Is it time to step out in the world and get a job? Have you just lost your job and you need a new job? It’s okay, sure, it’s the time where jobs are at its all time low, but I’m tired of hearing this. If you have talent, then you have potential to get a job. In the end, you may want to look online!
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10. Look Online!
Photo Credit: Ben Dodson
Did you know that there are many individuals that are actually making money online? Is this hard to believe? Some of them have actually created businesses out of the job they have created online. This includes things such as web designing, freelance writing, virtual assistants and much more. If you have talent of a web designer or writer, then you should definitely look online! You might like what you find.
9. Don’t Give up
Sure, we’re in a recession, but you should not make that your excuse. Just because we are in a recession does not mean you cannot find a job. If you sit there and do nothing about it, but complain, then you will not find one. Sorry people, I’m just trying to be straight with you and I’m not sugarcoating any of it.
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8. Have Your Resume Ready
Whatever you do, you should always have that resume ready, because you never know when the opportunity is going to come up where you get to hand that resume over to someone. For your resume, make sure it is well written and is attention grabbing. You need to stand out from the crowd.
7. E-mail Your Resume!
As you are searching online, do you see all those different companies? Whether this is an online or offline job, e-mail your resume to the targeted company. The company does not have to be one that says they are hiring.
6. Be Realistic about the Pay per Hour
Yes, I know that you want nothing more in this world than to make $25.00 or more an hour, but when you are filling out applications, you need to be realistic. If it is an $8.00 an hour job, then don’t push your luck with asking for too much or your application will be thrown in file 13 (that’s the trash).
5. Read the Classified
Every time the newspaper in your area comes up, read those classified ads. When you see something that matches your expertise, jump on it right then and there. Don’t say you will wait for tomorrow, because sometimes, tomorrow never gets there.
4. Go into Stores and Talk to the Manager
Even if you do not see a “we’re hiring” sign on the door, you should go inside and talk to the manager. Beg them if you have to. If you have a family, then explain to them your situation. Do not be afraid to get personal with them. Tell them how low you will work for.
3. Show Sample Work
Are you applying for a job that will allow you to show them sample work? Then, by all means, please show them samples of your past work! Make sure you pick out from your best!
2. Be Prepared to Sell Yourself
No matter where you are, you should always be prepared to show yourself. Do not be shy when it comes to discussing things with the potential boss.
1. Be on Air when You Arrive
In this age of technology, you never know when you are being watched! As soon as you arrive at the parking lot, you need to act as if you are in front of the boss. They may have security cameras watching you in the parking lot. Don’t do anything that would make them not want to hire you.
There you have the 10 tips on finding a job. Again, don’t make excuses, get up and find a job. There is a job out there for every person – yes, even you. How many of you are searching for jobs?
Top Photo Credit: language translation