10 Things You Can do at School to Lose Weight ...


10 Things You Can do at School to Lose Weight ...
10 Things You Can do at School to Lose Weight ...

Play Sports

There are many sports that you can play. If you are in a school that has sports teams, then try signing up for some. If you are a girl, then you may not feel comfortable signing up to be on the football team. For you, you could try soccer or girls softball. Check with your office to get a list of the sports you can join in school…

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Park at the End of the Parking Lot

Instead of searching around for thirty minutes to find a parking spot that is right at the entrance of the school, try parking at the end of the parking lot. This will also save you time and gas from trying to search for a “close” parking lot. By parking at the end of the parking lot, you will be walking further, which is a great workout.


Walk around

A lot. When you are at school, walk around as much as you can. During the next class, instead of taking that short cut, take the long way. Don’t stop and chat with your friends, keep walking and keep that steady pace.


Exercise during the Break

When you get a break, feel free to exercise - even simply stretches will help you burn some calories!


Take Health Snacks with You

Instead of taking that bag of Doritos and Cheetos or eating out during snack/lunch time, take some healthy snacks with you. Healthy snacks include fresh fruits and vegetables as well as oats.


Walk to School

If you do not live far from school, then walk to school. This will definitely give you the workout you need to lose weight.


Eat a Healthy Breakfast before School

Before school, you should always eat a healthy breakfast. Many skip breakfast simply because they think not eating will help them lose weight. This is not true. You need that healthy breakfast in order to give you that energy.


Jog Home

If you walk to school, then jog home. That jog will definitely give you the workout you need. To make things a bit more interesting, try timing yourself each day and see if you can beat it. Remember, do not push yourself too hard on this one. Overall, it is a great cardio workout.


Drink a Lot of Water

The body needs water and drinking water to lose weight is a great idea. When you do this, it will not only help you to lose weight, but it will help you to stay hydrated, which is just what you need.


Be Active during P.E

When it is time to spend some time with the couch, then you should be active. We have seen many skip P.E. simply because it is boring or tiring. It is what you make it. This is a great time for you to get out and do some exercises to help you lose weight. This is great for high school students…

Are there any things that I have not added to this list that you are doing in order to lose weight at school? Do you have any other ideas? If so, please help by telling me…

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Wooww if only I followed up some of these tips when I was in school, maybe I wouldn't have gotten so chubby. Thanks god I opend my mind after!! LOL + I tatally hated PE!!!!!

I could not agree more plus it is a fun way to meet people! xoxo sc

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