7 Ways to Prepare for a Job Interview ...


7 Ways to Prepare for a Job Interview ...
7 Ways to Prepare for a Job Interview ...

In this economy, it’s not easy to find a new job, so every interview is important. If you’ve got a job interview coming up, you’ll want to make sure you’re prepared to make the very best impression you can, to help you land that perfect job! Not sure exactly what you need to do to prepare? I can help! Here is my list of seven ways to prepare for a job interview…

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Gather Your References

Gather Your References Photo Credit: Pragmatik

Whether they’ve asked for them before the interview or not, most potential employers will want to see a list of professional and/or personal references, so it’s best to be prepared and have a copy with you at the interview. Make sure to warn your friends and colleagues that you’ve used them as a reference, and make sure your list is up-to-date with current e-mail addresses, titles, and phone numbers.


Get a Manicure

Get a Manicure Photo Credit: Madame Meow

You may not think an interviewer would notice whether or not your nails look tidy and are modestly polished, but they will. In fact, they’ll notice if your nails aren’t done nicely, and if they’re sloppy, studies have shown that they’ll assume you’re messy too, and will be far less likely to hire you. If you can’t afford a professional manicure, trim and shape your nails, and apply a coat of pale pink or clear polish to them.


Get a Trim and Touch up Your Roots

Get a Trim and Touch up Your Roots Photo Credit: AlicePalice

You don’t have to see your stylist for a new cut and color before an interview, but you ought to make sure your hair is trimmed nicely and that your roots are touched up. Again, as with your nails, if your hair is sloppy, a potential employer make think that means you’re sloppy, and that’s not the impression you want to make.


Find the Perfect Outfit

Find the Perfect Outfit Photo Credit: mathowie

For most jobs, the outfit you wear to an interview ought to be modest and flattering, nothing too bold or sexy. A great interview outfit would be something you’re comfortable in, and something that fits well. Try a pair of pin-stripe pants and a co-ordinating top with a pair of killer heels and subtle, but stylish, accessories. Avoid anything low-cut, too short, or too tight, and be sure you’re well-pressed and clean.


Review Their Website

Review Their Website Photo Credit: Ben Dodson

Most companies have a website you can visit to learn more about who they are and what they do. Before an interview, visit the website and read up on the company you’re applying to. It will give you an idea of their corporate culture, and may give you some insight into the job, too.


Write a List of Questions

Write a List of Questions Photo Credit: ‹ Candice Lesage Austen ›

At the end of most interviews, the interviewer will likely ask you if you have any questions. Naturally, you’ll want to know when you’ll find out if they’re considering you for a second interview, but this is also a great time to ask any questions about the job or organization. This is not the time to ask about pay or benefits, though, so don’t ask any questions about those.


Bring an Extra Resume

Bring an Extra Resume Photo Credit: Patrick Ng

By the time you get called for an interview, the potential employer has almost certainly seen your resume. Even so, it’s a very good idea to print another copy and bring it with you, along with your references. Even if they don’t need it, you’ll still appear to be prepared and thorough — which is exactly the impression you want to make!

The night before your interview, make sure to get plenty of sleep, and make sure to eat a good breakfast so your tummy’s not rumbling during the interview! And try not to be nervous — just shine and be the amazing you that you know you are! Bon chance… Do you have any other tips to help prepare for an interview? Please share them with me!

Top Photo Credit: r c hill photography

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