How to Make a Guy Like You? Let's be honest, we've all been there, haven't we? There's that one special guy who just makes our heart flutter, and all we want is to make HIM see how amazing we are. Trust me, in 2024, dating is a whole new ball game compared to the good ol' days of passing notes in class. But worry not, my dear friend, because this article is here to navigate you through it like a seasoned pro.
Whether it's the studious guy from your university or the charming barista from your favorite coffee shop, everyone can use a few insider tips to capture the heart of that special someone. Just imagine your future self thanking you as you use these tricks to boost his interest!
First and foremost, let's talk about confidence. Yes, my friend, confidence is a guy magnet. It's like catnip for humans! When you're confident, you become an irresistible force of nature. You don't have to be overly bold; sometimes, subtlety works wonders. We've all heard it before, but exuding genuine self-assurance can be one of your strongest assets in making a guy like you.
Speaking of genuine, it's vital to stay true to yourself. Pretending to be someone else is exhausting, and believe me, it won't hold up in the long run. Authenticity is incredibly attractive. Guys appreciate a woman who is comfortable in her own skin. Plus, if he likes you for who you truly are, that’s a win-win situation!
Let’s also discuss the power of flirting. Flirting is a playful way of showing interest, and it doesn't have to be daunting. A little teasing, light banter, and those sneaky smiles can do wonders. Remember, laughter is an essential element in the chemistry concoction. If you can make him laugh, half the battle is already won. Humor is intimate, and sharing a good laugh creates unforgettable bonds.
Of course, one cannot underestimate the magic of body language. Sometimes our bodies do the talking, even when our mouths are silent. Sitting closer, making eye contact, or even doing the infamous hair flip (don’t overdo it though!) can send strong signals. These nonverbal cues can help you communicate your interest without uttering a single word.
To wrap up this delightful introduction, keeping the mystery alive is crucial. Not all secrets are meant to be shared at once. Leave a little to the imagination and keep him intrigued. Life is all about balance, after all.
So, buckle up and get ready for a fun ride through this treasure trove of insider tips. Whether you're a seasoned dater or just navigating the terrains of a crush, you're bound to find some gems that'll make you his next obsession.
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12. Get His Attention
In order to get a guy to like you, he has to first notice you. You need to try to get his attention first. If he looks past you each time, then just speak to him. Say “hi” and send him a smile. May be even a little “wink” before you walk away. When you walk away, he will be standing there wondering if that was a wink. He may think of it and try to figure out what that “wink” meant.
11. Get Closer
A good way to get him to notice you would be to join clubs that you know he attends, but make sure you enjoy those clubs as well. That way, he will see that the both of you have something in common. Don’t sign up for something that you do not like though, cause this should be something both of you enjoy, so that you could show how fun and smart you are all in one…
10. Wave at Him
When he waves back at you, then that means that he has noticed you. Don’t expect any guy to notice you, it does not always work this way. (I did this a lot. At first, you feel like a fool, but when you get that waive, you will feel special).
When he waves back at you, then that means that he has noticed you. Don’t expect any guy to notice you, it does not always work this way. (I did this a lot. At first, you feel like a fool, but when you get that wave, you will feel special). The key is confidence—guys are naturally drawn to it. So, even if you're feeling nervous, put your best foot forward and give a friendly wave. It's a simple yet effective way to show you're approachable and interested without coming on too strong. Plus, it sets a positive tone for future interactions.
9. Flirt!
Girls, break out with that innocent look and flirt with him. Be playful, but do it in a friendly way. Just do not go overboard with it. Try looking at him until he looks at you. When he looks back at you, look away from him. THEN look at him again. (Yes, this is definitely some good flirting advice and I have personally used it more than once… In fact, this is how I met my husband! Actually, I met my husband by talking to my makeup – it’s a long story and I am focusing on you right now…)
Flirting is a great way to show someone you are interested in them. It's a subtle way to let them know you like them without having to say it out loud. When it comes to flirting with guys, there are a few key tips you should keep in mind.
First, be playful and friendly. Don't be too aggressive or it may come off as desperate. A good way to start is by looking at him until he looks back. When he looks back, look away and then look back again. This is a great way to get his attention and let him know you're interested.
Another tip is to be confident. Guys like confident women, so don't be afraid to show your true personality. Be yourself and don't be afraid to show your sense of humor. This will help you stand out and make you more attractive to him.
Finally, don't forget to smile! Smiling is a great way to show someone that you're interested in them. It also shows that you're friendly and approachable. Plus, it's a great way to break the ice and start a conversation.
8. Be There for Him
Let the guy know that you are there for him. You can find some way to let him know that you want to talk to him. Sometimes, texting works.
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7. Play
Give him a note when you are in the halls or in class, think of something fun.
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6. Use Internet
Ask him for his Instant Messenger address. Sometimes, talking online is the best route to take.
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5. Support Him
When you see that he has a problem, no matter how big or small it maybe, just let him know that you are there for him to lean on emotionally. Nearly every guy likes to be comforted. Some show this differently than others do. Take it from a guy, guys like comfort and they notice girls who give it.
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4. Be More Active
Is there a dance coming up? If you are friends, then ask him if he is going with someone. Gone are the days where girls had to sit around waiting for that guy to ask them. Girls are now able to ask guys to dances and there is nothing wrong with it.
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3. Be His Friend at First
When he starts to get close to you, try to be his friend. Do not try to be his girlfriend or anything special. Just be his friend and leave it at that…for now.
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2. Smile
Smile at him when you pass him in the hallway. You have a beautiful smile, so I am sure that will get his attention.
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1. Laugh!
When he says something that is funny or even not that funny, giggle at him, guys really appreciate it when we get their sense of humor no matter how bad it is.
Girls, walking up to him and saying “PLEASE NOTICE ME NOW!” is not going to work. He will look at you as if you are a weird girl. SO, you need to take these tips and run with them.
Also, if any guys are reading this post, would you please post your opinion on this topic? Iwould like to know more and have more advice than what my “highschool, Super Nova” friend has given me. Also girls, if you have advice, do feel free to share… There can never be too when it comes to love! (;
Photo Credit:{JooJoo} Want More Fabulous Dating Tips? Tips on Meeting Guys:
SO i like this guy but he two years younger and im 17. he says im cute and is soooo sweet and kind and just a good kid but i dont know if i should be safe and play the big sis role to him or do what i really want and go for it and flirt... this might destroy our little relationship friendship whatever and do i really wna risk that.. help
I just have one thing to say.....what if your ugly??? and you go up to someone and wink...I WOULD BE FREAKED OUT IF SOMEONE CAME UP TO ME RAMDOMLY AND WINKED!!! and not to mention if they were weird looking! and what if your insecure, you can expect everyone to have the confidence to walk up to a guy they like and talk to them. You obviously dont know how to make a guy notice have to gradually meet him slowly and start getting to know eachother, and if your really ment to be together, then you will have stuff in commom and you wont even have to try anymore to fall in love! OH, and if you want to find your soulmate, then you have to let fate bring you two together, if you believe in fate. I believe in fate, and when your happily married...your husband is gonna love every fucking thing about you, and that will happen. Everyone has a soulmate out just have to wait to find them!! :)
what if this boy is my foster brother..nd i see him every day...he dosent go to any groups..he does online schooling..i mean i help him with his work we laugh we talk kinda alot nd i know he dosent look at me as a sister
Their is this guy I danced win almost the hole time at a dance. We don't really talk that often,, and we didn't slow dance together, but we had a really good time. I don't have his number,, but I dream that he will do something for valentines day (even though it wont happen) but he is so adorable, what should I do to get him to talk to me more?
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Anonymous:SO i like this guy but he two years younger and im 17. he says im cute and is soooo sweet and kind and just a good kid but i dont know if i should be safe and play the big sis role to him or do what i really want and go for it and flirt... this might destroy our little relationship friendship whatever and do i really wna risk that.. help
Scarlette:I just have one thing to say.....what if your ugly??? and you go up to someone and wink...I WOULD BE FREAKED OUT IF SOMEONE CAME UP TO ME RAMDOMLY AND WINKED!!! and not to mention if they were weird looking! and what if your insecure, you can expect everyone to have the confidence to walk up to a guy they like and talk to them. You obviously dont know how to make a guy notice have to gradually meet him slowly and start getting to know eachother, and if your really ment to be together, then you will have stuff in commom and you wont even have to try anymore to fall in love! OH, and if you want to find your soulmate, then you have to let fate bring you two together, if you believe in fate. I believe in fate, and when your happily married...your husband is gonna love every fucking thing about you, and that will happen. Everyone has a soulmate out just have to wait to find them!! :)
T.H.:what if this boy is my foster brother..nd i see him every day...he dosent go to any groups..he does online schooling..i mean i help him with his work we laugh we talk kinda alot nd i know he dosent look at me as a sister
Anonymously:Their is this guy I danced win almost the hole time at a dance. We don't really talk that often,, and we didn't slow dance together, but we had a really good time. I don't have his number,, but I dream that he will do something for valentines day (even though it wont happen) but he is so adorable, what should I do to get him to talk to me more?
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