7 Ways to Behave with Your Crush when You Are in a Group ...


7 Ways to Behave with Your Crush when You Are in a Group ...
7 Ways to Behave with Your Crush when You Are in a Group ...

Crushing on a guy is hard enough when you're by yourself, but when you're in a group of people, it's even more difficult. How do you handle yourself in that situation? You want to come off well, you don't want to do anything to embarrass yourself or your crush; certainly, there are special rules of etiquette for this situation, although they often remain elusive. Don't worry, though, because here are several ways to behave with your crush when you are in a group. Pay attention to these, and you'll get that boy yet!

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1. Be Confident

All guys love someone confident, so that's definitely one way to behave with your crush when you are in a group. It's easy to get lost in the crowd, to be quiet and unassuming, but if you're confident in yourself without being overbearing, it will take you far. Contribute to the conversation, join in the fun, but as you can see, you have to be careful there as well--


Confidence is key when it comes to catching your crush's attention in a group setting. Not only does it show that you are comfortable in your own skin, but it also makes you stand out in the crowd. However, it's important to strike a balance and not come off as too overbearing. Instead, contribute to the conversation, join in the fun, and showcase your unique personality. This will not only make you more attractive to your crush, but it will also help you feel more confident and comfortable in the group dynamic. Remember, being yourself is always the best approach when trying to impress someone.

2. Don't Hog All the Attention

Attention whores are unattractive in general. Nobody likes someone who tries to hog all of the attention and be in the center spotlight all the time. It's unappealing to men and women, boys and girls alike. When you're in a group of people, it can be tempting to make yourself stand out, but you can do that without trying to force your crush to pay attention to you by taking over every subject and bringing every conversation back around to yourself.


When you're in a group with your crush, it's important to remember not to hog all the attention. It's natural to want to stand out and make sure your crush notices you, but it's important to do it in a subtle way. Trying to take over every conversation and bring it back to yourself will only make you seem desperate and unattractive. Instead, make sure to give others a chance to speak and participate in the conversation.

Show your crush that you're confident and that you have interesting things to talk about, without trying to take over the conversation. Ask questions and be genuinely interested in what others have to say. Show your crush that you're a good listener and that you care about what they have to say.

It's also important to make sure you don't monopolize your crush's attention. If you're in a group, make sure to give other people a chance to talk to them. Show your crush that you can be confident and independent, without needing to be the center of attention.

Frequently asked questions

It's all about being yourself and being confident. Try to find common topics or things everyone can talk about. You don't have to be the center of attention, just contribute to the conversation naturally.

Sometimes people feel more comfortable in group settings. It's less pressure. Try to see if there’s a chance to have one-on-one moments, but don’t take it personally if it's mainly in groups for now.

Absolutely! A friendly wave is a great way to acknowledge them without making it a big deal. It's casual and shows you're happy to see them.

Standing close could be a sign that they’re interested or comfortable around you. Body language speaks volumes, so take it as a positive sign but also ensure it doesn’t make you uncomfortable.

It can feel really disheartening, but sometimes people act differently when they have feelings for someone. Try to give it some time and see if the behavior changes. You can also casually bring it up if it continues to bother you.

3. Talk to Everyone

Making sure you're friendly with everyone is another way to behave with your crush when you are in a group. By singling out your crush and not really focusing on anyone else, you're going to out yourself, plus you'll make him or her uncomfortable. However, by paying attention to everyone in the group, you're showing that you're social, nice, all encompassing, and that you enjoy being part of a group.


Engaging with everyone ensures a more relaxed atmosphere and helps to keep your interactions with your crush subtle and natural. Not to mention, it also gives you the opportunity to shine as someone who is confident and inclusive. The conversation may naturally flow such that you can show off your sense of humor or shared interests without it feeling forced. Maintaining a balanced dynamic within the group also prevents any possible feelings of jealousy or exclusion, which can only work in your favor in the long run.

4. Try Not to Be Obvious

Clearly, focusing solely on your crush would be a bit too obvious. You definitely want to avoid acting obvious, because that's going to be embarrassing for the both of you. Smiling at or occasionally making eye contact with your crush is perfectly acceptable. What you don't want to do is spend the whole time making moon eyes at him or her, giving caresses, getting jealous when your crush talks to anyone else, and so on.

5. Have a Good Time

If you're having a good time, it puts you in a great like. Don't let yourself feel awkward or uncomfortable just because your crush is there. That will bleed out into the rest of your behavior, and before you know it, everyone's going to know you're not having a nice time and they're going to wonder why – possibly out loud. Plus, you may end up looking like a wallflower or a spoil sport, which won't bode well.

6. Be Open

Another way to behave with your crush when you are in a group is to be honest and open. You can be yourself while still keeping to the other points, as long as you act naturally. There are little ways you can let your crush know you're feeling him or her, without drawing the attention of the entire group or embarrassing either of you.

7. Act Mature

The best way to act around your crush, whether you're in a group or not, is to be mature. A lot of giggling, pointing, whispering to others while pointedly looking at your crush, is going to be uncomfortable for both of you. You don't need to play coy like that; being yourself will serve you much better.

It's important to know the right ways to behave with your crush when you are in a group, because group settings can be hard. Just remember that you don't need to vie for his or her attention or steal the spotlight; both of those may turn off your crush. How do you handle this particular dilemma?

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If a guy French kisses you but you were previously friends what does it mean? I know it sounds like a stupid ? But... Ya

okay im 16 and just met a guy named pete,i tlked about this in the other blog,my friend inturduced me to him and ive only tlked to him on facebook and texting ,i havnt met him yet but me and like 4 otherr ppl plus pete are going to the parade satuday and im nervous because he hangs out with the "cool people" because alot of his couzins are cool but i dont want his cousins to be a bad influence like and say im not pretty enough and like i jus dont really want them there but i mean my friend told him that i was gonna get with pete and she was gonna get with petes friend,that was the "plan" but i asked him about it and all he said was '"yeah she told me about it " like he didnt seem like he wanted to, and also i know we havnt even met yet but i feel the connection with him just by talking and texting him,he has alot of other (girls that are friends) that are pretty and ya know they tlk to him .as u can tell im not that confidint,but im trying lol.he also told my friend that i was pretty and he liked me .but he has never told me,also i said to him that i wanted to go ice skating, and he said yeah we should,than i said awh we should! and he said we should invite a whole bunch of ppl, when he said that my heart dropped bc it was like saying he didnt want to go with me but anyway please comment back :)

So there is this guy who is in a few of my classes and he always talks to me, and flirts with me and says hi to me in the halls, but he never talks to me outside of school so i cant tell if he likes me or not. Maybe it is just harmless flirting and he means nothing by it but he is also pretty shy so he might just be scared to do anything more. What do you think?

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