9 Ways to Bounce Back from a Break up ...


9 Ways to Bounce Back from a Break up ...
9 Ways to Bounce Back from a Break up ...

So you’ve broken up, and have buckets of ice cream, tissues and haven’t got dressed in six days...but when does wallowing become a pity party? One of the biggest steps in getting over him is getting your self esteem back, and you won’t do that if you haven’t seen sunlight in days. And you don’t see Tess Daly crying, do you?! Here’s my nine ways to bounce back from your break up...

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Skin Care

Skin Care Photo Credit: MeaCulpaBodyandBath

Stress, junk food and lack of sunlight will more then likely cause a break out, which isn’t going to boost your confidence. Take control, and use a cleansing mask as well as keeping up your usual skin care routine. Looking radiant will make you feel much better then being pale and pasty!


Hide Your Tears

Hide Your Tears Photo Credit: lor.rain.e

While you might not yet feel able to stop crying completely, make sure the rest of the world thinks you have. Use an eye cream such as Garnier Caffeine Eye Roller which will reduce puffiness and you can apply make up over it. Or, for a cheaper trick, use lilac eye liner to make yourself look more alert and awake.


New Look

Keep your make up bag close to you, but give it a bit of a sort. Switch to a bright coloured mascara, swap lipsticks, use a brighter blusher. Change something, to give your look a fresh edge, and stop you feeling like you are stuck in a routine.



Nails Photo Credit: Princess Cy

If you’ve bitten your nails right down, they won’t be looking pretty. Luckily, short nails are going to be huge this year, so treat yourself to a manicure. A good file and polish will make them look much better, and a bit of pampering is sure to cheer you up!


Big Shades

Hiding yourself away won’t make you feel any better, but neither will crying in public. If you think you might, invest in some big shades. They have the added bonus of being the perfect way to avoid eye contact with anyone you don’t want to talk too, and they might even make you feel a bit Summery!


Underwear Shopping

Underwear Shopping Photo Credit: sosij

Nothing cheers me up more then underwear shopping. Invest in some cute matching pants and bra sets, in colours you love. You’ll be surprised how much of a difference it makes to your mornings, and it gets you out of the house, too!

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Height Matters

Feeling taller will instantly make you feel more powerful, and give you a sexy walk too. So dig out your favourite pair and put on the heels, or treat yourself to a new pair... just make sure you aren’t going to fall over. A broken heart and a broken leg? No thanks!


Dress Sophisticated

Resist the urge to don leather knee high boots and a low cut top, to show him what he is missing. Instead play the sophisticated card, and dress in your favourite outfits. What matters is that you think you look good, no one cares what he thinks!



Have your hair trimmed, a fringe added or some extra layers added, but don’t get a completely new look. You don’t need, or want, to change, just to give yourself a fresh look and some confidence!

Once you’ve followed these steps, you’ll be looking amazing and hopefully feeling a lot better too. So then it’s time to ditch the ice cream and chick flicks, and go for a coffee with the girls, or out dancing. While it might feel like it, it really isn’t the end of the world, so go out and have fun! Have you got a tip for getting over a break up? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: ásdís.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

OMGSH! Thnak you so much! I really needed this, I was thinking of a new look before we broke up, but after reading this should I try it? Thank you:)

I did the heels, the underwear, the trim the "confidence" but now he came back and ah. It's hard...At least I don't cry anymore. I'm just numb. But the heels did help..Thanks :)

underwear shopping does make me happy lol..

You can't control what goes on in your mind ; but sometimes love is a pain killer & whenever someone important comes in your life & they make you feel better whenever you've been threw alot in your life ! Love is all based on caring ! & sometimes knowing that someone cares is all that matters & you grow to need them in your life !

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