8 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight during the School Year ...


8 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight during the School Year ...
8 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight during the School Year ...

Many times during a teens life they will believe they are overweight and fat. Or, maybe you truly would like to shed a couple pounds for a healthier you. Putting pounds on is easy and it happens fast. Taking them off, on the other hand, is harder! Keep reading for some great ideas to help you melt the weight away, without the unhealthy risk factors of starving yourself, like many teens do.

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Pack Your Lunch

Pack Your Lunch Photo Credit: edithannette

So, it may not be cool to carry your lunch to school but at least you will know what you eating. Dieting is not easy with all the temping high school fare – hamburger, French fries, pizza. Pack your lunch and avoid the food line. That’s one more temptation you can pass on.


Eat with Others Who Want to Lose Weight

Eat with Others Who Want to Lose Weight Photo Credit: Ago Press Network

If your friends are watching what they eat, it will be easier for you not to cheat! Since everyone at your table will be cutting back, you won’t feel as if they are all wondering why you are eating salad again today.


Find a Friend

Find a Friend Photo Credit: Douglas County History Research Center

Beg your friends to diet with you. Having close friends to participate with you encourages recipe sharing, light-hearted jokes, and cheers for success.


Form a Club

Form a Club Photo Credit: clickfarmer

That’s right! The more the merrier. Just think of the impact you could have on with a group of devoted members all sharing healthy recipes, keeping track of success and failures, and general companionship. Maybe you could start the “Breakfast for Champions” Club or something and everyone can start the day off in a healthy, low-fat way.


Ask Mom

Ask Mom Photo Credit: mona, eh

Your mom can offer loads of advice and encouragement. She can help with your lunch, and it will definitely help you out if she knows you are dieting. Why? She won’t tease you with fat saturated things like lasagna and buttered bread!


Ask the School Nurse

Ask the School Nurse Photo Credit: kscopephoto

Every school has a nurse. She will be able to offer guidance and encouragement too. She should have diet suggestions and meal plans and recipes for your age group. Her food will be healthy and more than likely, they will be tasty. Ask her!


Use the Library

Use the Library Photo Credit: Here's Kate

Your library will have books on nutrition, dieting, and exercise. Ask the librarian for help. She may know of other resources beyond the bookshelves. Librarians are smart and love to help.


Do a Report

Do a Report Photo Credit: Konstantin Yolshin

That’s right! Ask your teacher if you can do a report on healthy eating habits, dieting tips, or general health issues. This will increase your knowledge of health and also motivate you to keep trying!

Get busy and loose those extra pounds. You will forever be grateful you pushed yourself and dropped those inches and pounds. Good self-esteem can start with your body image. Why be ashamed of the way you look when you can do something about it! Were any of these tips helpful to you?

Top Photo Credit: Picklepud

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I love how you assume the school nurse is female.

you guys all need to relax. if youre only 113 pounds and youre 5'6 or anything around the two then youre fine. the only time you need to worry about losing weight is if you find it hard to walk up the school stairs. even then its more of a matter of getting fit and healthy. losing weight will do nothing for you. if you lose too much, youll get sick. & your weight really means nothing about you. im only 5"3 and i weigh about 130pounds and im the same size as my friends who are 100 pounds. if you really feel fat and out of shape, start doing situps before bed and walking more. just breathe

I think some of these should be leaned a little more toward maintaining weight also( if your weight is healthy). There is no problem at all with eating healthy. It makes you feel better about yourself and so does exercise. Girls who are a healthy weight don't need to be obsessed with losing weight. I had that problem myself during the school year but when my dad talked to me about it (my mother passed away last year...) I felt better and realized I could be skinny still and be healthy. I'm 5'2" and weigh 101lbs. All of that weight is from muscle because I run.

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