10 Tips for a Good First Day of Work ...


10 Tips for a Good First Day of Work ...
10 Tips for a Good First Day of Work ...

You would think that a company’s hiring process is the most nerve-racking experience you’ll go through. However, for most of us, it is the first day of work that’s truly daunting. Not only do you have to face your bosses, but you also have to make a good first impression on your coworkers. The first day of work may be a little scary but it doesn’t have to be a total disaster. In fact, your first day can actually be a great one. Here are 10 tips for a successful first day of work.

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Show up on or before Time

Do not be late on your first day of work. Arrive on or before time to show that you are a reliable person. When you do this, you also prevent yourself from feeling rushed or stressed from running late.


Wear Work Appropriate Clothes

Make a good first impression on your first day by showing up in work appropriate attire. Don’t wear skirts that are too short, pants that are too tight, or tops with a very low collar. If you are unsure about what to wear, ask about the dress code before your first day. Or better yet, take note of what the employees wear when you are called in for an interview.

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Don’t Expect Too Much

Most of the time, first days of work can be boring. People won’t hand you important tasks that will take up your time. If you are lucky, you will get something to do, no matter how uninteresting.


Wear a Smile

Something as simple as a smile can really change people’s approach toward you. When you smile, you look more attractive and more approachable. You are more likely to get positive reactions from coworkers if you wear a smile.


Be Friendly but Not Too Open

On your first day, it is important that you are friendly and approachable. However, there is such a thing as being too personal and open. You should save that for the time when you’ve been in the company for a while and already have close friends. In the meantime, you should just focus on building rapport and leaving a good impression on your coworkers.

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Act Professional and Polite

Even if you are working on your relationship with your coworkers, you should never forget to be professional and polite. Don’t get too touchy feely or comfortable with people you just met. Be cautious about telling jokes because some people might find them inappropriate. Just stick to maintaining a professional and polite attitude on your first day.


Be Armed with Information

Don’t go to the office completely ignorant about the company that hired you. (Although you would have already done some research for your interview.) Try to read up more about the operations and the people running the company. Even if you won’t use the information on your first day, it will at least help you understand the culture and workings of the company better.


Ask and Absorb

You shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions on your first day. This shows your boss and your coworkers that you are willing to learn about the company and how they run things. And when you do ask questions, be like a sponge. Listen and absorb everything that you can use to your advantage.


Take Notes

On your first day, chances are you are going to be flooded with a lot of information. Even if you have a great memory, you should jot down the information in a small notebook or in your PDA. You can always refer to your notes should you have questions or clarifications.


Offer to Help out

If you find yourself with nothing to do, then you should take the initiative to help out around the office. Ask your boss or coworkers if there is anything you can help them out with. Even if they don’t give you anything to do, at least they know that you are willing to offer a helping hand.

Take note that your first day of work will be more about building rapport and leaving a good first impression on the people in your new company. You don’t have to worry just yet about proving your competence and worth. I hope that these tips will help you have a successful first day of work. And if you have any other tips for a great first day, please share them in the comments section.

Top Photo Credit: alexey05

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Great suggestions. I am a strong believer in the old saying "First impression is the best impression". If you don't agree, think back about someone you met for the first time and what was your first impression, and how he feel about it now.

Don't be in a bad mood

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