Healthy You - 10 Food Secrets You Didn't Know


Healthy You - 10 Food Secrets You Didn't Know
Healthy You - 10 Food Secrets You Didn't Know

You probably heard a lot of facts about food, but I bet these 10 little food secrets will come as a surprise!

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**Apples **– an Apple a Day Can Help You Lose Weight! Apples Are Rich in Pectin, Which is a Soluble Fiber. the Pectin Reduces the Release of Sugars, Which Helps You Feel Fuller Longer!

**Apples **– an Apple a Day Can Help You Lose Weight! Apples Are Rich in Pectin, Which is a Soluble Fiber. the Pectin Reduces the Release of Sugars, Which Helps You Feel Fuller Longer!


Corn – Rich in Biotin, This Little Kernel Stimulates the Production of Keratin a Major Component of Hair Strands, Thus Making You Hair Stronger and Lustrous!

Corn – Rich in Biotin, This Little Kernel Stimulates the Production of Keratin a Major Component of Hair Strands, Thus Making You Hair Stronger and Lustrous!


Watermelon – Energy and More Energy from This Wonderful Fruit. Why? It Has Vitamin B6, Which is a Natural Energizer

Watermelon – Energy and More Energy from This Wonderful Fruit. Why? It Has Vitamin B6, Which is a Natural Energizer


**Plums **– Reduce the Appearance of Spider and Varicose Veins. Plums Contain Thrombin, Which Helps Blood Clotting

**Plums **– Reduce the Appearance of Spider and Varicose Veins. Plums Contain Thrombin, Which Helps Blood Clotting


BroccoliReduce your risk of breast cancer with this green goodie! Broccoli contains a natural chemical called indole-3-carbinol, which blasts out pre-cancerous cells!

Broccoli – Reduce your risk of breast cancer with this green goodie! Broccoli contains a natural chemical called indole-3-carbinol, which blasts out pre-cancerous cells!


Cinnamon – This Tasty Little Seasoning Reduces Your Blood Sugar Levels Keeping Them at an Even Keel

Cinnamon – This Tasty Little Seasoning Reduces Your Blood Sugar Levels Keeping Them at an Even Keel


Avocados – besides Being Filled with “healthy Fats” These Green Little Gems Have Omega-9’s (a Healthy Fat) That Help Fight Cravings!

Avocados – besides Being Filled with “healthy Fats” These Green Little Gems Have Omega-9’s (a Healthy Fat) That Help Fight Cravings!


Chives – Lower Your Blood Pressure by Eating Chives. Chives Have Polysulfides That Are Known to Relax Your Arteries Thus Allowing Blood to Flow Smoothly

Chives – Lower Your Blood Pressure by Eating Chives. Chives Have Polysulfides That Are Known to Relax Your Arteries Thus Allowing Blood to Flow Smoothly


Beef – Migraines Are a Goner with Beef! Beef is Chock Full of Niacin Which is Proven to Reduce Pain from Migraines

Beef – Migraines Are a Goner with Beef! Beef is Chock Full of Niacin Which is Proven to Reduce Pain from Migraines


Oregano – Spice up Any Italian Meal with This Herb and Reduce Bacterial Infections. It Has a Natural Antibacterial Compound Called Estragole, Which Helps Ward of Bacteria

Do you have any interesting facts about food that you'd like to share?

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I don;t usually comment...but that really was an interesting article.

P.S. Angie needs to take a CHILL PILL!!!

Dear Angie, I don't know about you, but I found plenty of new fun facts about food in this post! For instance, I had no idea that plums could make varicose veins less noticible, or that watermelon is a natural energizer... Thank you for the great post, Dianna!

Alera, as you have a stomach ache eating apple and not mentioned other fruits which are also treated with pesticides you may simply allergic to apple which is very rare. i do suffer from it.

Thanks for this informative post Diana...........I learned a few new things about the foods I like.........One can never have too much's always good to learn and to be open to new ideas!!!

Thanks for the info about plums and varicose veins. I had read the same advice in the June 22, '09 issue of Woman's World and am currently researching it. I think I'll buy some plums today and give it a try.

Dear Anne, Thank you for enlightening me :) Maybe you know something about other foods that people mistakenly consider useful? Please do sure your knowledge with us! Thank you!

Its true that all the foods listing in this article is really good for health but do you think finding all these foods and then eating all these is practical now a days. Now a days our lives are so fast and hectic that we don't have time and energy to spend finding and then preparing all these stuff to eat. If you have time then you must go for such foods but if you are busy and have a hectic schedule then there is a food supplement which is a miracle food named 'Leanspa' which is very beneficial for getting a good health and toned and slim body without having hard workout and without always pondering on such a natural raw foods because this Leanspa is made from natural herbs which is absolutely 100% harmless by the test result of different Labs in USA.

Olga it cannot possibly reverse spider veins. In theory it is supposed to strengthen the veins so they don't break/you don't get them in the first place. Eating plums won't have a noticable effect anyway in regards to specific health problems, neither will most of it, like eating corn for good hair. It's dubious at the least. Minimal at the very most. But it was a fun post, i'm not complaining , just explaining. .... Yeah, eat your fruit and veg, it all adds up in the end.

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