Still Hungry? 10 Best Foods for Not Being Hungry between Meals ...


Still Hungry? 10 Best Foods for Not Being Hungry between Meals ...
Still Hungry? 10 Best Foods for Not Being Hungry between Meals ...

You may think that going all day without eating in between those meals is perfect for losing weight, but in all honesty, you do need to have snacks in between those meals. It is not good for you to get extremely hungry all the time.

Do you know why? Because starving yourself can eventually lead to over-eating. Below, I am going to give you a list of 10 best foods for not being hungry between meals. Hold on, it gets even better… all the things in the list I am about to give you contain only two hundred calories or less. They are also pretty healthy and many of them will give you more energy.

So, enjoy, girls!

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Caffe Latte

First, I would like to list some stuff that comes to Starbucks (the very popular coffee shop). Let’s first talk about the hot stuff from Starbucks. Do you know that Brewed Coffee? Well, it only has 5 calories in it. Going up a bit more calories, you have the Nonfat Caffe Latte, which is only 120 calories.


Coffee Frappuccino

Let’s talk about the cold stuff now…The Coffee Frappuccino Blended Coffee is great and it only contains 190 calories.

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Starbucks Perfect Oatmeal

Yes, girls and guys, they called it perfect. They are so sure of themselves, aren’t they? Well, this is why I decided to give it a try and I must say, all kudos go their way. They really do deserve those bragging rights. I was impressed by the warm cup of oatmeal that they offered. You could even select your toppings, including dried fruits, brown sugar and nut medley. All of this for $2.45. It only contains 140 calories. It also have 4 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein.


Brown Rice

If you have access to a microwave or a stove, then try having one cup of brown rice.



1 cup of any type of melon is also a great choice. And you can get a ready to go one in any Publix or Whole Foods - a healthy snack in 3 minutes - how cool is that?
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1 banana would be great. Many of us are able to fit a banana in our purses. If it cannot fit into your tini-tiny clutch, then it will surely fit into your car! I myself have plenty of stuff at the back seat, including a couple of bananas and a bottle of water - just in case.


Clif ZBar

Clif ZBar is supposed to be something that is for kids, but I find that it is just the right side of me. It is organic and only have 120 calories in it and is packed with vitamins. It does not have any high-fructose corn syrup or trans-fat in it.


Balance Bar

Another great bar is the Balance Bar 100 Calorie Bars. This crispy bar is only 100 calories and is packed full of energy. You can easily fit it in your purse. It has 5 grams of fiber and one hundred percent of your daily antioxidants. It also have vitamins C and E in it.



Strawberries are not only a delicacy, but they make a great snack and will keep that hunger away. Mixing them in with milk (if you have access) is also a great idea. If you want something to carry in your purse, then try some dried strawberries.


Juice + Crackers

An 8 oz can of reduced sodium V8 juice with six whole wheat crackers always gets the job done here. Besides, it is a very healthy snack.

Now that I told you what snacks I like carrying around, would you tell me what snacks you are carrying around? Do you know how many calories are in them? Feel free to share what your favorite snack is…
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i carry with me Austin Peanut Butter Cracker and it contains only 80 calories. a package contains 6 crackers the other snack i carry with myself is Fit&Active cereal bar it contains 140 calories and they have strawberry,blueberry,and apple cinnamon flavor

No problem Sheila. glad to be of any help :) Some days ago I tried for breakfast some chopped banana and plain low fat youghart which wase really good! It kept me till lunch something which not always happens lol!! I suggest you try some fresh fruit with youghart if not banana!

Great suggestions!!. May I add, 10 almonds and a glass of water, will make feel full, and hold you over until meal time.

Some almonds and raisans should be great too. And as a Breakfast I eat All-Bran which contains 102g of Carbohidrates and 19% Fibre. I suggest you try it & thanks for the Posts Melanie

Wow I love those!! You're going to make me try that tonight for sure!

I really enjoyed reading this! Often we go through our day without remembering to eat something between meals and as the hunger builds, we find ourselves eating more than we should come meal time. Thanks for the suggestions!

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