8 Ways to Land a New Job ...


8 Ways to Land a New Job ...
8 Ways to Land a New Job ...

Are you looking for ways to improve your chances of being hired? Research has shown that your chances of being hired over the competition are significantly higher when you are fully prepared and confident. Keep reading for a little sound advice on upping your chances to ace your interview!

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Be Punctual

Be Punctual Photo Credit: fortinbras

It’s true! Employers want their employees to value their time, as well as the time of all those around them. How can you prove time is of the essence? Wear a wristwatch! This will send a subtle message you care about not being late and are conscience of the time all through the day.


Don’t Smoke

Don’t Smoke Photo Credit: myrtle1980

Many businesses today have a no smoking policy. This is true for their employees as well. Why? Smokers cost more money to insure! But do not pretend, or lie, about smoking. People can smell the smoke on your clothing as well as your hair, and even your skin.


Dress Right

Dress Right Photo Credit: notscarlett7

Did you know women who wear navy or black suits to an interview have a higher chance of landing the job? (It’s the same for men, by the way) Navy and black make a person seem more confident and sure of themselves! Don’t have a suit? Substitute any navy outfit and let your employer know you mean business!


Your Resume is Important

Your Resume is Important Photo Credit: Life-Coaching-Online

You need a professional resume. If creating you own at home is something you can do with style, great! But is you need a little help making it professionally, try CeeVee.com. Your resume will look nice, and that is important.


Use Social Media Tip #1

Use Social Media Tip #1 Photo Credit: fredcavazza

Did you know, many employers will use your Face Book and Twitter accounts to look you up? Yes, Face Book can impress your boss, or it might turn him away. What do they look for on Twitter and Face Book? Good communication skills. How well do you communicate with your friends and family? Your prospective boss will look for that.


Social Media Tip#2

Social Media Tip#2 Photo Credit: deanmeyersnet

Another thing employers look for on all your social media sights is good attitudes. Do your posts reflect a happy healthy spirit? Or do you complain, grumble and gripe about everything and everyone? Erase those posts, and keep the ones that are upbeat and positive. Good Attitudes are important!


Be Prepared

Be Prepared Photo Credit: Laraloola

I know it may sound funny, but practice for your interview. Ask your friends or family for help. Another great option would be BetterTalking.com. Here, you will find a rehearsed interview and your answers are kept on file so that you are able to study them, change them, and practice them!


Choose the Best Interview Time

Choose the Best Interview Time Photo Credit: Susanne13

Believe it or not, it isn’t always best to be first in line. No, first come, first serve isn’t always true! After a long day of interviewing people, who do you think will be the easiest to remember? That’s right, the last one! It may be to your benefit to ask for the last available time slot. That 8:00 interviewee may be long forgotten by 4:00!

Well, are you ready to tackle that interview and land your dream job? Why not drop me a line if any of these tactics helped you get your job?

Top Photo Credit: language translation

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