13 Ways to Slow down Metabolism ...


13 Ways to Slow down Metabolism ...
13 Ways to Slow down Metabolism ...

We have all heard about speeding up the metabolism, but have you thought about slowing it down?

I know you might think why would anyone want to have a slower metabolisms? Well, people who are too thin would like to know some ways to slow it down. And if you are one of them and you need to slow your metabolism down, then I have posted 13 tips that hopefully will be very useful…

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Exercise Less Intensely ...

In order to get a slower metabolism, you may want to cut down on the activity significantly. By working out a bit less, you will be able to slow your metabolism down. But don't give up completely, you body needs to exercise!


Avoid Metabolic Activating Foods ...

A lot of studies have shown that adding spices to food can give a jump start to the metabolism. There are other claims that show that foods packed with high protein could have the same effect. You need to avoid those metabolic activating foods in order to get a slower metabolism.


Foods That Slow the Metabolism ...

Eating foods that stall the metabolism is a great idea. There are many foods that can do this. Those foods include fatty foods, junk foods and foods that are high in carbohydrates.


Increase the Caloric Intake ...

Eating more food overall or more of the wrong foods could help you get a slower metabolism. Foods that are high in calories is a metabolic nightmare.


Selecting foods that are rich in processed sugars and trans fats can exacerbate the slowdown effect, as they can increase body fat, decrease muscle mass, and promote insulin resistance. Overindulging in sugary beverages, pastries, fried food, and snack foods not only increases your caloric count but also disrupts the balance of your metabolic processes. By prioritizing these nutritionally empty options, you essentially provide your body with fuel it's ill-equipped to burn efficiently, leading to a sluggish metabolism that works against your health goals.


Eat before Bedtime ...

This is definitely one of those ways to slow down metabolism. Eating before bedtime is something that you should not do if you are looking to lose weight. Therefore, it would make perfect sense to eat before bedtime in order to speed up the metabolism.


Decrease Sleep a Bit ...

When you are looking to speed up the metabolism, one would get the right amount of sleep. For those looking to decrease the metabolism, then decreasing sleep would make perfect sense. Just cut half an hour a day and your metabolism will become a bit slower. But make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep - it's the minimum your body needs to function normally.


More Caffeine

Increase the take up of caffeine. Some believe that a little bit of caffeine will help speed up the metabolism, but consuming a lot of it will have the opposite effect on you. If you do not have any cardio-vascular health problems, you might give this a shot.


Wait until You Get Older ...

Before you know it, you will have a slow metabolism, so you should enjoy it while it lasts. Age plays a great role in slowing metabolism down. As one ages, the slower the metabolism gets.



There are certain vitamins out there that will slow the metabolism down. When I took the Flintstones vitamins with iron in them, I gained one pound.


Try Boost ...

Instead of empty calories, you may want to go for something such as Boost.


Less Protein ...

When you eat a lot of protein, it can speed up your metabolism. So, I recommend you try a low protein diet for a while.


No Cold Water ...

When you drink cold water it speeds up your metabolism, so you should avoid cold water when trying to slow your metabolism down.


Eat Fewer Eggs ...

Eggs give a faster metabolism as they are rich in protein, so it is important that you cut down on eating them. A couple of eggs here and there would be OK, as long as you don't eat them every single day.

Those are 13 ways to slow down your metabolisms that should work for you. Try any of those 13 tips and you will get a slower metabolism in a few weeks. But be sure not to overdo it with the junk food as you still need to maintain that healthy body.

What are some things you do in order to slow the metabolism down? Please, share ...

Photo Credit: flickr.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Hi, I'm a guy aged 24. I'm an ectcomorph with high metabolism. I'm trying to gain weight through eating plenty and going to the gym but the high metabolism can sure be an issue here. Letting go off spices? Doable I guess... Letting go of protein? Umm, I want to gain strength and good health, not fat. I guess I can try and eat before sleeping and to sleep less. However, sleepdeprivation increases stress hormones and releases cortisol - a substance that clogs your arteries and decreases testosterone levels. Also I'm not really sure how this metabolism thing really works. Three bodytypes - all eat 2000 kcal everyday, all have the same activity level, yet they all end up storing different levels of fat. :S

I'm 51 and inherited a high metabolism from my father. I'm not lean, I'm skinny. Any advice would be appreciated.

Some times having a high metabolism is a good thing, for people who have a good weight, you can eat all you want and gain like 2 lbs and by the next day those 2 lbs are gone.(That is how it is with me)but i am underweight my doctor tells me so that is when a slower metabolism becomes useful and you start searching on google how to slow down your metabolism. Sometimes i wish there was a nob that controls how fast your metabolism is.

Aaah...why do I get this doll picture I'm a guy! :(

why would we want to slow down our matabalism i mean it doesn't really make a difference if we have a high motablism right i mean come on some of us might like having a high motablism. i mean we should leave our bodies alone.

Hey Hannah, I know you're concerned and I appreciate it but I think it all comes down to moderation. You don't have to deprive yourself of sleep. Just don't oversleep. Ditto for junk food.

To don't give a .... , there are some people who really do not like being really skinny or underweight, preferably to many men who are just plain skinny and criticized for. Yes it's amazing to have the ability to eat anything and not gain weight, but it's tiring to know some of us can't gain that weight either, especially when wanting to become bigger and stronger. I can say that as a male that weights 132-137 at 5"8 when I wake up and can still see their own ribs in the mirror, I want to be motivated to change that. I would trade metabolisms with most people any day to at least weight 150-160.

I think the advice is ok but I wouldn,t agree on everything...i mean for example, if you don,t have much sleep, you are going to suffer the entire day; you will feel miserable, depressed etc..Eating junk food and processed food mean your internal organ will pay heavy price for the lack of nutritions that the body essentially need. I do think some of this advice should be re-evaluated coz it doesn't make any sense to me.

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