8 Innovative Ways to Approach Your Crush ...


8 Innovative Ways to Approach Your Crush ...
8 Innovative Ways to Approach Your Crush ...

It can be hard to figure out just how to approach your crush. Some options are cheesy, while others have just been done to death. If you really want to let the person you like know exactly how you feel, however, there are lots of other, more unique options – like these really innovative ways to approach your crush.

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Try a Gardenia

Every flower has a meaning, and gardenias are no different. They are the covert secret admirer flower. You can give them to your crush to secretly confess your feelings – even if he's a boy, yes. It's a really unique way to confess your feelings, but it might go over your crush's head unless you can find a subtle way to tell him or her what gardenias are really all about.



This may seem cheesy, but it worked for me when I was courting the Better Half. When we were still in the friend stage but I was developing a crush, I used to send all these mix CDs and playlists that made my feelings pretty clear – and I have to tell you, it worked!


Put It in Writing

Writing a note or an email might seem unoriginal, but truthfully, in this era devoted solely to texts and Facebook messages, it can be perfect. You don't need to write a novel – and, in fact, writing anything long is probably going to be a bit too much, and you'll risk saying more than necessary. Keep it short and sweet, because thus far, this is a crush, not a full fledged love affair.


Do a Balloon Bouquet

This is pretty cheesy too – but it's also an original! If you want to let your crush know you like him – or her – balloons are definitely a unique way to do it. You can get just about anything written on balloons, so a message announce “Hey guess what, I like you!” shouldn't be too hard at all!


Write It in the Sand

Messages written in the sand – or the dirt; or with rocks; you get the idea – are cute. They're fun and low pressure as well, so they don't seem like this huge, big deal, which you generally want to avoid when revealing a crush. Basically just remember that creativity is always a good thing.



I also did this with the BH, because we used to trade books while we were still in the friend stage. If you and your crush read the same kinds of books, let him or her borrow one. The key is, highlight passages in the book that made you think of your crush, or that describe things you wish you could do together.


Ice It

Make your crush a cake, or some cupcakes. Why? Because then you can reveal your feelings in icing. Again, a simple “I like you” will do the job nicely. Plus, you both get cake. What could be better? Ice cream too, but that's about it.


Just Be Honest

This is a unique approach only because, again, people rarely go this route anymore. I understand it's scary to reveal your feelings to your crush, because they might not reciprocate. But honestly, the worst anyone can say is “no,” and that's better than thinking something can happen when it really won't.

There are lots of ways you can approach your crush, ranging from unique to original. These are just what I think are some of the most innovative ways to approach your crush, so you can be creative but still get your point across. What's your favorite way to tell someone how you feel?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

i like these :) they're cute, creative, and seem really simple!

Ok thank you

Too corny and cheesy

i like this guy and i dont know what to do.. he is in my 2nd period we are both sophomores. the first day of school i didnt really like him he didnt actually stick out in my class till i stop thinking about guys. i saw him one day and i started to grow something for him day after day . then i started catching him staring at me quick glances but obviously and thats when i started glancing at him but the problem there is that he sits behind me and alittle away from me because of our assigned seats so i would have to pretend to look at the door then at him and then turn back around. one day he came in the room excited for a basketball game and told my group of friends that we should go to the games but i had to baby sit so i said i couldnt and asked him if there were any other away games and he said that there were there was one a few weeks from then friday which is a week away from today and i said ok ill go to that one. then one day i came into class to find the desks in groups for an assessment and i sat in a 3 girl group he was in a 3 boys group right next to me . we helped eachother out even though we werent suppose to he talked to my group joked around and talking to me mostly trying to make me laugh which he did :). he was playing with his hair making his very short boy hair from a laying flat down mohawk to a that deep parted comb over and was asking me if he looked good .of corse i said yes and bursted out laughing. his friend confronted me in my group asking me why i was wearing a pink and white oversized shirt over black legging with black toms when i asked him why he was wearing a red and black shirt with purple pants and black shoes my answer to him was because im cute. the guy that i likes saw that i was joking around with his friend and started laughing and my firends laughed at my statement that day was pretty well.after that we kind of didnt really talk that much for a couple of days then we talked a day when the teacher was finished showing a bullied slide show he was taking pictures with his friends and without them noticing and his friend was like quit it i think you are gay., my firend asked him why he thought that and he said well becasue he was taking pictures of me with out me knowing and sending them to another guy..lol.and my friend called his name like 5 times but when i called his name once his head snapped back and his eyes went directly to me and i say she wants to ask you something. she asked him who he sent the pictures to he looked back at me for some reason but i just smiled at him and he made like a 100000 watt smile and said his friends name . the next time we talkedwas when we were in groups of two and when i walked in the room i saw he was alone but so was my friend so i went her wway when i saw this guy just squeeze his way past me and i looked at my friend and looked confused i backed up and asked the guy that i liked if i could sit with him he said yea sure in like this sad voice and i knew something was up and so i just sat there and i looked at him then up at my friend to see her smiling this wide smile at me.. then i looked back down and him as the class bell wrung he friend walked in and loked at me i looked innocent as i could and the guy that i like said she asked me . i smiled a small little smile as his friend went and sat by my friend that he jokingly calls his girlfriend and i loooked back at the guy that i like … i felt like a loser when i found oujt that 50 percent of my homework answers were wrong but his were too. he didnt say alot. we worked to gether on the packet that the teacher passed out to us and when we worked together he would always check to see if i was struggling but i would be down way before him andin response to that he would say wow your fast ..lol the teacher made us get our homework books and do questions but it was one per group and he would lean really far in to me and i would do the same as we helped eachother out on the questions. i then asked him why he looked so down he smiled but without his teeth and he told me he got elbowed in the face… then at the end of the class period i told him i hope his face felt better and he smiled a me a big smile but without teeth. i think i like him i never really like someone .. i have gotten to the point where i cant quit thinking of him and i dream of him my last dream was me in the cafeteria and he was sitting near me on the other side of me and he asked me to call him….. i never really knew what love is but i feel like i think i could expierence it with him….. he makes me laugh and giggle with out even trying… i feel so complete around himand thinking about him…. please help me and tell me what i should do about this i think i might ask him if he likes me at the basketball game and if he says yes i dont know what to do after that . please help me …

Thats exactly how I feel with my crush! Ok I seriously need help. Please So I moved here in kinder garten and I was best friends this guy I n kindergarten and everyone thought we were dating but now I moved away and I'm pretty sure this guy in class is the same guy!! And I'm almost positive he likes me but I have NO gut so I can't walk up to him! Do I wait?

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