12 Tips on Getting over Your Ex ...


12 Tips on Getting over Your Ex ...
12 Tips on Getting over Your Ex ...

Relationships hurt. Period. When my relationships ended badly, I used to brood with an apocalyptic view of the world. I’ve grown up and wish to share my experiences thus far over getting over that ex.

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Don’t Rebound with Ben and Jerry

Yes, I know that you’re not in the best of conditions, and food can be a great consoler. However, you want to be in your best physical shape to send the best F. U. message to that loser. Savor a dish of ice cream, not a Vermonster challenge.


Don’t Rebound Immediately

After a bad breakup, I always realize that perks that come with being single. You’ll miss the guy or feel empty in the end. Breathe and enjoy solitude rather than lonliness. For once, I have the time to explore my interest in playing the violin (which I still haven’t pursued).



As a water polo player, I can tell you that my endorphins are on roofies after a great workout. You’ll burn calories, look better, and feel better. It’s much better than brooding and watching reruns of Grey’s Anatomy.


Treat Yourself

I love shopping. Get a nice pair of pumps and admire yourself. You used to give so much of yourself in a past relationship. Focus on yourself for once.


Don’t Rant

I used to tell my galpals about bad breakups in angry rants. The rants only made me miss my old beefcakes even more. I didn’t feel better about anything. I just wanted to eat Ben and Jerry’s all day.


Don’t Call Him

Even if you still love him and are good friends, take a break from him. You’re only going depress yourself if you carry false hopes. Don’t tread down potentially bad waters.


Don’t Get Shitfaced

Alcohol is a relaxant and depressant. Don’t put yourself in a fog, and be aware of yourself. I’ve always thought that Cosmos were vodka with Kool-Aide anyways.


Watch a Non-Romantic Comedy

Romantic comedies are cheesy and borderline ridiculous. I love the show, “It’s Always Sunny Philadelphia.” It’s absurdly hilarious and keeps me laughing in a good way.


Don’t Bad Mouth about Your past Lover

Don’t tell or lie to your friends that he has an STD or secretly watches Gossip Girl. I have and felt ridiculous afterwards. (Try to) be a good person. It’s over. Lots of worse things have happened in the past. However, if he is bad mouthing you, then you can pull out the claws.


When You Speak about the past Relationship, Only Confide to Those You Trust

I recently found out that a man that I loved is dating another girl. I told my mother about it, and her advice made me feel better immediately. She reminded me that while he was funny and brilliant, he was also cynical and emotionally cruel. She brought me back to reality. As a result, I feel happy for his relationship rather than jealous resentment.


Don’t Revisit Old Memories

If your couple song was “I Like It Rough” by Lady Gaga, don’t freakin’ listen to it on your ipod.


Think of the Bad Times

You broke up. Obviously things weren’t perfect. All relationships have great components, but sometimes we turn a blind eye to the destructive elements of Cupid. You hear me, Rihanna?

Well, good luck roughing over this period of time. I’d love to tell you more about bad relationships, or good relationships that you wish that didn't end, but I’ve got to catch an episode of “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.” Now, watching your favorite series could also help you get over your ex and deal with breakup issues!

Do you know about other effective ways to get over a breakup? Please share!

Photo Credit: flickr.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Thanks for sharing these. I know that many girls may be going through this atm or have been before. These tips are extremely helpful and will benefit many in the future. Wonderful list. I can't even think of anything to add to it besides 'starting a journal to rant in'. (:

All these tips are great! Thanks for sharing. Although I hope none of us here have to try it out. :)

HEy, there so i have been with my boyfriend for 2 years n we have lived together for a little over a year .. we had an awesome relationship rarely ever fought but last week we had an argument n realized that were just at different points in our life ... we currently live together n i am gonna stay here for the next 2 months until i find a new apt .. we have been very open about how we felt and even cried together .. i thought i was gonna marry him .. im 21 hes 27 so the age thing was def a factor ... but my question for u is how do i move on when we live together? we agreed to treat each other as room mates n alternate between the couch n bed but then he says things like" are u sure were making the right decision" n it makes me 2nd guess our decision.. im trying to move on n know that things happen for a reason but i can honestly say that this is the hardest thing to do ... if he cheated n did something bad it would be easier but to realize that were just at 2 different points in our life is the worst.... any advice on how to make this transition easier for the both of us?

You didn't include the advice to forgive and FORGET! Although it may be very hard to do at times, its the best thing to get the healing process going. Wish him the best of luck and move on and don't even try to imagine what he may be doing or with WHO is he with now, etc. Life is too short to get completely hooked on someone who was not meant for you to start with. As the saying goes... "Let him go freely, if he was yours - he will return --- (of course it's up to you if you want to take him back) and if he doesn't return -- it's because he was never truly yours to start with!" As my parents always adviced me.."There's nothing BAD that happens that comes for a GOOD reason." Think about it. Keep a positive outlook in life and remember for some reason GOD put so many fish in the sea! Your fishing season will come again soon enough. Don't worry, just be happy!

I loved these tips, they actually working very well for me, and yes watching non romantic comedy is a perfect idea, Glee/friends (again) have been my distraction, maybe I'll try it's always sunny in Philadelphia ;). About the other tips, - Writing is a good idea, write down your thoughts and feelings, maybe it's the time to have a blog. - Rebound with old friends. - Listen to hopeful songs. - Read Paulo Coelho's book. - Do something new, try to fill that void.

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