5 Things for a Stress Free Life ...


5 Things for a Stress Free Life ...
5 Things for a Stress Free Life ...

In the fast paced world it is, it's very easy to get caught up in the endless multitasking, problem solving and simply stop enjoying life.

And being a stress victim in the past myself, I thought I'd share these 5 simple yet effective ways to slow down and enjoy life with all of you, Ladies. Hope they'll work for you too!

In the fast paced world it is, it's very easy to get caught up in the endless multitasking, problem solving and simply stop enjoying life.

And being a stress victim in the past myself, I thought I'd share these 5 simple yet effective ways to slow down and enjoy life with all of you, Ladies. Hope they'll work for you too!

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It is very difficult to relax while living in and around clutter. Clutter is defined as disorganized things you do not love, that are unfinished and take up space within your life. It is impossible to relax while your unfinished tasks stare you in the face.

Every time our eyes see them or our attention is brought to them we feel overwhelmed by the fact that there is just one more thing to be done. So, the first thing you'll need for you stress-free living is de-clutter your home and your working space, which not only look great, but will also give you that inner piece you might be lacking.


Create a Relaxing Atmosphere

This will happen as you de-clutter, but create a space within your home that promotes relaxation. This should be a place that can be your retreat, where you can sit back and relax with a good book, a cup of tea, a facial mask or whatever hits the spot for you.

Many people find the methodic sight and sounds of a tabletop water fountain to be a great aid to help create an atmosphere and ambiance that promotes rest and relaxation. For others it's classic music and the smell of fresh cut flowers that makes them feel calm and relaxed. Either way, create a space within your house where you can feel absolutely relaxed. Use it every day for as long as you wish.
Create a Relaxing Atmosphere


Eat Healthy

This is not a new concept, yet many still seem to fight against it. Healthy eating is a lifestyle and it must become a life long pattern. Your body will respond to what you put into it, you know, garbage in, garbage out! But eating healthy doesn’t mean eating cardboard, there's plenty of healthy yet yummy food choices out there.

My personal favorites are fruit, whole wheat organic bread and great healthy snacks, like Smart Food popcorn clusters and 100 Calorie Sun Chips which I always have in the car just in case I get hungry in between the meals.
Eat Healthy



Regular movement (or exercise) is equally important. This may seem like an oxymoron, but exercise brings vitality and energy and actually reduces stress while combating many potential health hazards including depression. Exercise is much more than a method to loose a few pounds; it helps revitalize the mind and body and, plain and simple, it feels good. It is important to find the right exercise plan that will fit you and your lifestyle.



It is imperative to let your body receive the physical rest it needs. Many people get so busy that sleep seems to get in the way of all the things that need to be done. Make sleep a priority. Schedule it into your day timer of you need to. Nothing refreshes and re-vitalizes the body, like a good nights sleep.

Show me a person that has incorporated these 5 components into their life and I will show you a person who is not an uptight ball of anxiety ready to explode. We all have the control over our lives either to live and enjoy a healthy balance or simply be sucked into the chaos around us. The trouble is if we don’t purposely choose to relax we default to the other.

Do you have some favorite techniques that make your stress melt away? Please share with us!

This post is brought to you by Only in A Woman's World.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Penelope, Surly laughing is one of the top priorities! We should carry a laugh on our lips through the whole day! :)

Alisha, I'm happy for you. Sometimes life is so full of ups and downs! Children are such a joy in one's family, but a lot of hard and stressful work. Enjoy them till it lasts cause they grow old to quickly! In the meantime try never to forget your self! At least even if you find 10 minutes every day for your self, for example taking a hot bath with some candles to relax you, it's enough! It's very mind, muscle and tension sooting! And you wouldn't know how much good you did for your self! :) Keep coming back to us love, have a great day!

well, being a SAHM with two small children (2 year-old and 6-mos-old) and having to cope with everything alone 'tis rather difficult to find a time for myself. i don't even mention the relaxing atmosphere that should be created, any fountain that would most surely be broken by my toddler and healthy eating for which i simply don't have enough time. ut still try to stay optimistic!

I was in state of depression before, to the extent of having a suicidal attempts.Through the help of friends and relatives and most especially my family, i was able to cope with it.But the problem with me now, I'm irritable and short-tempered. Even just for little things that will annoy me i easily burst in anger.If it's my husband cause my anger my depression will recur.That i always asked the Lord why I'm like this.But just three weeks ago I read about Depression. . . . there I understand.If you suffered depression,especially a major one, its a recurring disorder.And so, what I'm doing lately,I do things to support my mood and reduce the risk of recurrence.I kept myself busy. . like calling my friends and talking to my sisters or doing some house chores,which i seldom do in the past. It helps me a lot. I hope for people who experienced depression try to search about it so you will understand what's happening to you and how to cope with it.

Look after your financial affairs. Money worries is a leading cause of stress. This can be reduced by just spending as little as 20 minutes a month managing your money affairs and providing for a stress-free tomorrow. It is really worth the time and small effort, financial coaches can help get you on the right path

Olga, you are so correct on stating that marital stress is one of the harder ones to overcome. Probably, because your spouse should be your best friend with whom you can share all your happy as well as sad moments. Once you find yourself unable to do that, everything else is so much more difficult to deal with. My best way to relax is to go shopping alone,for a long time, or work in my garden. Somehow working with dirt and plants puts me in balance with nature, and gives me a sense peace and serenity.

Xannyyy, i tryin' to! and even succeed sometimes :-)

Onyeka, Every type of unhappiness in your life can lead to stress. Marriage stress is one of those problems that can lead do so much tension. If that's what unhappy in your life I suggest to try and talk it out with your man and try and add harmony to your self, your marriage and all your family, which sometimes certain problems effect every one! Good luck love :)

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