer makes my heart thump. the problame is that he is really nica and a good guy, plus we used to be good friends before we dated i just don't want to hurt him but i no longer love him. he thinks i'm the one his friend told me so the day we started going out i first i thought it was cute but now i really find it a bit annoying. i really upset about hurting him but i just can't keep lieing to my self.

i hv a problem of loving out of pity,i fil pity for guys ho love me so much nd i inturn give'them a chance thou i dnt love them.i tell myself thT mybe ill love thm bk.ths gud heart of myn is decieving m nd nw i dnt knw wat to do cos i cnt cheat or hv affairs while thers sumone i love whole heartedly.i tried breaking up wirh this guys bt thy ovacum me wth their loving m reasons wt shuld i do.i nid help cos if my bf finds out,i might jst forget abt us.

Hi, i've been going out with this guy for 7 months now, and before that we were really good friends. We used to talk all the time but he never calls or texts me, and we haven't spoken for at least 5 days. When we're with our friends he's either clingy or completely ignores me, i have no idea how he feels about me. I don't love him anymore and I want to break up with him, but I dont want to hurt him and I'm worried about how my friends will take it. They would probably hate me if I dumped him because they all really like him - and so do I but not in a boyfriendy way. There's no fire, no anything between us, its like its just a title and thats it. I sigh when people mention him and never want to go to school because I know I'll have to see him and keep pretending like everythings ok. I know that if he wanted to dump me he wouldnt because I've been depressed recently and he wouldn't want to start me off again - hes not a complete d-head. I don't know what to do; please help me =(

Ok, so I am not the kind of girl to break a guy's heart, and so that's how I've gotten into these past two relationships. Neither one of them I broke up with him; the first one cheated on me after changing schools and the other we're still together. The latter one, asked me out first and so I accepted, and I tried to love him... and I did. I guess. But now I've noticed how much I'm not in love with him, and it's important to not just love them but be IN love with him, but I don't know how to break up with him... I don't want to make him sad, because then I'll be labeled a slut and a bitch. Any ideas/help?

hey thx i really needed that but i have to over the phone hes just not my type thx

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