6 Vitamins You Should Take ...


6 Vitamins You Should Take ...
6 Vitamins You Should Take ...

I admit it: I don’t get the necessary 5 servings of fruits and vegetables I'm supposed to get every day. I make sure I take these vitamins to substitute. Here are the 7 vitamins you should take...

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Vitamin C

Vitamin C Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant. I am pretty good at taking my Vitamin C and it is very good for your immune system. It keeps colds down and keeps your energy level stable! Vitamin C is also found in fruits such as apples, oranges, and limes.



This vitamin is good for the hair and skin. Sometimes we use so many chemicals that it damages our hair, and we’re not eating the right foods to keep our hair healthy! This vitamin will help with the growth of hair and give you strong nails.



Iron My iron level is below average but it is still normal. Sometimes I feel sluggish and my energy level seems to lag. I take this vitamin to give me a boost in energy and improve my performance when I work out. This vitamin is also good for improving sleep and insomnia. Talk to your physician if you are thinking about taking Iron as a supplement because too much can be harmful.


Vitamin D

Vitamin D I stopped drinking milk way before I got into the double digits in age. I take this vitamin to keep my bones strong and prevent osteoporosis. As we get older the bones aren’t as strong and if we aren’t eating enough dairy products or drinking milk we can end up with brittle sore bones. Take your Vitamin D!


Vitamin E

Vitamin E This is another Vitamin good for the hair! I actually open this pill and use it as a hot oil treatment when I feel that my hair is really damaged. This Vitamin is also an anti-oxidant.


NouriTress Perfect Hair Vitamin

A co-worker of mine told me about this vitamin for your hair. My hair is thin around the edges and it seemed like whatever I did I could not get my edges to grow thicker! I used this vitamin for 2 weeks and saw a difference. If you have a problem with hair thinning or hair growth this vitamin is great for you!

Before taking any of these vitamins you should consult with a physician. Which of these vitamins are you taking? What foods do you take in substitution of taking these vitamins? Please let me know!

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