10 Signs It's Time for a Divorce ...


10 Signs It's Time for a Divorce ...
10 Signs It's Time for a Divorce ...

I know it's not as easy to end a marriage as it may be to end a relationship but sometimes, it's just better that way. Sometimes, good things just have to end. C'est la vie! The fact of the matter is that marriage is hard work and it's not going to be a cakewalk. If you are going through a tough time and you think your relationship is heading towards a divorce and you are not sure, then hopefully, reading these 10 signs it’s time for a divorce will help you out.

Take note that most individuals will encounter two or more of these things. However, if you are finding that you experience more than a few constantly over a longer period of time, then it may be time to end it and move on:

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You do Not Look Forward to Spending Some Alone Time with Your Partner

You do Not Look Forward to Spending Some Alone Time with Your Partner Photo Credit: sarak hellas

Here, you might still have a good sex life and you may not. However, spending time with your partner is starting to feel more like a chore. If spending time alone, going on dateswith your husband or wife is something you dread, then it may be time to move up for parole.


Are You Comparing Your Partner to Others?

Are You Comparing Your Partner to Others? Photo Credit: emay78 {erin}

While it's okay to occasionally look at someone else and wish that your partner would possess some quality that you admire in the other person, too much comparing could spell bad news. If you find yourself constantly finding other men appealing and constantly wishing your partner would change certain things, maybe it's a sign that your relationship is on rocky ground.

Frequently asked questions


You “micro-manage” Your Partner

You “micro-manage” Your Partner Photo Credit: AnomalousNYC

If you are always looking at your partner’s socks to make sure they are exactly right with his pants or checking if she is wearing too much makeup, then you may need to start looking at yourself. Agreed, that somehabits can be annoying but constant criticism may mean that you are unhappy or dissatisfied and it may be time for examining your relationship.


You Are Trying to Change Your Partner

You Are Trying to Change Your Partner Photo Credit: sara*teresa

Why change your partner? Didn’t you marry them because you love the way they are? If you are trying to change your partner from the one you fell in love with, then it may be time to get out of the relationship.


You Are Reconnecting with Your Exes

You Are Reconnecting with Your Exes Photo Credit: FotoEdge

You are starting to get into contact with your ex boyfriend or girlfriend. If you had a chance to sleep with them, would you? Are you looking to get your ego boosted? Have you forgotten why the two of you broke up to start with? I should not have to say any more…

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The Jokes Your Spouse Tells Are No Longer Funny to You

The Jokes Your Spouse Tells Are No Longer Funny to You Photo Credit: gwilmore

Of course, you could have heard them two thousand times before, but many people have a tendency to look past this repetitiveness. Signs of a divorce would be the fact that your partner is trying tobe funnyand you do not think they are really funny.


You Are Doing All of the Getting or All of the Giving

You Are Doing All of the Getting or All of the Giving Photo Credit: Brandon Christopher Warren

Relationships are a two way street. If one partner is benefiting over the other, then this is not a healthy relationship. This doesn’t mean that everything should be balanced. If he spends fifty dollars on abirthday gift, that doesn’t mean she has to spend the same amount. It doesn't even mean that you have to split the dinner check. However, there should be enough give and take and both should be doing things for each other. That's the point of a relationship right?


You Are Constantly Trying to Find Ways to Include Other Individuals in Your Activities

You Are Constantly Trying to Find Ways to Include Other Individuals in Your Activities Photo Credit: Anastasia Abramova

Including others in your activities all the time is not a good sign. This goes back to number 10 where you did not look forward to spending alone time with your partner. Of course, having time with friends is good, but if you always have company, then where is the time for just the two of you? Remember, when you would make excuses just so that you could be alone and do romantic things together? What changed and how?


Your Friends do Not like Being with You when You Are with Your Partner

Your Friends do Not like Being with You when You Are with Your Partner Photo Credit: Stephen.James

Your friends do not have to dislike your partner but perhaps they see the effect, your partner has on you. Perhaps you do notlook happy when you are with him or her. Perhaps you're quieter than your normal self. Perhaps, you're just different. Have any of your friends noticed any changes in you lately?


You do Not Feel Good about Yourself

You do Not Feel Good about Yourself Photo Credit: JennKstep

The relationship you are in has started to bring you down. Think about how you felt when you first started dating. How did you feel about yourself and the world you lived in? If the relationship is starting to seem like a task, if you aren't happy, if you've lostself confidence, if you can't see the point of going on, you may want to sit down and reflect.

Of course, the obvious sign would be if you arecheating on your husbandor wife. If you notice these ten signs jumping up constantly in your relationship, then it is time to start looking into it. This may not necessarily mean that you are ready for divorce. Before divorce, you should look into marriage counseling. Are you having problems in your relationship? If you're divorced, how did you know it was time?

Top Photo Credit: ryian

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