10 Ultimate Rules for Losing Weight Fast ...


10 Ultimate Rules for Losing Weight Fast ...
10 Ultimate Rules for Losing Weight Fast ...

It’s been a long, hot summer, and I for one am glad to be putting my bikini in winter storage. If you’re like me, you didn’t lose that pesky five pounds like you meant to this summer, and the idea of a hard-core diet or work-out is the furthest thing from your mind.

But we can still look great for those holiday parties, which are now exactly 11 weekends away, without sacrificing that hot cider, Halloween candy, and mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving, right? So** here's how**, girls:

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Drink Lots of Water

The average adult ought to be drinking 64 ounces (or 8 small glasses) of water every day, but most of us don’t even come close to that. Carry a bottle of water with you everywhere you go, and drink from it often, and not only will you lose a few pounds, your skin will glow, too. Don't think it'll work? Then you just've got to read these 10 Ways How Water Helps You to Lose Weight …


Eat Your 5 Servings of Fruits and Veggies Every Day

We all know an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but five servings of fruits and veggies will keep the “muffin top” away. Instead of grabbing a bag of chips for lunch, try baby carrots or fresh green beans. Need more fruit-veggy ideas? Make sure you take a look at this 50 Healthiest Foods: An Ultimate Grocery Shopping List for Losing Weight. I always cary a printed version in my bag, you know, to make sure I get my family the healthiest and most beneficial food there is.


Watch Your Portion Size

Remember, a serving of chicken or beef shouldn’t be any larger than the size of a deck of cards, not as big as a dinner plate. At the beginning of a meal, cut out the right size portion, and eat only that. Take the rest home for lunch the next day. BTW, small blue plates go as #1 must-have in the 10 Things You Need for Fast Weight Loss list.


Leave a Little Room for Dessert

It’s completely unreasonable to take all the joy out of eating. If you’re craving a Butterfinger instead of broccoli, indulge in a baby-sized candy bar once in a while. It’s okay. Or better yet, check out these 10 Delicious Desserts with Least Calories to see what you can treat yourself too on those days when you are being a good girl! (;


Take the Stairs

A little exercise can go a long way. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, and park as far away as you can. Like these ideas? Check out these 10 Ways to Burn More Calories during the Day that might just save you from going to the gym at night!


Watch out for Sugary Drinks

Experts say by cutting out one soft drink per day, you can cut out more than 90,000 calories in a year. Watch out for sugar-filled sports drinks and juices, too. Try bottled water instead. Not yet persuaded? Read more about sodas in 7 Fastest Ways to Lose Weight …


Keep a Food Journal

Once you start recording everything you eat in a day, you’ll be surprised how easy it is to see where you can make improvements in your eating habits. Five straight days of grabbing a cheese Danish and a venti Mocha for breakfast, with Doritos and a Diet Coke for lunch? Really? If you have never done it before, check out these tips by our experienced weight loser and fellow-blogger Katie to make sure you get your food journal right: 12 Tips on How to Keep a Food Journal …


Find a Diet Buddy

Who wants to walk around the block or hit the gym alone? Find a work-out buddy with similar goals, and encourage each-other.


Read Labels

I know those nutrition information labels can be confusing, but there are a few really obvious things on those labels to look out for. Keep an eye on the fat, sugar, and high fructose corn syrup. Not sure how exactly to do that? Then read these easy 10 Tips on How to Read Food Labels and shop like a pro the next time you go to your grocery's!


Find Alternatives

If you’re a fast-food junkie and just can’t bear to part with your beloved Taco Bell, find a healthier alternative to the Chalupa and Gordita. How about a fresco-style chicken or steak soft taco instead?

Keep these healthy-eating tips in mind **and you’ll rock that slinky red velvet dress by the time the office holiday party rolls around. And if you hold onto these new habits, you won’t even need to worry about **next year’s bikini season.

What have I left out? If you have a weight loss tip that’s worked for you, please share!
Other Great Healthy Weight Loss Tips:
Tips on Losing Weight:

12 Best Ways to Lose Weight …
23 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight …
5 Weight Loss Programs That Worked for Me …
10 Easy Weight Loss Rules You Must Know …

12 Easy Ways Not to Put Weight during Holidays …
The “Real” Weight Loss Secret of the Stars …
How to Lose 12 Pound in 30 Days …
10 Ways How Water Helps You to Lose Weight …

5 Tips on Eating Often and Losing Weight …
10 Things You Will Need for Fast Weight Loss …
12 Best Ways To Lose Stomach Fat Fast …

Tips on Dieting:

10 Most Popular Diets - Have You Been on One ..?
11 Tips on How to Keep to Your Diet…
10 Delicious Desserts with Least Calories …
12 Delicious Low Calorie Foods …
7 Healthy Rules to Enjoy Red Meat …
10 Worst Foods for Your Hips …
Top 20 High Protein Foods …

5 Best Low Calorie Snacks …
50 Healthiest Foods: An Ultimate Grocery Shopping List for Losing Weight …
10 Tips on How to Read Food Labels …
12 Tips on How to Keep a Food Journal …
10 Tips on How to Read Food Labels …

10 Facts about How Colors Affect Your Appetite …
Top 15 High Calorie Recipes …
20 Ways to Put on Weight Fast …

Tips on Exercise:

10 Top Exercises to Lose Weight …
10 Ways to Burn More Calories during the Day…
3-Step Approach to Best Weight Loss Workouts …

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Hi .. I'm 21 and I really need to lose weight in my arms, thighs, and stomach. Please tell me the fastest way to do it.

i'm going to be 18 this year and i really wanted to lose weight in the fastest way. i,m 5ft2inches tall and 68kgs. i need to lose as much as 15-18kgs.how can i do it? please help me. i need to be thin by the end of the school year next year.

m very much worried i want to lose some weight...my bf want me to become slim n trim..plz suggest some tips or exercises which would help me to loose my weight within a month,,,i wud feel obliged if u help me out

I believe that psychological factors play an important rule in losing weight process thank you for the helpful data

Hai.. these tips are very useful to us. It helps us to reduce weights upto 10 kgs. We are very thankful to you. Thanks a lot.

cut your food portions in half

I have a hard time eating vegetables and fruits. I prefer to eat meat and milk products. I've been fighting this sugar addiction for more than 2 months now (seems like I'm winning) and I'm happy to see the results. My body retains a lot of water and lately I start drinking tea with lemon but without sugar.

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