6 Easy Ways to Create a Romantic Bedroom ...


6 Easy Ways to Create a Romantic Bedroom ...
6 Easy Ways to Create a Romantic Bedroom ...

A romantic ambiance can be a great aphrodisiac and it can be created with limited effort and expense with very worthwhile results. This type of environment can be created within a bedroom to create a very sexy romantic feel...

Because we absorb our surroundings through our five senses keep each of these senses in mind as you recreate your bedroom for a more romantic feel. The key is to create a feel within the room that is soft, inviting and a ‘place’ that you want to be.

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Keep It Clean ...

This is common sense to some and completely foreign to others. It can be very distracting if the room is a mess. Tidy and de-clutter. I don’t mean hide it all under the bed; I mean clean it up. Not just for one night but forever. You

will be amazed at what effect this simple yet profound step can have. Once all the clutter, mismatched styled items and mess is out of the way you can feel like you can have a fresh start at defining the look and feel of the room as a whole.


Create Adjustable Mood Lighting ...

Lighting is always the key to help you be more romantic. This may mean to some that it is time to replace the fixtures within the room, but it can be as simple as some table or floor lamps. Dimmer switches are a must. Ideally, this should be accessible from the bed. It is important to choose lighting options that give a soft glow rather than harsh light. Candles are also a perfect light source. Creativity should be used in choosing the ideal candle holder to fit them in the ideal location for your particular room and furniture.

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Our Sense of Smell is Very Much Part of ...

... how we define our surroundings and affects how much we enjoy the experience. It’s hard to enjoy yourself when you smell something you find offensive. Keep in mind strong perfumes are also not always enjoyed by all people. Candles, potpourri, fresh cut flowers and plug-in deodorizers are all excellent options to bring a sense of freshness into a room.

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The Sense of Hearing is Also ...

... very much a part of any experience. Music is a definite must and can be very powerful in creating a romantic environment. Keep a variety of music on hand and easily accessible yet also discreet. Sometimes it is equally important to use music for enjoyment but also for creating an audio buffer. This can help keep traffic noise undetectable or also keep wondering ears from listening to what is going on within the room.

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Touch is Obviously Very Important ...

Keep this in mind as you consider which fabrics you should incorporate into the room, either in regards to bedding, furniture, through rugs and even pillows. Care in choosing the right fabrics and textures will definitely pay off.

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It is Now Time to Re-create the Room Visually ...

... by adding some art or room décor accessories. This process does not need to be costly or include many items in a smaller room. It is better to have less accessories to give the room a more relaxed feel. In addition, the other items listed within the other points will help decorate and define the character of the room.

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Because simplicity is important in a defining the character and atmosphere within a small room it is important to try to cover as many of the points above without overcoming the room with more clutter. An indoor water fountain is an excellent addition to create a calming, romantic, even sexy atmosphere while addressing most of the points above.

The gentle romantic sounds of trickling water are romantic, plus act as great filter for back ground noise. The circulation of fresh water adds freshness to the air and room. Some table top fountains incorporate lighting features that cast a mystic glow that are excellent mood setters.

Taking some care to create a calm relaxing romantic atmosphere within your bedroom that will help you unwind, get the rest you need and, well you know.

About the Author: Starting in his childhood Garth Epp has been captured by the allure of moving water. Premium Indoor Fountains.com is his means to help others explore the many table top water fountains, hanging wall fountains or indoor floor fountains available to the average home owner. He encourages you to learn more about what an indoor fountain could do for you and your life spaces.

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