10 Reasons to Work Online ...


10 Reasons to Work Online ...
10 Reasons to Work Online ...

Those of you who know me, know that I work online. I have founded ContentWritersRevenue and have a great deal of clients. I’m a full-time freelance writer. Why did I choose this career path? Well, to be honest with you, I have a ton of reasons. Here, I give you my top 10 reasons to work online:

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You Can Be Your Own Boss

You Can Be Your Own Boss Photo Credit: juhansonin

I got tired of trying to please a boss. Sure, when you work for someone, that's what it is all about. But what I liked even less were the times when I would mess up. A common boss will jump down your throat faster than you can say "Oops." Repeat your mistakes a couple of times and suddenly your job might be in danger. Why? Because you made your boss look bad in the eyes of their own boss. This is the typical work scenario but when you work from home, you won't have issues like that. No need to please someone you may not even like.


You do Not Have to Drive to Work

You do Not Have to Drive to Work Photo Credit: blessedmom Photography

I don’t know about you but I hate that commute to work every morning. I hate the rush of getting the kids ready, dropping them off at school, and sitting in traffic. And then you arrive at work only to walk through the doors with the boss standing there looking at the clock. When you work from home, you will be avoiding that rush. You will be on your own time. You can get the kids ready for school without rushing (as long as they’re on time). You also get to watch them walk through the school building doors safely.


You Will save Gas

You Will save Gas Photo Credit: Neato Coolville

I like the fact that I do not have to drive to work. Before, I spent $10.00 or more a day on gas. Yes, my car is a gas hog, but now, I have no complaints. I save money on gas. Not to mention the fact that I do not put as much mileage on the vehicle. And the money I save, can be spent on shopping sprees or go to my vacation fund!


You do Not Have to Get up as Early

You do Not Have to Get up as Early Photo Credit: Sky Noir

I like how I do not have to get up at 4AM anymore, unless, of course, I want to. Some days, I do get up that early, but that’s just to get a head start on some things. Plus, I have more free time to indulge in the things I like!


You Can Take a Day off Whenever You like

You Can Take a Day off Whenever You like Photo Credit: WTL photos

I no longer have to think of excuses to get off work! I can easily arrange my schedule so that I have a day off. This also means I have to use the following day as a catch-up day, which is fine. I try not to “call in sick” too often though, because this could become a habit. Even though you work from home and you are your own boss, it does not mean that you can take time off work all the time.


You Can Set Your Own Schedule

You Can Set Your Own Schedule Photo Credit: blende

One thing that makes this career choice workfor me is the fact that I can set my own schedule. If I want to work for 12 hours one day and only 3 hours the next, I can. That is one of the neat things about working from home.


You Can Make as Much Money as You Are Willing to Work for

You Can Make as Much Money as You Are Willing to Work for Photo Credit: mirabo

I have found that I can make as much money as I am willing to work for. I have made over $700.00 a week simply by writing. Of course, it took a LOT of writing, but it was well worth it. During the holidays, you can do extra work so that you can have a great Christmas.


Often, You Will Not Get Paid by the Hour

Often, You Will Not Get Paid by the Hour Photo Credit: wallyg

My clients do not pay by the hour. They pay by article and that is great. Gone are the days when you worked those $8/hour jobs. These days, I can easily make $64.00 or more an hour. Doesn’t this sound much better than the hourly rate?


You Can Have Different Jobs without Putting a Lot of Time into Each

You Can Have Different Jobs without Putting a Lot of Time into Each Photo Credit: ailatan

I am a full-time freelance writer but I also like selling stuff online and designing web pages from time to time. You can do those extra jobs without actually feeling that you are drowning from all the responsibilities. The best way to enjoy those extra jobs is to take up something that you enjoy doing, like a hobby.


You Get to Spend Time with Your Family

You Get to Spend Time with Your Family Photo Credit: TomLA

Most of all, I love working online because I get to spend time with Ariela (my 5 year old) and my husband. When you work in an office or somewhere that you'll need to leave home for, you don't always have time for your family. In fact, you would have to leave your kids with a babysitter. I never trust babysitters. But when you work from home, you know your child is safe since you will be the one watching them.

So those are 10 reasons why I love working online. What about you? Do you work online? What do you do? What do you love about working from home?

Top Photo Credit: WALEED - Design

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

this has always appealed to me, except for one thing, i have no idea how to get work as a freelance writer lol

Funny.. we had to write a composition about it today!

This is something I have been thinking about trying to get into. Maybe you can do an article soon about how to get started.... Pretty please?

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