6 Best Low Calorie Snacks ...


6 Best Low Calorie Snacks ...
6 Best Low Calorie Snacks ...

Snacking isn't always a bad thing. Studies show that eating three healthy meals and two snacks a day can actually help you lose weight. By eating every three hours, your metabolism will stay elevated and you will burn more calories. Also, healthy snacking will make you less likely to overeat during your regular meals.

Check out 5 Tips on Eating Often and Losing Weight … to see how it works.

Try the following snack ideas to keep you burning those calories:

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Dark Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries

Dark Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and we all know that fresh fruit is good for us. Melt 1 ounce of dark chocolate in a glass bowl and dip strawberries for a sweet decadent treat.

Calories: 150


Apples with Peanut Butter

Apples with Peanut Butter Apples are full of fiber and peanut butter is rich with protein and good monosaturated fats. 1 tbsp. of peanut butter and 1 medium apple.

Calories: 150


100 Calorie Sun Chips Do you love chips as much as I do? Then I've got great news for you! There are actually chips that are only 100 cal per serving and they taste amazing! Oh, and one more thing - unlike other snacks, a pack of Sun Chips will easily fit into your purse and you'll be able to take them wherever you go! Yummy, healthy and so mess-free! Love them!

Calories: 100
4. Veggies and Dip
100 Calorie Sun Chips You can’t go wrong with vegetables! Mix one packet of instant soup mix like Knorr’s vegetable soup, with 1 cup of low-fat plain yogurt. Try dipping pepper strips, celery or broccoli for a tasty healthy treat.

Calories: 150
5. Sassy Popcorn
100 Calorie Sun Chips Who would have thought that popcorn can be a healthy snack! But turns out this one is! It has no trans fat and even contains 5 grams of fiber per serving! Take this low-fat mini bag of delicious popcorn and jazz up the flavor by adding a little spoon of melted organic butter. I personally love Smart Food Popcorn Clusters with honey flavor, it's one of my all time favorite snacks!

Calories: 150


Healthy Tuna Sandwich

Healthy Tuna Sandwich Instead of mayo, try mixing in low-calorie dressing into tuna packed in water. Use a whole wheat pita pocket instead of traditional bread for the the extra fiber.

Calories: 150

And what are your favorite healthy snacks that keep you satisfied between meals?

This post is brought to you by Only In A Woman’s World.

Top Photo Credit: AmyLouPics
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Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

hey, i was wondering do you know a diet to loose 2 stone in about 3 months-6months because i will go on a diet if i can have my skinny body back! i was seiousy underweight 3 years ago, but because of that i quit my swimming club and that was my only exersize a week that i did sept walking and i kept to my diet i put on 3 stone and i'm now 9 stone AND I'M 13! My dad kepts putting me on diets he found becuase i used to be great a sport, now i'm a 'slow fat freak'(his words not mine) he doen't like my weight my my shape my mum and dad has got into huge arguements about me... my sisters super skinny best gymnastic person in her year, best sprinter so she teases me a lot as well! And i know, 'be yourself' BLAH BLAH! But personally i'll rather get skinny to get confindent then be myself thank you very much and I WANT TO BE ME AGAIN! i've basically got no friends because 'i'm ebarrsing' i'm the 3rd slowest in my year so HELLLLLPPPPPP! I do 20 sit ups a day, 30 things when you hold your butt in the air for a minute then down again, at least a 30 minute walk/jog, i drink discusting green tea and drink 9 bottles of water with 4 veggies/fruits a day, i've been doing this for 3 months and I'VE PUT ON WEIGHT!

the tuna sandwich sounds delishh ~ :D

YUM! These all sound DELICIOUS! Thanks for the wonderful tips. I'm definitely going to give the popcorn one a go soon!

Olive Tapenade with Cabbage or Bell Pepper Strips rocks my life... although lately I've been VERY obsessed with heinz reduced sugar ketchup with cabbage! ha ha!

hi! you said to dip the strawberries in the chocolate, and it will be something like 150 calories. but how many strawberries can i eat? (i'm talking about medium size strawberries) ? because i can eat like.. 10 or 15 strawberries- and it will be more than 150 calories!

this apple with peanut butter looks to be very tasty...and i could never think that its low calorie..!!!

OMG im 10 i need to try those chocalte strawberries things low carb yum

Apples with peanut butter - love, love, love it. I am a peanut butter aholic - depsite the fact that I have a *slight* allergy to it! :)

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