7 Healthy Rules to Enjoy Red Meat ...


7 Healthy Rules to Enjoy Red Meat ...
7 Healthy Rules to Enjoy Red Meat ...

In the previous article, as we discovered the benefits of eating red meat, I promised to report back on the healthiest and yummiest secrets to choose and prepare beef and lamb. Here are my cherished rules, shared just for you!

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Eat Organic, Pasture-raised, Beef and Lamb …

this will help you avoid residual pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics in conventionally raised cattle. Do you know that the hormones injected in cows to promote rapid weight gain have exactly the same effect on women who eat meats with steroids?…


Minimize Your Consumption of Grilled Meats, …

which might be carcinogenic. Eat barbecued hamburgers and steaks only occasionally, and always with lacto-fermented, cruciferous vegetables, like sauerkraut or kimchi. Such combination neutralizes cancer promoting substances in grilled meats.


Cook Full-fat Portions of Meat …

Not only are they more tender and delicious, they also contain anti-microbial fatty acids important for our health . As for fats, only rancid vegetable oils and modified trans-fats are bad for you.


Do Not Be Squeamish about Eating Organ Meats,…

such as liver and heart - they are true depositories of precious, health promoting minerals and vitamins, which are hard to obtain from any other food.


Kick the Can and Make Your Own Nutritious Bouillon…

out of inexpensive beef and lamb bones (especially bone marrow). Home-made broth is highly valued in French cuisine because nothing beats its flavour in soups and sauces. Do you also know that the minerals and gelatine in bone broth will protect you from osteoporosis and stomach ailments?


Tender Portions of Red Meat…

(like filet and rib cuts of beef, or leg of lamb) should be eaten rare, with the most of their vitamin and enzyme content still intact.


Marinate Stewing Meats or Roasts Overnight in Yogurt or Red Wine …

your guests will truly appreciate the world class flavour and enhanced tenderness in each bite.
By following these strategic rules, you are now well-equipped to turn beef and lamb into mouth watering, healthy dishes for your family and friends. Who knows, maybe even your vegetarian friends will reconsider their beliefs once they are aware of the many benefits of eating meat? :)

About the Author

Amanda Brown is our Healthy Lifestyle Expert. Amanda lives in Canada, and her background includes Degrees in Ethnology, History, and Wholistic Therapies. Her true passion, though, lies in the fields of traditional nutrition, history of medicine… learn more about Amanda here.

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hi! my name is

Very good article, but you misspelled two words in the final sentence. I'm not nitpicking, but I want to show this to my vegetarian sister, and she will nitpick and dismiss your article because of the spelling. I don't want her to be able to do that, because it is quite good and written by someone she will respect (if the spelling is fixed) ;-). That last sentence states: "Who knows, maybe even your vegetarian friends will reconsider their believes once they are aware of the many benifits of eating meat? :)" It should be "beliefs" and "benefits". Oh, and my English teacher would tell you to rewrite point three: "not only are they more tender and delicious, they also contain important for our health anti-microbial fatty acids." Should read: "not only are they more tender and delicious, they also contain anti-microbial fatty acids important for our health". ...for reasons I won't state, and it just reads better. Thanks Amanda for a good article and some interesting facts about meat.

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