5 How-to's of Losing Weight and Staying Healthy ...


5 How-to's of Losing Weight and Staying Healthy ...
5 How-to's of Losing Weight and Staying Healthy ...

Something must be terribly wrong with conventional advice on “healthy dieting”. Millions of American women embrace a fat-free or vegetarian lifestyle, exercise vigorously, count calories, and… wind up succumbing to obesity, diabetes, depression, and a whole host of other degenerative diseases.

One of the big reasons we’re seeing more obesity in our society these days is that we are too stressed and busy to make healthy dinners at home, often opting to get fast food at the nearest drive-thru instead. Fast foods compromise the quality of the diet by replacing more healthy foods. Fast foods are known for having high content of saturated and trans-fat, low content of fiber and massive portion sizes, which leads to obesity.

- HealthAssist

Dieting Myths …
We are advised to eat foods, which are generally antagonistic to the human metabolism and make us look soggy and flabby:

• grains
• newfangled vegetable oils
• fibre

On top of that, restriction of healthy animal fats in the diet and over exercising:

Remember, certain fats are essential components of the human body. Essential fats make up the outer coating of nerve cells and form the basis of many hormones in the body - including the sex hormones. We need these lipids (a medical term for fats), but not the fat cells deposited in all the wrong places. So you can see that some fats are absolutely essential for a healthy body. You can eat certain fats in your diet, and at the same time remove the unsightly bulges of storage fat around your waist and hips.

- Healthy and Quick Weight Loss and Diet Tips

• facilitate the process of tear and wear of your body
• deprive us of essential fat-soluble vitamins
• increase our risk of plunging into depression.

Women’s hormones and fat cells are extremely sensitive to carbohydrates and oils - this is why, if we follow conventional advise, we tend to gain weight easily and have such a hard time trying to shed extra pounds.

Avoid any carbohydrate that is - or can be - white. The following foods are thus prohibited, except for within 1.5 hours of finishing a resistance-training workout of at least 20 minutes in length: bread, rice, cereal, potatoes, pasta, and fried food with breading. If you avoid eating anything white, you’ll be safe.

- How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days…

5 Healthy Dieting How-To’s that Work …

To break this vicious circle, we should return to traditional foods and fats. Lose weight, boost our health, and say “NO” to orthodox dieting by following these 5 reliable strategies:

1. Eat organic meat, fish, eggs, cultured dairy products, and some fruit and veggies.

An apple a day keeps the cancer away. Regular consumption of apples can block many types of cancer and act as a general health-booster. Apples can reduce appetite and even lower your cholesterol.

- Remedicated

Check out 50 Healthiest Foods: An Ultimate Grocery Shopping List for Losing Weight … to know what to put into your cart next time you are in the store.

2. Eliminate grains, potatoes, cheap vegetable oils, junk food, and excessive fibre from your diet.

3. Eat liberal amounts of organic coconut oil and natural butter - you need them for your youthful skin and alert mind.

Eat more ‘non-animal’ based oils like coconut, olive, walnut, flax, and hemp. Fats from game animals are acceptable for all of you hunters out there. Fish oils (high in Omega 3 fatty acids) have also been shown to have a positive effect on blood sugar.

- New Research

4. Stop counting calories - the theory of calories is a myth and it does not work.

5. Every day, engage in some moderate physical activity (walking, yoga, or Pilates).

Hit your local gym and perform some light exercises. You will soon start feeling relaxed and full of energy, all because you have successfully burned a lot of your body fat!

- Overweight People Blog

Just follow these** 5 Simple How-To’s** and see how amazingly they work. Oh, and please do not forget to tell your best friend about this so that you can go shopping together for clothes of a smaller size for slimmer, healthier, and happier YOU! ;)

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50 Healthiest Foods: An Ultimate Grocery Shopping List for Losing Weight …

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