10 Worst Tips for Losing Weight ...


10 Worst Tips for Losing Weight ...
10 Worst Tips for Losing Weight ...

If you’re trying to lose weight, everybody has a suggestion. Whether it’s a diet they tried or a secret ingredient, they all promise it’ll work wonders....so how do you know who to trust? I always struggled with knowing what would work and what would do no good whatsoever, so here’s my list of the 10 worst weight loss tips I’ve ever been told...

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Not All Activities Count as Exercise ...

Completely wrong, and one thing we were always being told at college. As long as you get up and move, you are exercising, to some degree. It all counts, so hoover with a passion!!


Cut out Carbohydrates ...

This one just never seems to die. Cutting out all carbohydrates will lead to your body believing it is being starved, and so it will not use up any calories you do consume. This will lead to heavy weight gain when you do start eating again, and stomach pains until then!


Cut out All Fats ...

A similar story. It’s just not a good idea...fat isn’t the enemy. Some fat is vital for a healthy diet, and you’ll feel less then fine if you cut it out!


Don’t Ever Reward Yourself ...

Popular around diet website, I was sucked in by this one. The reasoning is that if you reward yourself for a successful diet week, you’ll be undoing all the good work you have done, and delay seeing results. It also could tempt you to fall off the bandwagon. However, if you deprive yourself of the things you love, you’re much more likely to be tempted by that triple cream bun...


Don’t Eat after 6pm ...

While this one has some logic, for most people it is still terrible advice. Eating late at night isn’t advised while you are on a diet, but as long as you are eating healthily, it really doesn’t matter when you eat. The logic is that if its 10pm before you get to eat, you’ll be more likely to pick a fatty ready meal or some biscuits rather then something healthy... as long as you stay motivated to eat good foods, you can eat when you like!

Other Great Weight Loss Posts:

15 Rules of Losing Weight and Keeping It Off …
23 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight …
12 Best Ways to Lose Weight …


Going Vegetarian Will Automatically Make You Skinny ...

I know a lot of my friends fell for this one, because it sounds logical. However, meat is a very important part of our diet, and it is difficult to cut it out without depriving the body of essential nutrients. That is the only difference, you are no more likely to lose weight by being vegetarian.


Kick Start Your Diet with a Crash Diet ...

Crash dieting is bad news. You will put your body into starvation mode, which will mean that everything you eat will be stored as fat. Not a good idea.


Only Eat when You’re Hungry ...

Again this is one where it’s easy to see the logic. I tried this, and found I was eating only a small amount once or twice a day. This meant that my body clung on to these calories, which lead to me feeling bloated and unhappy. Plan to have a few small meals a day, and you are much more likely to lose weight.


Take This Super Pill!

Generally, this is a very bad idea. Most weight loss pills will just cause diarrhoea, and leave you feeling very delicate and unhappy. Some, especially when bought online, will make you feel much worse. They are full of dangerous ingredients, most of which aren’t going to help you lose weight at all. If it’s got to the stage where you think you need help, see your doctor.


Fill up on Drinks ...

It's common knowledge that some people confuse being thirsty with being hungry, and obviously this can lead to unnecessary calories and weight gain. However, it doesn’t work the other way round. You will only temporarily stop hunger by drinking, and your body will enter starvation mode.

I’ve known someone who’s tried almost all of these methods, and have never seen them pay off. You are much more likely to lose weight fast if you do it healthily, and don’t starve your body.

23 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight …

My favourite summer diet? Special K! What’s yours?
Other Great Healthy Weight Loss Tips:
Tips on Losing Weight:

12 Best Ways to Lose Weight …
5 Weight Loss Programs That Worked for Me …
10 Easy Weight Loss Rules You Must Know …
12 Easy Ways Not to Put Weight during Holidays …
7 Fastest Ways to Lose Weight …
3 Healthy Ways of Losing Weight …
The “Real” Weight Loss Secret of the Stars …
12 Tips on How to Keep a Food Journal …
15 Rules of Losing Weight and Keeping It Off …
23 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight …

Tips on Dieting:

10 Most Popular Diets - Have You Been on One ..?
11 Tips on How to Keep to Your Diet…
10 Delicious Desserts with Least Calories …
12 Delicious Low Calorie Foods …
7 Healthy Rules to Enjoy Red Meat …
5 Best Low Calorie Snacks …
15 Healthy Breakfast Ideas …
50 Healthiest Foods: An Ultimate Grocery Shopping List for Losing Weight …

Tips on Exercise:

10 Top Exercises to Lose Weight …
10 Ways to Burn More Calories during the Day …
3-Step Approach to Best Weight Loss Workouts …

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

ever since I went vegetarian I've lost 20 pounds, even more when I went vegan. it's a myth that by doing so you will instantly lose weight, but if you get the nutrients you are supposed to get while being vegetarian or vegan, and pair it with an active lifestyle, you have a VERY good chance of losing weight. Just don't make the same mistake I did and think that just because processed foods like Oreos and Ritz are vegan means they're healthy! 😆


Another terrible diet tip: buy some clothing that will keep you motivated (such as, tight jeans you dont really fit in - right now - or a bikini...). Its likely you will never fit into it and if you do, it will already out of style or you will hate it anyway. What works (for me, at least) - Put photos of hunks on the door of the fridge. :) Beleive me, this works. :)

tnx 4 that

it's kinda hard for me to off on fats Bc then I will have to only eat fruits and drink water and I get sick of it so it's hard! any suggestions

Did you know our bodies were actually meant to get energy from fats rather than carbohydrates! Cut out the carbs and sugar and go for a high fat diet!

I don`t eat after 6pm, this is my rule!

Worst dieting tip - The All Twinky Diet!

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