8 Reasons to Fall in Love Again after a Divorce ...


8 Reasons to Fall in Love Again after a Divorce ...
8 Reasons to Fall in Love Again after a Divorce ...

You should realize that a divorce is not the end of the road. This is not where love stops. There will be love at the end of the divorce, you just have to find the right person and don’t worry, they will find you. Love always finds a way. Below, I am going to give you 8 reasons to fall in love again after a divorce …

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There is Life after a Divorce

There is Life after a Divorce Photo Credit: whatisname

When you go through a divorce, this does not mean that it is the end of the road. You may not believe it at the time, but there really is life after a divorce. You just have to have motivation, get out of your house and have fun.


You Don’t Want to Be Alone for the Rest of Your Life

Sure, you may be an independent person, but surely, you do not want to live without being loved. Just because you got a divorce, it does not mean that love is out of the question. Do not hold yourself back from falling in love.


It Just Happens

It Just Happens Photo Credit: Clara Hinton

Sometimes, you can’t help but to fall in love. You should go with the flow of your heart. If you feel that you are falling in love, then go with it. Your heart will lead the way for you.


You Will Have Help

You Will Have Help Photo Credit: teddyrabbit

Getting through alone in this world can be a hard thing to do. When you come home each night, if you do not have someone waiting there for you, then is it going to be as interesting? When you fall in love after a divorce, you will have someone there for you to help you.



Motivation Photo Credit: Vanessa Pike-Russell

When you fall in love after a divorce, that person is going to be there to give you motivation. When they see you feeling down, they will lift you up. Isn’t this a good reason to love again after a divorce.


For the Children

For the Children Photo Credit: Swamibu

Do you really want your children to see you going through the stress of life alone? Don’t they need to see how strong love can be? I know, sometimes, children do not want you to love again, but by doing this, they will understand when they are older and you will be teaching them that there is a life after divorce.


Someone to Talk to

Someone to Talk to Photo Credit: JenniPenni

When you fall in love after a divorce, you are going to have someone to talk to and lean on when you need them. Don’t you think this is a good reason to love again?


To Show the Other That the Divorce Did Not Ruin You

To Show the Other That the Divorce Did Not Ruin You Photo Credit: Bob.Fornal

Your spouse may be thinking that you cannot get over them and they like that. Don’t let them win. Show them that you are fully capable of loving again after the divorce. Just don’t push it too far and use anyone with this step.

Those are 8 reasons to fall in love again after a divorce. You definitely should not sit in your house and cry all day. So, do you have any success stories to tell? How did you get over your divorce? Are you currently married?

Top Photo Credit: cullum, heather

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Is there a 'stalk' on 'falling in love after your boyfriend dies'? :/

Thanks for that Abbey! :)

Hi Mel, Its your marriage anniversarry and you are stalking related to divorce! Anyway congratulation once again. Have a wonderful life ahead and surely together. Keep smiling

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