8 Advantages of Choosing Work over Study ...


8 Advantages of Choosing Work over Study ...
8 Advantages of Choosing Work over Study ...

With certain careers, it’s essential to undertake a course of study first. You wouldn’t want a doctor who knew nothing about the human body! However, there are good reasons why you can be better off not studying at university and going into work instead. Here are some of them.

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Avoiding Debt

Avoiding Debt Photo Credit: bitzcelt

Being a student is very, very expensive, and paying off loans will take you years.When you total up the amount you pay in interest, is it really worth it?


Vocational Pays

Vocational Pays Photo Credit: deadcraft

There will always be a demand for plumbers etc, so choosing practical training over academic study can lead to a more lucrative career. Such professions may still be regarded as predominantly male, but technically there is no reason why women can’t enter them.


Too Many Degrees

Too Many Degrees Photo Credit: Alan Hudson Photography

In the UK, the last government set a target of getting 50% of school leavers into university. As a result, degrees have been effectively devalued as so many people have them. This leads to employers asking for degrees when previously the same job needed much lower qualifications, just because they can.


Not Suited

Not Suited Photo Credit: Fluroscent Adolescent

Not everyone is academically minded. For some people, studying is just not something they enjoy, and they may have other useful talents and skills.


Some individuals thrive in practical, hands-on environments, finding that they learn best by doing. This kinesthetic approach can lead to fulfillment and success in various trades and vocacies that aren't typically taught in a traditional classroom setting. Recognizing one's strength in these practical skills can be empowering, and often, entering the workforce early allows for gaining valuable experience, networking, and establishing a professional foundation that can be just as beneficial—if not more so—than the academic route for certain personalities and career goals.


Climb the Ladder

Climb the Ladder Photo Credit: eneias_santana

Sometimes starting at the bottom and working your way up can get you further than a degree. By the time your peers have graduated (in debt), you could be in a much higher position than they will be able to start with.


Learn While You Work

Learn While You Work Photo Credit: Pictoscribe

Working full-time doesn’t mean an end to your chances of studying. It may take longer, but you can study at night school or follow a distance learning course. Your employer may even sponsor you to take relevant courses.


Balancing work and learning demands remarkable time management, but it's absolutely possible and fosters personal growth. Many organizations encourage their staff to pursue further education by offering flexible schedules or financial aid. This support can often be in the form of tuition reimbursement programs. Moreover, applying new knowledge immediately within your job role can lead to a deeper understanding and rapid skill advancement. Night classes and online courses are designed for the working professional, ensuring that you can tailor your learning experience around your existing commitments. Remember, with every challenge comes an opportunity to shine and show your dedication to both your career and personal development.


What Degree?

What Degree? Photo Credit: Little Miss Sunshine.

There are numerous examples of entrepeneurs who do not have a university education, or even dropped out of school without gaining any qualifications. While we can’t all make millions, it is entirely possible to build a successful small business without having studied.


There’s Always Later …

There’s Always Later … Photo Credit: lanuiop

The popular view is that you have to study when you are young. However, this is often the worst time. It may be better to establish yourself financially by working, and consider beginning to study at a later stage, when you can afford to fund yourself.

I’m all in favour of education, but recognise that formal study is not for everyone. With the days long gone when a degree was a sure route to a well-paid job, the costs of studying mean that it has to be considered carefully whether it’s worth it. What do you think – is studying essential, or have you done fine without it? Would you want your children to be in debt for their education?

Top Photo Credit: crookedspeak

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

i pity your children if you have any... you gotta point in here but it's not enough to discourage people not to go to school. sorry but that's just my two cents

First of all, for #1 - being a student does not automatically mean being in debt. In addition to scholarships and burseries, there is nothing stopping you from getting a part-time job for a few hours a week as you go through school or saving up some money through summer jobs BEFORE you to to school. Parents should help out a little, after all it is you working towards a better vocational future here. If they can't, oh well. And everyone: you do not rack up interest unless you owe the school money for a long period. Most schools have a grace period of several months after you graduate for you to find a good job to pay off any debt. Debt is managable. Some people graduate DEBT-FREE(without parental help)! #2 - it's just a personal opinion here, but vocational training does not cover very many careers, and face it - do you think a lot of women will want to be plumbers? A lot of vacational jobs actually encourage SOME college training. 3 - Too many degrees, that's why you SPECIALIZE! (no brainer here, gain something that sets you apart from your competitors: experience, internships, specialized in something! Make yourself a valuable asset!) 4 - I know exactly what you mean about not suited. I went to university for English to get a degree and eventually teach - flunked. Then I went to college for my ECE - got straight As. Am tackling university again and am doing much better because of college. College and university are very different experiences. Who knows, maybe others just need a few years to mature (common problem and complaint with universities about fresh high school graduates) 5 - True, it can happen. However they will probably be paid more than you in 5-10 years. 6 - Yup that's true. However working FULL-TIME and THEN taking classes is a lot harder than studying and working about 20 hours a week. 7 - That's a little misleading, a business is not a simple lemonade stand. Having some knowledge of management and/or business vastly increases the chance that you won't be in over your head. 8 - Phew, 8. Cute picture. Nice ending note.

Thanks Alison for writing this. I did really well in school and everybody expected me to go to uni, but I don't want to. I just want to get out there and work. Which is what I'm doing. And i'm happy. I would rather be paid less and happy, than unhappy and paid more.

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