7 Romantic Decorating Ideas for Your Bedroom ...


7 Romantic Decorating Ideas for Your Bedroom ...
7 Romantic Decorating Ideas for Your Bedroom ...

You can bake up a kitchen full of spicy cookies, cakes, and candy, but don't forget you can add some hot cooking to your bedroom!Want some more spice in your love life? Change up your bedroom with some fresh romance! Here are some romantic ideas to beautify your bedroom, and bring the sizzle back! Just in time for the holidays, this may be the best gift you can give your spouse, and yourself!

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Whether it is a large bouquet of flowers, or a simple flower floating in a bowl of water use them in decorations. For many years, flowers have been associated with love and romance. So, fill your room with them and let romance blossom once again!


Choose a Good Color

The color choice of a romantic bedroom will reflect what kind of romantic spirit you are. If you're all about the sensual romance and love, go for deep reds and accent in black. If you're a sweet, romantic, in love with the romances of days gone by, go with pinks and rose colors like what is found in Victorian paintings. If you are "alluringly feminine" in a very subtle way, your color palette choice would most likely be lilacs, plum and amethyst. Choose a color combo and get to painting!


Go with Silks & Satins

There is nothing like snuggling to your sweety on silky sheets as the sun comes up through your satin curtains! I know they're a bit pricey, but I believe at the very lease, silk sheets, are a must-have for any romantic bedroom!


Romance is Delicate

Think delicate and gentle when decorating with a romantic feeling. Crystal vases, porcelain decorations, whimsical paintings - to name a few things to decorate with. Vintage pieces are also a good addition, so keep your eyes out at local garage sales and auctions - you just might find a treasure!


Invest in a Great Bed

The bed is the centerpiece of a great bedroom, so go all out, and find a good one! There is nothing more romantic and inviting than a big, king-size bed with a beautiful, luxurious canopy overhead. And of course, remember those silk sheets I mentioned earlier!


Use Pillows

Lots and lots of pillows - little pillows, big pillows, square pillows, round pillows...no bed can be deemed "romantic" without them! They'll come in handy, you can bet on that!


Keep the Lighting Low

Use low wattage bulbs in lamps and overhead lighting and use candles like you can't get enough! Candles not only make beautiful decorations, but make the most romantic ambient lighting for a night of love and romance!

Romance is something we women need, but sometimes, once we've been married for a while, it starts slipping away. Keep your love life new and sensuous by changing up the scenery and making the bedroom appear fresh and inviting! Your hubby will thank you for it - and you'll reap the benefits! so, how do you add some romance to your bedroom decor?

Top Photo Credit: ambienteye

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Silk and Satin sheets plus low lighting? Nothing is sexier than that!

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