7 Reasons to Blog ...


7 Reasons to Blog ...
7 Reasons to Blog ...

Blogging is fun. I like writing for allwomenstalk.com, but I have many other clients I write blogs for. I also have my own blog, but that blog is rather skinny, because I’m so busy writing blogs and articles for everyone else. I’m a full-time freelance writer, so it’s my job and I have no complaints for it. Today, I am not going to tell how to blog or how to writer articles, what I am going to tell you is 7 reasons to blog…

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You Get Your Name out There

You Get Your Name out There Photo Credit: { karen }

If you are like me, then you care a lot about getting your name out there. In freelance writing, once you get your name out there, you will not have a problem getting clients. I have noticed this one from personal experience.


It’s Fun to do

It’s Fun to do Photo Credit: cleebster

We all like things that are fun, right? Some of us find fun in blogging. I know I find blogging fun. Blogging on this blog is like a break from me. I go from doing articles that require me to write about sometimes things I do not know, so I end up having to do a lot of research ( but I like doing that because I learn different things) to writing these blogs where I am able to write about topics I enjoy and express my thoughts and opinions.


Blogging is Exciting

Blogging is Exciting Photo Credit: heartfelthandmade

When I post blogs, I like to wait for comments. It’s exciting to see what people have to say. Of course, the opinions are not always the same as mine and that is just fine. That shows just how different people can be and how differently people can think.


Anyone Can do It

Anyone Can do It Photo Credit: Michael Paul Young

The fact that anyone who can type on the keyboard can do it is real good. Of course, if you do not have good grammar, you may need to learn a bit or you will get told about it. However, if you are just trying to get your point across and don’t care about people’s criticism, then I would say to go for it!


They’re Fun to Read in the Future

They’re Fun to Read in the Future Photo Credit: saucy dragonfly

After years have passed, it’s fun to go back to your blog and read it. See if your opinions on things have changed and see if you have changed your writing style. Even if you wrote them yourself, they’re fun to read.


You’re Sharing Your Opinion

You’re Sharing Your Opinion Photo Credit: Merissa Revestir

I do not know about you, but I like to share my opinion. I like to tell people what I think and why I think it. I also like to try to help people, give them ideas, remedies and reasons why teen sex is bad. Oh, many of you have read my teen sex blogs on here, it got a lot of attention, didn’t it? That is exactly what I was after!


You Can Make Money

You Can Make Money Photo Credit: Grisù the Dragon (AGITATA-MENTE QUI!!)

I am a full-time freelance writer, so of course, I get paid for my writing. Even when I write blogs, I get paid. I do not write a blog for my client for free and the blogs I write for my own blog has some way of making money in the long run. You have to find the right clients who pay for this one.

You know what? I came up with these 7 reasons to blog in no time! I wish I was keeping up with time, because I bet it took me only ten minutes to write this. I have been blogging for a long time now – about 6 years and I am 25, so I started when I was 18, so of course, I have a lot of reasons in my mind! What about you, what is the reason why you like blogging so much?

Top Photo Credit: MelanieFitzpatrick

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

You’re sharing your opinion This is the best reason I think But I never made money :( I wish I could

Melanie, I'm glad you asked this question. I like your reasons for blogging by the way :) I also blog for practically for all the same reasons as you do too although I don't freelance write. I have my own blog where I share my opinions and thoughts about relationships and other personal development topics. The blog is just for women ;) I wanted to help women with their relationship issues, help them live with less heartache, and just love themselves and their life! Blogging is a great way to not only express your own thought and opinions but also help others in the process. Drica Lima

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