7 Best Foods for Stress Relief ...


7 Best Foods for Stress Relief ...
7 Best Foods for Stress Relief ...

At the end of a rough, stressful day at work, you are tired, overwhelmed and are in need of some physical and mental nourishment. Besides having a shower and hiding under the covers, what can you do? What if I told you that there are certain foods you can eat that will act as stress busters! I call these 7 foods my little secret but have decided to share them with all of you. You can thank me later...

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Asparagus Photo Credit: Esteban Cavrico

This green vegetable is high in folic acid. Folic acid will help stabilize your mood. When you are stressed out, the body releases hormones that will affect your mood. I recommend seven spears that are a half inch thick, cooked and that would be twenty five calories. So you're getting rid of stress while staying healthy. What more could you ask for?



Beef Photo Credit: Eat-My-Heart-Out 你吃,我看

Yes, I know that often we see beef getting a pretty bad rep but it is a good dinner option if you are stressed out. Beef has a high level of zinc, B vitamins and iron. Just remember to not overdo it and you will be fine.



Milk Photo Credit: masaaidhs

Milk has a lot of antioxidants as well as Vitamins B12 and B2. It also has calcium and protein. Start your day off with a stress fighting, healthy breakfast – have your milk with some whole grain cereal topped with low-fat milk.


Cottage Cheese and Fruit

Cottage Cheese and Fruit Photo Credit: highvoltageilene

Who here likes cottage cheese and fruit? I know I do! Cottage cheese is not only high in calcium, but is also high in protein. It will also keep you satisfied for longer, because it is not loaded with sugar. Try mixing it with fruit that is high in Vitamin C, such as oranges. Vitamin C plays a big role in fighting stress.



Almonds Photo Credit: mrlins

Do you want something that you can really sink those teeth into when you are feeling stressed? Then try crunching on some almonds in order to get that aggression out. They are a good source of Vitamin E and B2 along with zinc and magnesium!



Blueberries Photo Credit: sriluka

Blueberries are rich in antioxidants and they give you a high-fiber, low calorie option. It is rich in stress fighting Vitamin C. Try blueberries with cottage cheese... yumm!



Tuna Photo Credit: SeetYing

This is a good lunch option, as it has Vitamins B6 and B12. Tuna is also known for being a low fat protein source. Take note that you should not use a lot of mayonnaise as you will be loading it up with fat and this low cal food will turn into a not so healthy option.

Those are seven of the foods for stress relief that I like turning to when I am looking to relieve some stress. These are much better than sitting down and consuming a big tub of ice cream and a huge chocolate bar all in one go. Do you have some stress relieving foods that you like to turn to during those harsh days? Please tell me!

Top Photo Credit: MeetaK

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I love, love food and iv never had weight problems. but iv reecently just found out I have IBS how can I posibly make my diet interesting?

All of those are fantastic and I cannot eat enough of them! Well except blueberries which are just too expensive. Tuna is so versatile in making delicious dishes. I love cottage cheese and fruit together but my favorite way to eat cottage cheese is mixed with black pepper and/or sage Mmmmmmm :P Tasty post Melanie! Now to go exercise before it puts some pounds on me :D

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