8 Foods That Make You Gorgeous


8 Foods That Make You Gorgeous
8 Foods That Make You Gorgeous

We all know that eating the right foods keeps our figures slim and trim. But did guys know that eating the right nutrients can also make our skin glow and hair shine?

"I can tell when my clients are eating well and drinking their water, their eyes look clear and their skin looks great!"
- says Sara Ryba, RD, CDN, a nutritionist in private practice in New York City.

So, reading this line I thought why don't we kill two birds with one stone and get both slimmer and more gorgeous at the same time?

Here are Ryba's 8 beauty foods, which, she promises, will help us look our very best!

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Water ...

Water ... It's true that gulping down loads of water will help your skin look its prettiest.

"Water helps your skin by getting by-products out of your body."

-says Ryba, respected nutritionist
By drinking lots of water, you're helping your kidneys function better, which in turn helps skin avoid a sallow, tired look.


Salmon ...

Salmon ...


Flaxseed ...

Recommended Post: 9 Best Foods for Your Skin …


Avocado ...

All 3 foods contain omega-3 fatty acids, compounds that help reduce inflammation in the body. That reduction in inflammation helps combat problems like puffy eyes, pronounced fine lines, and sagging skin. Be sure to buy wild, not farmed salmon, to get the best fatty acids. Grind your flaxseeds before sprinkling them on yogurt or cereal for the most benefit.


Nuts ...

Nuts ... # 6 Wheat Germ ...
Both nuts and wheat germ are chock-full of biotin, a nutrient known for making hair and nails strong and resilient.


Berries ...

Berries ...


Melon ...

Both berries and melon are low-sugar fruits and help to make skin firm and taut. It's important to avoid high-sugar foods, including high-sugar fruits like pineapple and banana. "[Foods with a lot of sugar] cause your blood sugar to rise, which makes insulin come into your system and sets off a chain of hormonal reactions."

-says Ryba
Those hormonal reactions can make your body retain water and increase inflammation, both of which contribute to puffiness and tired-looking skin.

Know about other foods that make the skin smoother and the hair shinier? Please share with me in the comments!

Photo Credit: *clairity*, Bougi, ieatstars, Martin LaBar, WisDoc
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Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

hi, i am 23 yrs old and have acne, which is very embarrassing. i have cut out my social circle n avoid my frens. what food should i take to have clear glowing skin? please help...

hi.... im an actor...i go to the gym and lift weights and run 5 days a week...is the red meat and and protein shakes tht i consume killing my skin.... i want great glowing skin...what do i eat???

I am 55 and repeatedly told that I look about 40-45. these are my suggestions for good skin. It is a combination of eating healthy, vitamin supplementation, drinking alot of water, exercise and moisturizing and avoiding the sun and getting 8 hours of sleep a night. your diet needs to be rich in Vit A, C, E, K and B vitamins. Good foods that contain these are cantalope, berries, tomatoes, spinach and fish especially salmon. Take vitamin supplements as well because we don't always get enough of these vitamins in our diet. Also drink about 80 ozes of water a day. exercise: walk or do aerobics and free weights. always use a moisturizer and skin serum. Avoid the sun and alcohol.

Dear Abhishek, Red meat is not the best food, try to cut it to one meal a week. Salmon could be a great substitute, but in case you need your meat, go for chicken, it's much better for the skin! Oh, and try to eat as many veggies as possible, they too help a lot! My favorite beauty food is oatmeal - the skin looks so much better once you start having it for breakfast - the complexion improves tremendously! My favorite kind is Erewhon Organic Instant Oatmeal with added oat bran (absolutely organic) - you can find it in Whole Foods - it tastes great, especially with organic butter and organic honey - you can also cut add half an apple into it (cut into pieces, without skin) - you'll love it and so will your skin! I promise :) PS: and Vitamins Guide is absolutely right, raisins are also a great food! You can too add them to your oatmeal! :) Thank you!

I'm a vegan, so the post about salmon doesn't help me so much. Is there any (non meat, dairy, or egg) food that has similar benefits to Salmon? Thanks! :D

The trick to eating less is to make yourself think that you haven't changed a thing. If raisins aren't a part of your diet, you are missing out on an important beauty food. Check out your favorite food and see how it comes to your aid... in the beauty department.

my face is going heavy day by day..tell me the tips to make it slim.

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