8 Ways to Avoid an Old Boyfriend ...


8 Ways to Avoid an Old Boyfriend ...
8 Ways to Avoid an Old Boyfriend ...

It sucks when you bump into an old boyfriend in public, well, sometimes it doesn’t, but it does if he was a jerk. I know that sometimes it is hard to avoid boyfriends and sometimes it is easy to do. I really do not have much problems with this, because I follow these tips below. Get ready to take my advice and learn 8 ways to avoid an old boyfriend…

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Just Look the Other Way

Just Look the Other Way Photo Credit: Cuba Gallery

Really, if you sit there and stare at him, he’ll make eye contact and then it is all on. The conversation will start. So, would it not make perfect since to just look the other way? I think this is the best step to take.


Act like He’s a Stranger

Act like He’s a Stranger Photo Credit: ☠ The Punk ☠

When you walk past him one day, act like he’s just a stranger, don’t sigh, don’t giggle, don’t make eye contact. Just like I said in number 8, if you do any of the above, then the conversation is going to begin. Don’t act any different when he walks past you, even if he looks at you. I do this all the time and it works.


Change Your Phone Number

Change Your Phone Number Photo Credit: stplast

Of course, if you really want to stay away from him, then just change your phone number. When you change your phone number, make sure you give it to your other friends, but tell them not to give him the number. Also, make sure your number goes as unlisted.


Block His E-mail

Block His E-mail Photo Credit: Keyvan Nayyeri

Do you know how many e-mails I have blocked? I love this little method! Of course, if the boys smart, they will e-mail you from a different e-mail address. When this happens, make sure you just hit delete and send it straight to spam. Don’t even open it. It’s not worth the time of the day.


Don’t Accept Him on Facebook

Don’t Accept Him on Facebook Photo Credit: william couch

I know, this one sounds funny and obvious, but some girls actually accept their ex on Facebook and expect him to not say anything. Haha, that’s a good one. Never accept him to Facebook. You’re trying to avoid him, remember? So learn how to hit that decline button!


Avoid Going Where You Know He Will Be

Avoid Going Where You Know He Will Be Photo Credit: Susan NYC

Okay, so you know where he hangs out, why would you want to go there? Obviously, if you go there, you want to find him. So, if you know where he hangs out, try to avoid going to that spot. This way, you won’t have to bump heads.


Keep Him from Your Mind

Keep Him from Your Mind Photo Credit: hurleygurley

Of course, you can’t avoid the boy if you do not keep him from your mind. Is he really worth thinking about? Is he worth talking to? Then make sure you just keep him from your mind, there is no need to even remember him.


Change Your Classes

Change Your Classes Photo Credit: James F Clay

I have done this one before. If the boy is in your class, then change your classes. If you cannot change your classes, then ask the teacher to move you to the other side of the room. During class, don’t make eye contact – you’re avoiding him – he doesn’t exist!

There you have 8 ways to avoid an old boyfriend. I stuck to these eight things and never have a run in. If you don’t want to bump heads, then you would do the same thing. Do you have any other advice you care to share?

Top Photo Credit: Cuba Gallery

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I know the last one to do with school is ok, but would you maybe make one about school? Because My ex used to be my best friend and when we went out, it wasn't for long, he is trying to become friends again, but I don't want to until he has completely gotten over me, because he has told multiple friends of mine that he stills wants me, and I just don't feel that way about him. It has been very hard to ignore him and his texts(My mom has not got enough money to spend on a new sim, so I am not going to ask her) Especially since all the teachers put us together because they know we used to be best friends, and they don't care if we ask to be moved because they say stuff like "You shouldn't be having a relationship that you know will affect your school work" which is stupid because that is what life is about, having relationships and fun, why do they think it is so short? So amm... Any advice? lol x

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