19 Ways to Increase Sexual Tension between You and Your Crush ...


19 Ways to Increase Sexual Tension between You and Your Crush ...
19 Ways to Increase Sexual Tension between You and Your Crush ...

Are you looking for some ways to increase sexual tension between you and your crush? When you're crushing on someone and you're pretty sure they like you back, you enter a new realm of the dating game. Now, you want to create a bit of tension – of the sexual variety, of course – so you can kind of test the chemistry between the two of you. Here are some great ways to increase sexual tension with your crush, that will definitely let you know if you two would make a good match.

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Ferocious Flirting

Flirting is a great way to let someone know you're interested and it's also one of the best ways to build sexual tension with your man. It's also a great way to increase sexual tension between you and your crush. You can take your flirting up a notch, and get a little more outrageous. You don't have to get dirty; in fact, subtlety is apt to take you much further. Sexual tension revolves around subtlety – as you will see.


Flirting is a great way to show someone you're interested and can be used to build sexual tension. It can be done subtly or more overtly, depending on the situation. Flirting can involve eye contact, body language, and even physical contact. It can also involve verbal cues such as compliments, teasing, and playful banter. Additionally, flirting can be used to set the stage for a more intimate encounter. When done correctly, it can be an effective way to increase sexual tension between you and your crush.


Touch and Go

Touching is a fantastic way to create sexual tension. Again, you don't have to go over the top – and indeed, you shouldn't. It isn't necessary to grope your crush at all, because once more, that's not subtle. However, fingers along his or her cheek or jaw or through the hair, a finger against his or her mouth, even laying a hand on your crush's shoulder will all telegraph your interest … and create a definite spark.


Touching is a great way to increase sexual tension without being too overt. It can be as simple as lightly stroking your crush's cheek, jawline, or hair, or placing a hand on their shoulder. This subtle physical contact can be a great way to show your interest and create a spark. It's important to remember, however, that touching should remain subtle and not become too aggressive.



Texting is one of the biggest and most popular ways to create sexual tension. Now, I'm not talking about sexting here – if you're just crushing on someone, you definitely don't want to go that far. However, you can take flirting to a new level through texts, because it's often easier to be a little bolder over a written medium. Face to face, you can get shy, but you can get feistier over text messages – as long as you keep it tasteful!


Texting is a great way to increase sexual tension between you and your crush. It can be easier to express yourself over text, and it can be a great way to get to know each other better. Plus, it allows you to flirt without feeling too vulnerable.

However, it’s important to keep it tasteful. Sexting is not appropriate for a new relationship, and it’s important to remember that anything you send can be saved and shared.

In addition, it’s important to be aware of the other person’s feelings. Make sure you don’t send anything that could be interpreted as offensive or too forward. Be sure to read all of their texts carefully before responding, and remember that you can always take a break from texting if it’s getting too intense.

When it comes to texting, it’s important to be creative. Ask questions, share stories, and make jokes. This can be a great way to break the ice and build a connection.



Eating is a wonderful technique you can use to create sexual tension. A sucker, a lollipop, even a piece of chocolate ala Cher in Clueless can draw attention to your mouth, and make your crush think of kissing you. Now, don't get obscene with any of those phallus shaped objects or anything – it's not necessary. Eating is sensual all by itself, you don't have to make it more so.


Eating can be a great way to create sexual tension between you and your crush. Eating something that draws attention to your mouth, like a sucker or lollipop, can make them think of kissing you. Eating sensually can be enough to increase the sexual tension, so there is no need to choose phallic shaped objects. Eating together can also be a great way to increase the sexual tension, as it can be a very intimate experience. Eating can be a great way to start a conversation and get to know your crush better. Plus, it’s always nice to share a meal together!


Think before You Speak

Sometimes, the way you speak and the words you choose can create a lot of sexual tension. Finding reasons to call something “sexy,” “hot,” or even “sensuous” can really get your crush's motor going. On the surface, this is extremely innocent – it's subtle, you see, and it can work wonders. Watching what you say is probably one of the easiest ways to increase sexual tension between you and your crush.


Creating sexual tension between you and your crush can be a great way to show your interest and make them feel desired. One way to increase sexual tension is to use body language. When you’re talking to your crush, maintain eye contact, lean in closer, and touch them lightly on the arm or shoulder. This can create a physical connection and make them feel more comfortable with you.

Another way to increase sexual tension is to use playful teasing. Teasing your crush in a lighthearted way can create some friendly tension and show them that you’re interested. You can also be a bit more flirty with your words. Compliment your crush on their looks, talk about your shared interests, and find ways to bring up topics that are more intimate.

It’s also important to be aware of how you’re speaking. Think before you speak and be conscious of the words you use. Find reasons to call something “sexy,” “hot,” or “sensuous” to get your crush's attention. This subtle approach can be very effective in creating sexual tension.


The Fine Line between Funny and Risque

A lot of guys and girls alike appreciate a sense of humor. They find it sexy, and especially like it when someone they like can make them laugh. If you do this, it's a fantastic way to increase sexual tension between you and your crush. You can be humorous and tell jokes that are a little risque and off the cuff. Again, don't get obscene, but if you have a dirty sense of humor, don't be afraid to hint at it.


It is important to be aware of the fine line between funny and risque when trying to increase sexual tension between you and your crush. While humor can be a great way to build a connection, it is important to not get too obscene. A good way to do this is to tell jokes that are a little risque and off the cuff. This can be a great way to show your sense of humor and build sexual tension. It is important to be aware of the other person's boundaries and not cross them. If your jokes are too risque, it can create an uncomfortable atmosphere and ruin the mood.


Be Subtly Sexy

As I've been saying all along, the best way to be sexy and to build sexual tension is to be subtle. Less is always more. You don't want to let everything hang all out there, because that could be a turn off for your crush. Besides, you want to make sure you two still have a lot to learn about each other. Subtle touches and teasing looks will go farther than the most obvious display.


If you’re looking for ways to increase sexual tension between you and your crush, being subtle is the way to go. Subtlety is key when it comes to building sexual tension, as it creates a sense of mystery and intrigue. You don’t want to give away too much too soon, as that can be a turn off.

Subtle touches and teasing looks can be incredibly effective in creating sexual tension. A light touch on the arm or shoulder, a flirtatious smile, or a knowing look can all be used to subtly show your interest. It’s important to remember that less is more in this situation – you don’t want to be too obvious or overbearing.

In addition to physical cues, words can be used to create sexual tension. Compliments, flattery, and innuendos can all be used to show your interest without being too overt. Make sure to keep the conversation light and playful, and don’t be afraid to be a little daring.


Sit Close

If you're sitting on a couch with him, don't sit on the opposite end. Get close enough that your thighs or arms are touching. That small amount of physical contact will be enough to drive him crazy.


One of the most effective ways to increase sexual tension between you and your crush is to sit close to them when you’re together. Whether you’re sitting on a couch or at a table, make sure you’re close enough to feel the other person’s body heat. Even a small amount of physical contact, like your thighs or arms touching, can be enough to drive your crush crazy.

The psychological effects of physical contact are well-documented. When you’re close to someone, your body releases a hormone called oxytocin, which is known to increase feelings of trust and connection. Additionally, physical contact can help reduce stress and anxiety, and can even be used to help build a stronger bond between two people.

In addition to sitting close to your crush, there are other ways to increase sexual tension between the two of you. Compliment them on their appearance, flirt with them, and maintain eye contact. You can also try engaging in activities that involve physical contact, such as dancing or playing a game of catch.


Eye Contact

Everything you need to tell him can be said with your eyes. If you're across the room, give him little glances every once in a while. If you're in the middle of a conversation, make sure to look right in his eyes to make him melt.


Eye contact is one of the most effective ways to increase sexual tension between you and your crush. It’s a subtle yet powerful way to communicate your interest and desire without saying a word.

When you’re across the room from your crush, give him little glances every once in a while. This will let him know that you’re interested and paying attention to him. If you’re in the middle of a conversation, make sure to look right in his eyes. This will make him feel like you’re connecting with him on a deeper level.

When you’re making eye contact, it’s important to maintain a relaxed, natural expression. Don’t try to be overly seductive or flirtatious; this could come off as unnatural and make your crush feel uncomfortable. Instead, focus on maintaining a warm, inviting gaze and a genuine smile.


Dress to Impress

You don't want to be with someone who only likes you for your looks, but that doesn't mean you can't dress to impress. Wear your favorite dress or a nice new skirt in order to make him admire your body. Once you catch his attention, that sexual tension will keep on increasing.


Lingering Hugs

When you say hello or goodbye, give him a hug, another of the best ways of increasing the sexual tension. Of course, it shouldn't be a quick one that involves you barely touching him. Grab him tightly and then move away slowly. If he feels the same way you do, you might even end up with a kiss.


When it comes to increasing the sexual tension between you and your crush, lingering hugs can be a great way to do so. A hug that is too quick barely involves any physical contact, so it’s important to make sure that you grab him tightly and then move away slowly. It’s also important to be aware of body language. Pay attention to how your crush responds to your hug. If he reciprocates the hug and holds you for a few seconds longer than normal, it’s a sign that he may feel the same way about you.

Physical contact can be a great way to express your feelings for someone without having to say anything. You can also use physical contact to gauge the level of your crush’s interest in you. If he responds positively to your physical contact, it could be a sign that he feels the same way about you.

In addition to lingering hugs, you can also increase the sexual tension between you and your crush by engaging in flirty banter. If you’re feeling brave, you can even make a few lighthearted jokes or tease him in a playful way. This can help to break the ice and make your crush feel more comfortable around you.


Romantic Movies

If you're spending the day together, put on a romantic movie. When the kissing scene comes on, he'll be thinking about what it would be like to reenact the scene with you. Even if you spend the whole movie making fun of how corny it is, that kissing scene will work to your advantage.



Whispering requires you two to lean in closer to each other, and the closer, the better. Just don't whisper to him randomly, or he'll wonder why you're doing it. Instead, whisper when you're out in public and have something juicy to tell him that you don't want anyone else to hear.



If he tells you that he's been going to the gym, you can tease him about how you think you're stronger than he is. You can challenge him to an arm wrestling match or simply request to feel his muscles. He'll know you're teasing, but he certainly won't mind it and he won't even know that you're using one of the ways to increase sexual tension with your man on him.


The art of teasing is a great way to increase sexual tension between you and your crush. Teasing can be playful, lighthearted, and even flirty. It is an excellent way to keep the relationship alive and to show your crush that you are interested in them.

When teasing your crush, it is important to be aware of their boundaries and to respect them. A good way to start is by making a joke or a comment about something that your crush has said or done. This can be a great way to show your crush that you are paying attention to them and that you are interested in them.

Another way to increase sexual tension with your crush is to challenge them to a friendly competition. This could be anything from an arm wrestling match to a game of chess. This is a great way to have some fun and show your crush that you are willing to take risks and have a good time with them.

It is also important to remember that physical contact can be a great way to increase sexual tension. This could be anything from a light touch on the arm or shoulder to a hug or kiss. This can be a great way to show your crush that you are comfortable with them and that you are interested in them.


Apply Lipstick

If you don't have food on hand to draw attention to your mouth, use some beauty products. If you have some lipstick or even chap stick, you can apply it slowly in order to get him thinking about kissing you. When all else fails, simply run your fingers over your lips.



Laughter makes everything better. If he says something funny, make sure to laugh or at least smile in order to show him that you're enjoying the conversation. If he doesn't think that you like him, then all of that sexual tension will disappear.


Play Fight

Arguing with him about something silly is a great way to increase sexual tension. So when he claims that cats are the best pet, list off all the reasons why he's wrong. Just don't get carried away and turn the playful fight into an actual one.


Play fighting is a great way to increase sexual tension between you and your crush. It can be a fun way to flirt and show that you are comfortable enough with each other to joke around. Play fighting can be a lighthearted way to banter and show off your wit.

When play fighting, it’s important to keep it light and not let it escalate into a real fight. You can start by arguing about silly things like who has the better taste in music or which type of pet is the best. This can be a good way to show off your humor and intelligence.

The playful banter should be kept at a safe level and should not become too heated. If your crush takes it too far, politely let them know that you don’t want it to become an actual fight.

When play fighting, be sure to keep it fun and lighthearted. Don’t bring up serious topics or anything that could be interpreted as an insult. This could make your crush feel uncomfortable and put a damper on the mood.


Play with Your Hair

Guys like to see girls play with their hair, which is why we commonly use it as a way to flirt. Plus, it's a great way to release all of that nervous energy that you have while talking to your crush.


Playing with your hair is an age-old gesture used to flirt and increase sexual tension between two people. It's a subtle way to draw attention to yourself and your femininity. The gesture is especially effective when done around your crush or someone you're interested in, as it can be used to signal interest and create a sense of intimacy.

When done correctly, playing with your hair can be a powerful tool for flirting. It can be used to show off your hair, draw attention to your face, and make you look more attractive. It can also be used to show off your neck, which is a major erogenous zone.

Playing with your hair can also be used to show off your confidence. By doing so, you're demonstrating that you're comfortable in your own skin and that you're not afraid to be yourself. This can be incredibly attractive to your crush and help to create a sense of connection between the two of you.


Tiny Compliments

Don't shower him with huge compliments that show how into him you are. Instead of telling him that you love the abs you can see through his shirt, tell him that you like the way his shirt looks on him. It's one of the most simple and effective ways to build sexual tension.

Although there are many ways to increase sexual tension between you and your crush, it ultimately comes down to personal choice. You have to do what you're comfortable with, while making sure your crush will be comfortable as well. What do you do to build sexual tension?

This article was written in collaboration with editor Holly Riordan.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

hey....I've a problem...plzz help me guys actually 5 months back..i had a breakup with my boyfriend although it was a serious relationship from my side...but i don't know whether he was serious or not...i still luv him n he says that he is confused about his feelings...he sometimes calls me nd when i ask him the reason he says he was missing me...my friends say he wants to take advantage of my body...but the way he stares in my eyes i feel he still luvs me....i want him back....because i love him a lot....plzz help me out plzzz

Hey! I have known this one guy through a friend for about a year now but I have never realy full on talked to him. Lately we have been talking more and hanging out. We are friends now and we know eachother alot better than we did before, but I can't tell if he likes me. He is nice and thoughtful and sometimes I ketch him staring at me, but I'm worried he might just be being nice. He sits close to me when he can, he eats lunch with me and listens to me when I talk. He is so sweet and I really like him :)

Well i met this guy a few months back, and it was really obvious that we were attracted to each other. I was in a bad place so we kinda stopped talking for a little. Just recently, we started talking again. It's obviously not like it uses to be, but he still makes time for me. We bumped into each other at the mall and we got to talk! Just the other day i invited him to a friends house to swim and when i told him hed be the only guy there and he told me that he didnt want to leave me hanging! He seems a little interested, touchy and he likes to trease me! What do i do?

i love my friend, thanks for your great advice. love, abbie x

I'm crushing on my bosses nephew :/ I'm pretty sure he likes me back cause he's been hanging out with me and stuff :) it's just when we work together there is so much sexual tension already there because we flirt so much but he's never going to really act on it because he doesn't want to be unprofessional and I respect that, I respect him too. I really like him though.. How do I get him to man up?? Or should I wait ??

i'm in a very confusing place. lookily, allwomenstalk helped me get out of it, and back into the real world. I'm now happily unsingle!

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