23 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight ...


23 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight ...
23 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight ...

Everybody wants to know the best ways to lose weight the healthy way, but it can be hard to know which tips actually work.

At first I used to get confused about what I should follow and what I should ignore, so I've decided to try myself all the healthy weight loss tips I read about in magazines and online. And as a result, through trying and experimenting, I finally figured out which weight loss**** ways actually work! And which don't ...

So, here they are - the 20 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight that worked for me. Try them and see if they will be as effective for you!

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1. Always Combine Diet with Exercise, Don’t Prioritize One over the Other ...

When you gradually reduce the number of calories in your diet while still getting the nutrition that your body needs – and combining it with exercise – you'll have better chances of losing weight the healthy way.

2. It Takes Small Steps at a Time to Take That Big Leap ...

If you always succumb to the temptation of downing a cup of hot, rich chocolate drink in the evenings – the pounds will easily add up within a year. Try cutting off habits like these out of your diet – and you'll be amazed at the results that you will get.

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3. Increase Your Level of Physical Exertion ...

When you increase your exercising and combine it with a good diet, you are most likely to be successful in losing weight. Park your car a couple of blocks away from your destination and walk the rest of the way – it'll do you good. Have sex** **more often, do step-ups in between commercials while watching your favorite show instead of munching on popcorn ...

4. Exercise for an Hour a Day ...

Pick an exercise that you enjoy, and make sure that you are doing it right. I vary mine, so that i don’t get bored. See which of these 10 Top Exercises to Lose Weight … will be best for you.

5. Eat Three Healthy Meals a Day ...

Make sure that the three main meals of the day contain the essential nutrients and food groups that you need every day. Include breakfast, which is often forgotten.

6. Fruit and Vegetables ...

Liven up dull meals with fruit and veggies, and you’ll also be much closer to meeting your five a day! Try adding strawberries to breakfast, or peppers to your sandwich. I take a sliced apple to work with me, to stop me snacking and to increase how much fruit I eat. Check out 50 Healthiest Foods: An Ultimate Grocery Shopping List for Losing Weight … to see which fruit and veggies to get next time you are in the store.

7. Weigh Yourself Regularly ...

This helps you see that your efforts are working, but it’s important that you don’t obsess about the numbers. Once a week will be adequate, and if you feel that you are becoming a little too focused on your weight, stop for a few weeks.

8. Watch What You Buy ...

If you have a house full of crisps and chocolate, there will be temptation everywhere. Cut them out of your shopping list. I find that if I have to make a special journey to get some chocolate, I’m more likely to just eat something that I already have, which is probably healthier!

9. Make Exercise Social ...

Plan a family bike ride, or play Frisbee with your friends. It will be both fun and exercise at the same time!

10. Eat the Healthy Foods First ...

Eat low calorie and healthy foods first, so that when it comes to the more fattening options you are less hungry.

Other Top Weigh Loss Posts:

10 Easy Weight Loss Rules You Must Know …
23 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight …

5 Best Low Calorie Snacks …
8 Ways to Get Fit Without Going to the Gym …

11. Pay attention to portions ...
I'm terrible with this, and so I've found that letting my boyfriend serve the food means that I don’t snack before it's served! Remember that everything you eat counts, so if you’ve eaten a lot before dinner, have a smaller amount. Read more on the portions and the kind of plates to use in 7 Fastest Ways to Lose Weight...

12. Be Active ...

I always wash my car at home, rather than taking it to the car wash. As well as saving money, it burns calories and it’s great fun too!

13. Eat Meals Together ...

When you are having a meal with someone, you are more likely to talk, and the longer you eat and talk, the earlier you feel full without eating too much.

14. Always eat from a bowl or plate, so that you can see how much you are eating ...

I noticed that I can eat a huge popcorn in the movies and still go to get some desert afterwards, but I can hardly finish a bowl of pop corn when I watch a movie at home. I think when you actually see how much food you are eating, you are more likely to feel full faster.

15. Regularly Vary Your Activities, so You Don’t Get Bored ...

We all know what we are not likely to lose much weight the healthy way without exercise, but we also know how boring the exercise routine might get. So what I do, is I weekly change the order of the exercises, and the music I am doing them to, just to keep things fresh and more exciting. And it works! :)

16. De Stress ...

Develop strategies that calm you down before you get to the stage that you need ‘cheering up’, as you are likely to do this with food. I take a few minutes every four hours to breathe deeply and calm myself down. Listening to some favorite music or looking at your favorite photos where you were happy helps a lot too! If you have time on your hands, try one of these methods: 5 Things for a Stress Free Life …

17. Eat at Home ...

Well, first of all it's cheaper, and second of all, you will hardly find a restaurant that would serve you healthy organic food. And the last, but not least, when eating at home, you can make your portion as small as you like, as those huge dishes they serve in the restaurant do not really help us lose weight, do they?

18. Plan Healthy Snacks ...

I find that if I take a healthy low calorie snack to work, yogurt or fruit, for instance, I’m much less likely to buy chocolate from the vending machine.

19. Pick a High Fiber Breakfast Cereal, as This Will Fill You up for Longer ...

And try to have as much fiber as you possibly can, it cleans out our digestive system, so the more of it you have the better!

20. Take a Ten Minute Stroll during Your Lunch Hour ...

Or better yet, go for a little slow walk after lunch. This will keep your metabolism going, and i find that it stops me feeling tired early afternoon too!

21. Plan Your Week’s Meal in Advance, so You Aren’t Tempted by Take-aways ...

This way you will be able to do your groceries knowing what exactly you'll be having each day. Which means, there will be less spoiled products at the end of the week and you won't have to run to the grocery store in the middle of the week for something you suddenly decided to have.

22. Distract Yourself from Cravings ...

I noticed that watching a favorite sitcom or flipping through fashion magazines with tones of skinny gorgeous models helps the most. I also treat myself to a cappuccino or a latte when I get a chocolate craving and it always goes away. 

23. Reward yourself ...

Make sure that you reward yourself when you lose weight, but not with food! Try new clothes, accessories, salon treatments or an outing with friends. Buying new beauty products as a treat works best for me!

So, now that you know my 20 best tips, your weight loss should go much smoother and healthier! Make sure you still use them when you get to your target, as it’s easy to slip into old habits.

Do you have a healthy dieting tip that’s always worked for you? I’d love to hear it!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

hi im 12 years old about 4'9 4'10 and i weight 141 and people alwas be calling me fat and stuff i realy need help lossing weight please PLEASE help

hi, im 13 and a half years old and i weigh 64 kilos by 6 months i wanna lose 5 kilos how do i do it? thankyou so much and please please help me

im trying to drop 3-4 dress sizes,, i eat healthy, and am finding the exercise im doing is comming to no avail. am i better off doing exercise in the mornings for 40mins rather than at evening? and anyone got any tips on breathing while doing jogging? thankies

I am 5 ft 2

Hello. MY name is Jade and i have seriously tried to lose wieght for a couple of years now. I'm 19 and everything i try just doesn't help. I'm really fussy with food and even when i do eat well and workout 5 times a week, i see nothing. It is really depressing me now, i really really need help :( Thanks.

Hey, for all you girls out there who think your fat or feel self consious about yourself i know it sucks and its tough not to want to be the little tiny girl, but most of us are just regular if you put your info into a BMI calculator. Also remember you shouldn't want to lose weight to make a guy like you or so your as tiny as a model you should want to lose weight so your healthier and feel better about yourself! I'm 15 5'6 and 136 lbs. 1 month ago i weighed 148! My tips to weight loss are 1. cut portion sizes in half 2. don't eat bread, cereal or pastas 3. for lunch have a salad befor you eat your meal that way you are already basically full 4. Freeze marshmallows and snack on them when you get hungry 5. eat protein for breakfast 6. don't eat after 5 pm 7. SLEEP!!! is the biggest thing! you lose weight when you sleep so shut off your phones you need at least 8-10 hours of sleep every night 8. Avoid eating out and sweets (ps i know its hard but after a while you feel way better) 9. Chew sugar free gum you always feel full but your not getting an real carbs 10. Drink lots of fluids but remember that lots of "good" drinks have calories so go for water, teas and milk If you really want to lose weight this is a healthy way you don't get saggy skin, you aren't starving yourself and your eating habits will be improved for a lifetime. The first few days its kind of tough and you feel hungry but before your first week is up you will feel better.

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