8 Jobs You Can do from Home ...


8 Jobs You Can do from Home ...
8 Jobs You Can do from Home ...

I started working from home seven years ago, when my youngest daughter was born. I couldn’t handle the idea of putting her in day care, so I investigated every single work-from-home opportunity I could find. So many of them were scams, but a few weren’t, and I still do them to this day. Here’s my list of the eight jobs you can do from home…

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Writing and/or Photography

Writing and/or Photography Photo Credit: Lucas Bernal

If you’re a journalist, copywriter, or blogger, there’s no real reason you can’t work from home, especially with the internet at your disposal! You can research, conduct interviews, write, and send for editing from home, as long as you have a bunny-quick internet connection, a good cell phone, and (of course) the right research sources. Take your own photos to sell with your articles, too! Or be a photog on your own, to shoot sports, kids, weddings, and more!


Web Design & Programming

Web Design & Programming Photo Credit: makmaksan

You can write code and/or design under a deadline and on budget. Why should you have to go into an office? If you have a client update meeting, throw on your pressed khakis and a polo shirt (if you’re a guy) or a pair of skinny jeans and a cute top (if you’re a gal) and go! But other than that, you ought to be able to work from home, as long as you have the right software and a good internet connection.

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Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant Photo Credit: alternative018

With the right technology (e-mail, calendar, PowerPoint, and a good phone) there’s no real reason why you can’t be an administrative or executive assistant from home. Book travel, update calendars, set appointments, answer calls, create presentations, deal with correspondence… you can do all of it from home!


Booking Charity Pick-Ups

Booking Charity Pick-Ups Photo Credit: Cláudia*~Assad

The Purple Heart is a charity here in the States that benefits injured military veterans. They pick up used clothing and household items and sell them at thrift stores. The pick-ups are scheduled by phone, and the schedulers all work from home. The schedulers get a list of addresses in the neighborhoods where the Purple Heart trucks will be in two weeks, and they simply call and make sure residents put their bags and furniture on their porches. Schedulers are paid per successful pick up, and it’s for a very good cause!


Data Entry

Data Entry Photo Credit: windchains

Some companies still use good old-fashioned data entry people to update huge lists of data by hand. They prefer to use independent contractors who work from home, and they pay per item correctly and accurately entered. For freelance data entry jobs, check out elance.com or getafreelancer.com.

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Print Design

Print Design Photo Credit: orgutcayli

Do you have a flair for ad or print design? Then connect with a good, reputable local printer and maybe a small ad agency and pick up quick design jobs! All you really need is a cell phone, the right design software, and a speedy internet connection.



In most states, including Michigan, where I live, you must be licensed to provide in-home day-care to ANY child who is not your own. The process is relatively simple and fast, so if you enjoy working with children, and have an extra room that could be turned into a play area, then you may want to consider opening a day care!


Mystery Shopping

Mystery Shopping Photo Credit: lomokev

Let me start by saying that you should never, EVER, pay to register with a mystery shopping company. They will pay YOU! For a list of reputable, legitimate companies to shop for, visit the Mystery Shopping Providers Association at mysteryshop.org and apply with all of the ones that have shops to do in your area. I’ve been a part-time shopper for seven years, and I even teach a class at my local parks and rec!

With the power of the Internet, there’s no real reason you have to leave home to make money! None of these require buying anything, like make-up or plastic food containers… Try a few of these and see what you think… is there one you like best? Or is there a job I’ve left off my list? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: purplelime

Feedback Junction

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I do not know what I want. I'm a useless person. That's what I am.

I wish that someday I can try mystery shopping. That sounds like a fund job, for someone like me who loves to shop! However, I think this one will just stay as a wish.

Nice post, I have worked from home for the past 10 years. First in real estate and now as a blogger and online shoe store owner. Working from home is definitely not for everyone because it requires discipline but it is pretty nice to earn money in your pj's :-)

Hey Sheila! Was reading an article written by you on this website & you commented saying that you stay in India? Well I stay in Bombay! =D Was wondering if you can help me out with some online jobs? Every site keeps telling me to pay some amount or the other...basically they all look like scam! Any idea which ones are for real? ...Anyways.. I guess you earn by writing here.. Got a blog on my mind.. Darn I'm clueless where to start!!

I am not a woman. fact. But I do want to work from home or more specifically, I want to not work. Double fact. The more I look for new jobs the more I realize, I don't really want to work. But I just invested in a new computer which will allow me to do things from home that will make me wildly successful and be able to, ya know, do stuff that will get me like... money. Aren't you glad I commented? I really add so much to the conversation.

What about blogging?

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