5 Best Weight Loss Programs ...


5 Best Weight Loss Programs ...
5 Best Weight Loss Programs ...

I'm always trying out new weight loss programs. I think that, between me and my friends, we've tried them all... Atkins, Sugar Busters, The Zone, Cabbage Soup Diet, Skier's Diet, Master Cleanse, and more! We've all learned from our weight-loss attempts that some work, some don't. Some I love and some I hate... So, here are my** five favorite weight loss programs** that I've seen be really the best!

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Weight Watchers ...

Weight Watchers ... Weight Loss: 1-3 pounds per week

Cost: Registration and weekly meeting fees vary by location, but average is $25-$35 to join and $13 a week. This does not include the cost of any food... just for meetings.

What I Think: I've been on Weight Watchers several times, and so have lots of my friends. Basically, you use a point system to determine how much you can eat each day. I think Weight Watchers is great for a lot of reasons. First of all, I love it because all foods are allowed... since there aren't any forbidden foods, I'm not tempted to cheat on those things I'm not supposed to have.

Also, a lot of companies are partnering with Weight Watchers, so they put the points right on the labels, which makes it easy for me to make the right choices. Also, saving points is really neat... I have saved points for the weekend before if I knew we were going out to eat somewhere great.

But, the downside of this program for me was the point calculations... I had to carry the little booklet and paper calculator in my purse all the time, and keeping up with the points got confusing for me. Also, the weight loss on this program has always been slow (but steady) for me and my friends... between one and three pounds a week. Learn more at the Weight Watchers website.


NutriSystem ...

NutriSystem ... **Weight Loss: **3-5 pounds per week

Cost: $10 per day, or about $300 per month, for food program, plus cost of extra food like produce.

**What I Think: **My husband and I went on NutriSystem a few years ago before I had my daughter, and we had a lot of success using it! My husband lost 20 pounds, and I lost 35 pounds... which of course I gained back when I got pregnant! What I loved about this program was the convenience, convenience, convenience!

All your breakfasts, lunches, dinner entrees, and snacks are shipped to you each month, and everything is microwaveable. It was so super easy to stick to this diet... all we did was add a little milk, fruit, and salad in addition to the prepackaged food, and we were done! It was also really easy to stick to it at work because it was so easy to grab and go with the little microwaveable meals.

The downsides for us were that you really can't go out to eat... there was no way for us to really stick to the plan at a restaurant. Also, we thought it was a little expensive... it was about $800 for both of us by the time we ordered two boxes of food and bought produce and dairy at the store. Read more about it at NutriSystem.

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Jenny Craig ...

Jenny Craig ... Weight Loss: 1-2 pounds per week

**Cost: **$359 per year membership, plus cost of food (between $12-$18 per day)

**What I Think: **I tried Jenny Craig one time, and I did lose about 15 pounds on it. Jenny Craig is a program very similar to NutriSystem where you eat prepackaged foods mixed with some fresh items. You also go to meet with a counselor, kind of like Weight Watchers.

I liked the food in the Jenny Craig program... some of the frozen entrees were really, really good. I loved the cheesecake! I also thought the vitamin supplements were really healthful, too. Bottom line on this program? I thought it was too expensive to only lose one pound a week.

It does work, and I did lose weight on it, but it took me about three months to lose fifteen pounds, and I really don't need to pay a big fee for that kind of weight loss. I've had several friends that have been on Jenny Craig, and they've all had the same results, but two of my girlfriends just love the program and wouldn't do anything else. Read about it yourself at Jenny Craig.

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Medifast ...

Medifast ... Weight Loss: 4-7 pounds per week

**Cost: **$275 per month

**What I Think: **I tried Medifast for only about a month after I had my daughter, and I lost seventeen pounds during that month. Medifast is similar to NutriSystem in that you order prepackaged foods and you don't have to go to meetings. I liked Medifast because it allowed me to eat several small meals throughout the day.

I ate five Medifast meals, meaning prepackaged foods only, and one "lean and green meal", meaning a prepackaged entree with salad and/or vegetables. I liked eating the little meals every two to three hours because it kept me full, and I felt like I was getting a lot to eat. I also did lose about the average of what Medifast advertises... they say you can lose 15 - 30 pounds a month, and I probably could've lost more if I exercised.

Why did I quit Medifast? I really didn't have time to eat those six little meals once I went back to work after my maternity leave. I just couldn't squeeze in the little meals throughout my work day... so, I wound up skipping them, getting really hungry, and cheating on the plan. So, if you've got a job where you can make time to microwave your little meals three or four times during your work day (or if you don't work), Medifast would be something to think about. Check it out at Medifast's website.


Slim Fast ...

Slim Fast ... **Weight Loss: **3-5 pounds per week

**Cost: **Six cans of Slim Fast shakes cost around $8.00, so about $2.50 per day plus food.

**What I Think: **I've gone on Slim Fast several times throughout the past ten years. I really like the convenience and ease of the Slim Fast plan! What I do is drink a shake for lunch, a shake for dinner, a small snack (maybe a Slim Fast bar), and a sensible dinner. I like Slim Fast for a lot of reasons.

One, it has a lot of fiber in it, so it fills me up and keeps me regular! Also, it is so super easy for me to grab a shake and go... I love being able to drink that quick breakfast as I'm running out the door. Some of my friends think the shakes are gross and taste powdery, but I love the taste! The chocolate and vanilla are my favorites. Actually, now that I'm writing this review, I think I'll go back on Slim Fast!

There are a few drawbacks... I would get bored after a month or so of just drinking the shakes for lunch, and I'd want to eat what my friends were eating at the lunch table. Also, sometimes my sensible dinners were not so sensible! But, overall, I love Slim Fast, and many of my friends and I have lost weight on it. Learn more about it at Slim Fast.

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Okay, those are my five favorite weight loss programs. I've lost at least fifteen pounds on each of them, and I know they all work. Try one and see which you like best! Do you have a favorite program that I haven't tried? Post it below and I'll give it a shot!
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Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Have you tried Herbalife? I have a friend that lost 40 lbs in 3 1/2 months.

How to stop eating disorder I can't seem to control my diet and I'm lazy to exercise any tips

I've had amazing successes on weight watchers. I've lost 50 lbs in high school on that and pretty quickly two (maybe 5 months). But moved and became really depressed and gained my weight back. Its hard to get back on the wagon once you fall off because of the counting points and its easy to be like i'll start my counting tommorrow. They have the most handy calculator which is small and digital and the BEST tool for weight watchers. I tried Jenny too for a month, it was delicious food, but extremely expensive and I ended up quitting and losing my $250 sign up fee. I'm sure my parents loved that! I've decided to go program free and see if all i've read and learned will be enough to help me lose weight in itself so i have no points to count or money to waste. So far so good! I've been doing it this week and already lost 3.5lbs! My motivation is high! Also, for the girls who are willing to spend money. I've been to a weight loss camp for 5 years, that i seen such great weight loss from, check out new image camps, theyve been on MTV too. It's awesome, I'm trying to be a counselor there this summer, so i can follow their program and get paid for it : )Hope this helps.

Hi Nitisha, are you supplementing your exercise with a healthier diet? I suggest cutting back on fats and other junk food. Also, I think you should give your workout time to work. Real life is not exactly like the show "biggest loser" where the contestants lose considerable weight in a matter of weeks. Those people work extra harder than all of us the real world could ever imagine. Besides, they have no work. They only focus on losing weight. I suggest continuing going to the gym and eating healthier. :)

I really need to lose all my excess weight because i want to wow all my primary friends but its very hard! PLEASE HELP SOMEONE?

I found that the easiest way to loose weight was replacing foods you looooove with similar ones. For example...I'm a dummy for ice cream. Opt for Dreyers' fat free chocolate swirl icecream. And instead of those high in carb and calories waffles in the morning with a side of bacon and eggs... go for a BIG serving of egg-beaters (3 to 4 eggs) and lots of salsa with turkey bacon. If you start doing a little weight training (5 lbs. for 10 min. 3x a day) your body will thank you for all the lean protein. Instead of a sneaking a Frosty or milkshake during the day, make yourself a protein shake with fat free milk. Obliterate ALL coke and regular pepsi.. switch to Coke Zero. It will do wonders. Do splenda vs. sugar... I can go on and on. If you like bread, I got a secret recipe for an irish soda bread to die for, because it is made with FAT FREE sour cream. And that salad pasta, pssssh....there's fat free mayo that you can make it that makes it taste just as great. You may end up spending an extra $30 dollars a month of groceries just in getting the lower fat and lower cal substitutions, but believe me, it's the cheapest and easiest way to get your healthy life style going!

I bought the Lady Soma Detox after seeing the advert on TV, I read the reviews and after trying the Lady Soma Detox for a month I have just bought my second months supply. I've lost weight consistently and quickly, I've stuck to a calorie controlled diet sticking to about 1600 calories a day, you could say Id lose weight anyway but its dropped off, I've lost 16.2 kgs in 6 weeks (that's 2 stone 7 lbs). UPDATE: Its been 5 months since starting using these - I have now lost 30+ lbs, yes I had plenty to lose. . .

my mom (33) tried weight watchers and lost 49 pounds in a few months

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