10 Ways to Make Money While out of Work ...


10 Ways to Make Money While out of Work ...
10 Ways to Make Money While out of Work ...

Everybody needs a little extra income, especially at times like these, and if you're out of work, it can be more important then ever.

Here's 10 Ways to ****Make Some Extra Cash while you're out of work - see which ones will be best for you ...

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Have a yard Sale ...Sort out Your House and Find Anything That You Dont Use, and Take It to a Carboot. You’ll Clear Some Space, and Make Money!


Use EBay ...

On the same sort of line, use ebay! Sell clothes, handbags, electricals, old DVDs, old magazines...most things will sell, and ebay do frequent ‘no fee listing days’, meaning that it will be even cheaper to sell on some things.


Do Odd Jobs ...

Most people will pay $7 to have their lawn mowed, or their car washed. Either produce leaflets, or simply visit neighbouring houses and offer your services. If you are great at making your own mani-pedi, you might want to offer that for other people for less than what they are charged in the salons ...

Perhaps, you know another language or you are strong at math? Then you can easily tutor your neighbor's kids. Or maybe just babysit them now and then... Just let people know what you can do and you’ll be surprised at how many of them would says "yes"!
Some job sites: craigslist, yahoo jobs, work at home.


Fill out Online Surveys ...

While you will probably only earn 10p per survey, they only take a few minutes, and you can easily do a few a day. Stick with it, and this can lead to a substantial payout at the end of the month.
Here is the Paid Surveyssite.


Become a Virtual Assistant ...

Join up with a virtual agency, and get hired as a virtual assistant. This will involve doing typing, editing, emailing, anything you could do as an office assistant. This can be a real money maker, depending on what hours you can work, and your office skills.
You can find something on freelancer's site


Freelance ...

Become a freelance writer, and bid for writing jobs. The topics will usually be sent to you, and you’ll produce an article based on this. Some will have a minimum number of words, or certain keywords that need to be used so many times, others will be more enjoyable and give you a little more freedom. Try GetAFreelancer.com or GoFreelanceother similar websites.


Start a Blog ...

Start a blog. You can do it for free if you start one at Blogspot.com. Plus if you start a blog in a free network you will already have readers driven to you (other bloggers and their readers).

Write about things you are passionate about, check out blogs on Internet marketing like Problogger or Copyblogger - they will have plenty of tips on how to write the right way and how to optimize your posts. When your blog becomes popular, sell advertising space!


Put up AdSense ...

Use Google AdSense program to advertise different websites on your blog. Every time ‘your’ visitors will be clicking on the ads, a couple of cents will be counted towards you, and if we are talking thousands of visitors, it will mean you'll never need to go to back to work again. Pretty sweet, huh?
Here are some success stories...


Telesales ...

If blogging is not your thing, there are other opportunities out there. It's becoming more popular for telesales companies to hire work-at-home employees, as they can pay a lot less. Make sure all your expenses are covered before you start though, and get all your terms in writing, just in case.


Paper Route!

Or simply do a paper round, or deliver catalogues or brochures, like Betterware or Avon. This will be frequent work, that you will get faster at, and is usaully in the morning.

So see which of these would be suitable for you, and get started! Just make sure that whatever you choose to do is through a reptable company.

Recommended Posts: ****10 Tips on How to Start Working Online … & 7 Effective Ways to Get a Raise at Work … (in case your hubby is working, these tips might come in handy! Who knows, maybe he will get a bigger check next month thank to you! ;)

As a general rule, if anything asks for money upfront, it is a scam, girls.

Have you found a way to make money? Or you know about one that's worth a shot? Please share it with me!

Photo Credit: AndreJenny.com

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A friend of mine started to give mani-pedies to her friends and friends of their friends. I think it's a great way to make some extra cash ...

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