In today's economy, it's harder to find a job, everyone knows that. But what some may not know is how to get past the boredom when they're in a job rut. Are you one of the many Americans who have found themselves without a job? Don't fret! Just read this article on 7 things to do when you can't get a job!
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1. Look
Ok, so this is a bit obvious, I know, but just because it seems like you can't get a job doesn't mean that you have to give up and can't try and find a job. It isn't healthy to simply give up - on anything. No matter how hard the looking gets, no matter how discouraged you may be, just keep looking. Eventually, you will find a job. (As long as you're not too picky!)
2. Enjoy the Break
Think of this time without a job as a vacation of sorts. Spend time with your family and make memories! You don't have to spend a lot of money to have fun, believe me. I grew up in a large family, so we didn't have a lot of money to "play with" when it came to vacation time. But you know what? We had fun! We would set up our old tent in the backyard and have a blast camping out there! We would go to the local State Park (for free) and spend $5 on a boat and take turns boating in the water. $5 for the entire family to have fun wasn't bad. Picnics at the park were always fun and only cost us the cost of a bologna sandwich and chips. Who can beat that kind of fun? Back then, I used to think I was missing out on all the "real fun" my friends were having, going to places like Holiday World and all, but looking back, my memories are much sweeter having experienced the smaller things in life that made us laugh and spend time together.
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3. Learn More
Pretend this job break is your school break. Take advantage of this time to learn more about whatever job path you've chosen. Go to the library (people seem to be forgetting about that place more and more...) and get some books on a subject you love and get to reading! Library books cost you nothing, but the knowledge you can glean from them is priceless!
4. Volunteer Your Time
If you're just looking for something to fill your time, try looking into different volunteer works on your area and sign yourself for one. Time flies when you're helping others, and volunteer work is a very rewarding thing to do. There are many options from jobs at the hospital, soup kitchens, big brother/big sister organizations, and more. Just make sure to pick something that you truly enjoy doing, rather than doing it just to do it. People can read your attitude and know whether you want to be there or not.
5. Just Relax
Take some time to yourself and go off somewhere quiet. There is something about the peace and quiet and is healing and soothing to a body. Everyone needs this quiet time, but many get too wrapped up in work to ever find the time they deserve. The time to do this is perfect when you can't get a job anyway! Why not? I personally like a walk in the woods as my quiet time, but there are many other places to find it. What is your healing place?
6. Get That Body Built
Are you one of the millions guilty of saying, "I can't exercise because I'm too busy?" If so, then you now have time to catch up and get that exercise in motion! What's wrong with a good, long, morning jog? Or a visit to the treadmill that has been in your attic for years? Now is the time! Don't spend all your time sitting on the couch, get up and move! Once you do find another job, you'll be fit as a fiddle, and ready to take on anything that comes your way!
7. Don't Worry, Be Happy
Try staying positive about the situation. Realize that everyone goes through rough spots in their life, and this happens to be yours. Embrace the situation as something that is forming a better you, and at the end of this, when you have a new job and your life is back on track, you will look back and realize that it was all for the best. Hard times are what makes a person stronger, so you're sure to come out of this situation a better person. That's not so bad, is it?
My heart goes out to each and every person who has lost jobs over these past couple years, but I must stay positive and say that everything is going to be alright. These 7 things to do when you can't get a job are things that will make this time in your life a little easier to handle, and will keep you on the sunny side of life! May God bless!
Top Photo Credit: bigbluemeanie