Top 12 Seduction Tricks That Always Work on Guys ...


Top 12 Seduction Tricks That Always Work on Guys ...
Top 12 Seduction Tricks That Always Work on Guys ...

Seduction is a form of art that can only be mastered over time and with practice because remember darlings, practice makes perfect. If you're a girl who does not know how to seduce a man and haven't had much luck in the past, here are my top 12 seduction tricks that work!

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Set the Right Environment

It would be a good idea for you to create aromantic environment. Make sure you are in a place where there aren't too many distractions such as people, loud music and a mess. The best place would be a candle-lit dinner at your home with soft music playing in the background.



Men love it when women show just how confident they are about themselves. Straighten up those shoulders, put your nose in the air and walk like you arefull of confidence. Be warned, you do not want to overdo this one and look arrogant.

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Eye Contact

Eye contact is numero uno on this list. Your eyes will let him know just exactly how you feel. So lock thosebeautiful eyes on him while you talk. Maintain a steady gaze but do lower your gaze occasionally to his lips and look back up. Whatever you do, remember, it is rude to stare.


Maintaining just the right amount of eye contact is key. It's a delicate balance between showing your interest and not coming off too intense. Think of it as a subtle game of peek-a-boo with your glances. A soft, lingering look can quicken his pulse, while frequent blinks can signal your own nervous excitement. If you're feeling particularly daring, try giving him a slow, intentional wink. It's playful, yet unmistakably flirty, communicating an intimate secret without a single word. Just remember: your eyes are powerful seduction tools, so use them wisely.


Play Hard to Get

I never really understood this one, because when you’re playing hard to get, what if the guy gets under the impression that you are not interested? I guess moderation as always is the key. Men enjoy the chase. So play a little hard to get but don't ever be so cold or rude that he loses interest in you. Just make things a tad harder.


Acting unapproachable can often spark curiosity; it's human nature to be intrigued by a bit of mystery. Keep your interactions light and flirtatious, dispensing just enough allure to keep him on his toes. Remember, balance is crucial. Smile, laugh, and engage in conversation, but avoid being overly available. If he suggests plans, perhaps you're already booked but free another time. This subtly suggests you have a life beyond him, which can amplify your attractiveness. It's all about the pull and push – drawing him in just enough before playfully stepping back.


You’ve Got the Looks

Slip on that sensuous dress and let those locks fall down your shoulders. Wear those dangerously high">">high heels and put on some make up. Bring out your best features such as your lips, neck or eyes. Don't try too hard though. Find a perfect balance between your own subtle self and a femme fatale.


Embrace the power of your elegance and let your confidence ooze with every step. Dangle a delicate earring or let your bracelet catch the light to draw attention to your movements. But remember, the aim is to amplify your natural charm without overwhelming it. A hint of perfume can be your secret weapon—enough to linger in the air, yet subtle to leave them wanting more. Own your style and let your grace speak volumes, for it's the understated sophistication that often leaves a lasting impression.

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Modulate That Tone

Nothing is more seductive that a sensuous, gentle tone. And no you don't have to talk dirty. Just whisper something in his ear such as “you look good in black” using a seductive tone. The guy is not only going to be flattered, but you will be getting those brownie points.



Oh yeah, it is definitely good to flirt! Tell him how good he looks and sound genuine while you do it. Blink your eyes and get that vulnerable, yet hard to get look. Slightly touch him on the shoulder while laughing. Don’t ever overdo this though.


Smell Good

Put on some seductive perfume and you will lure that guy in. Make sure you do not put on too much. You do not want to smell like it’s your substitute to a shower. Here's a nice little trick that my grandma taught me. If you have rose perfume, then put some rose essential oils in the bathwater. Put some powder on that smells like rose, lotion and then perfume. Spray it in front of you and then walk into it. Ah! Divine!


Stroke His Tie

If he is wearing a tie, stroke it. Strangely, men look at their neckties as an extension of their… yeah. Hey, I didn’t invent that, I don’t know why guys think what they think half the time. By stroking and admiring the tie, you will be sending over some sexual signals.


In today’s world, seduction is an important factor in relationships. Knowing how to seduce a guy can be a powerful tool for any woman. One of the best ways to do this is to stroke his tie. This is a subtle but effective way to send sexual signals.

When a man wears a tie, it is often seen as an extension of his personality. By stroking and admiring the tie, you are sending a signal that you find him attractive and are interested in a physical connection. This can be a great way to initiate a conversation and build a connection with the man.

In addition to stroking his tie, there are other ways to seduce a man. Complimenting him on his style, his intelligence, or his sense of humor can be a great way to get his attention. Making eye contact, smiling, and engaging in conversation can also be effective.

When it comes to physical contact, it is important to be subtle. Touching his arm or shoulder can be a great way to show him that you are interested in him. However, it is important to be aware of his body language and not to be too forceful.


Display Your Cleavage

If you are in a private place, then display some cleavage. And by some I do not mean be like Jodie Marsh. A little peek-a-boo with the girls will get him just a wee bit excited...exactly what we want ;)


Show Me Some Leg Girl!

Ofcourse nothing turns on a man like bare, toned legs. So don't be afraid to put on that short dress and high heels and strut your stuff. Never show off both cleavage and legs at the same time. There is such a thing as too much exposure.


Use Your Mouth

And last but not the least use your mouth....Err not what you're thinking. I mean lick your lips subconsciously, sip your wine seductively, eat your dessert just a little too slowly and look like you're really enjoy it. Basically, draw attention to your mouth and you will send your message across!

Those are 12 tips on how to seduce a guy and I bet they'd charm his pants right off :D What about you? What tips do you have? What do you like the most off of my list?

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Thanks for the I'm just dying to try some. #12 Is huge! I don't think we notice how suductive we can be just by eating a chocolate covered strawberry really slowly. Guys let their imaginations go wild and a woman's mouth...well let's just say they have tons of fun with that. :) Another spot I learned is that guy love looking at a woman's collarbone. I'm not sure why but if it's exposed, that's most definantly sexy. Go get 'em girls!

yeah number 12 is probably the one that works best!! it's so clever. and most of us don't even realize it when we do it! whenever I bring guys' attention to my mouth and i see them staring at it really makes me feel good about myself. us girls are awesome.

Thanks for the tips - hopefully I will need them this weekend !

I need sugesstions on how to seduce men.All sexy suggestions.

The classic hair twirl/flip never fails! And if you wear a backless or low cut top, be sure to wear a jacket or light sweater over it, so that you can take it off sexily at one point! It'll make his eyes pop out of his head!! x

How much guyz loveeee all this juicy stuff, candles, music, massages, oil, panna, all of them = Hot Enviorment!! Haha!!

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