10 Tips to Get Your Boyfriend Back ...


10 Tips to Get Your Boyfriend Back ...
10 Tips to Get Your Boyfriend Back ...

So you split up, but now you’re regretting it, realizing he was the one to hold on to. Is it possible to get your boyfriend back? While a lot depends on the circumstances and the people involved, in general most people take a while to move on and good relationships can be rekindled. Here are my top ten tips on how to get your boyfriend back.

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What Went Wrong?

What Went Wrong? Photo Credit: bored-now

If you’ve split up, it happened for a reason. Repeating history isn’t a good idea, so it’s important that you determine what went wrong, and see how you can solve the problem in the future. For example, if you had an argument, find a better way to deal with anger. If either of you cheated, think about why and whether you can forgive each other and move on.


Be Strong

Be Strong Photo Credit: c.zwerg

If you are in talks with your ex, or giving him time to consider it, then leave him alone. Don’t stalk him, or send constant texts or voicemails. Show him you don’t need him back, but you want him back. Being clingy will often push men further away.


Meet up

Meet up Photo Credit: *Peanut (Lauren)

Go to a restaurant, or a coffee shop. Seeing him again might be emotional, so be prepared, and try to stay composed. Think about where to hold the meet up. Pick somewhere you can talk. It's generally a better idea to meet in public so that you don't get carried away either emotionally or physically. Remember you are here to resolve your issues. Remain cool headed and remember that inspite of everything, you are friends!


Dress to Impress

Dress to Impress Photo Credit: Re✫rVieWmiRRr

While wearing your lowest cut top and shortest mini isn’t the best idea, wearing the top he loved and the jeans he couldn’t resist is! Wear sexy lingerieto boost your confidence, and spend time doing your hair and make-up. Show him what he is letting go, and you’ll feel much more confident.


Talk It over

Talk It over Photo Credit: a la corey

Brushing the issue under the carpet never lasts long. Get to the point and talk about how unhappy you are, and what went wrong. Be mature, calm and attentive, and actually listen. For the relationship to be worth fixing, you both need to put effort in. If somebody cheated, listen to their reasons why, and if they regretted it.


Admit It when You Are Wrong

Admit It when You Are Wrong Photo Credit: combatron4

If he says you never listen, and you actually don’t, apologize. Denying it will convince him you won’t change, even if you will. Talk about why you aren’t happy, and accept the things that you do wrong. Nobody is perfect!


Leave the past

Leave the past Photo Credit: Sister72

Agree to discuss the past one last time, and then to move on. Bringing up past negatives doesn’t do any good, and just damages the relationship more. Say what you need to say, let him have a say, and then forget about it.


Don’t Try and Make Him Jealous

Don’t Try and Make Him Jealous Photo Credit: theaspiringphotographer

While it might be marketed as a successful tactic, by making him jealous, he is more likely to retaliate by getting a new girlfriend, and that will only add more obstacles. If you haven’t moved on, don’t act like it. Stay single, and avoid making him jealous on purpose.


Give Him Space

Give Him Space Photo Credit: lolilpopmika

If he needs time to think, give it to him. Clouding his vision will either cause him to reject you outright, or to agree and then change his mind. You want him to be as committed as you, so take a chance and let him think.


Move on

Move on Photo Credit: ClaudiJay

If you aren’t getting anywhere, give up and get over it. You don’t need him, however much you might feel like it right now. Keep your head up, and remember that you are an amazing person, and you’ll find someone better. And delete his number, so that you don’t drunk text!

Before you start the process, think hard about whether you actually want him back, or if you just want a boyfriend. It’s unnecessary hurt for both parties to talk and then change your mind! And remember that being a single woman can be fun! Have you got a tip to get him back? Please share it with me!

Top Photo Credit: courtney jade

Feedback Junction

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I broke it off with this guy ive been dating for 11 m i found out hes dating me and someone else and i told him to not call me until he gets his sh*t together before we can be together and fix our broken realtionship.How can I get him to forget that other person and want to be with me/miss me after I broke it off.Its been 3 days.How long is to long to realize he not coming back? What should I do did I go about things the right way?I miss him ?

my relationship from 6 month my bf break with me i dont why he change her no he dont want to talk to me any more how he will back to me plz help

hi,me and my bf just brok up a few days ago ..he left me ,i dont know why :( he said many things all lies ! i dont know if he s not meeting another girl or messaging her he unfriend me on fb ! i just cant beliee my eyes we broke up because i believed that he was the one for me ! i am so hurt sad everyday thinking of him i dont know how im going to get him back :(

Hey, I Broke up with my boyfriend about 7 months ago for No reason at all and the past 4 months I've realised I did a mistake and I rigret it and I realy want him back but he deleted me off facebook and deleted my number, what should i do.?

Me and my boyfriend broke up last november, because i cheated I told him about it, and he said he'd try to forgive me, i guess he couldnt manage it =/ Now we're sorta friends, but I want more, I'm pretty sure he knows how I feel about him, I think he still loves me. I know I won't ever do better than him, and I'd never cheat again. He's my first love and I want him to be my only. I don't know what I could do..

This guy Im head over heels for and I are taking a break after 9months and I miss him like crazy he say he need time to finish up this semester and he needs to focus on his books which I understand but I feel he is saying that to avoid the problem of him lying to me about this girl.I asked if its over numerous of times and said no and that he cares about me and that Im one of the best thing that happen to him. Im so confused so I gave him his space and was still calling,texting and he even tried to skype me. Then we saw eachother after 4 days of not talking and we kissed and had sex out of no where.I stoped calling him after that because I was trying to give him his space like he wants but he still calls.I dont get him.I want to work it out but hes not ready to fully talk about the situation so we can move until schools out which is 2 weeks.It has been 2 weeks since the issue occured. What should I do??I want to talk about things now because its driving me crazy.Is it over between us??Is he stringing me along or is it hes not ready to fis up to his wrong doing?? Should I wait for things to die down before we have "the talk"??

Hey would you recommend this book in my situation: I have been in dis relationship for 4 years, and for THE third time, my boyfriend decided we need a break up, Because we argue a lot. According to him we wont be happy if we stay in a relationship dat isnt workin. I disagree and think its still fixable. What do you think? And should i get THE book ?

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