5 Common First Date Mistakes You Should Avoid ...


5 Common First Date Mistakes You Should Avoid ...
5 Common First Date Mistakes You Should Avoid ...

Even very attractive women can struggle to get dates. The reason often has to do with mistakes in the initial stages of meeting guy for the first time. We humans are social creatures; whether male of female, in the first ten minutes of conversation we do a lot of sizing up. In fact, it is likely that within the first 10 minutes of conversation we will have had all the required <a title="10 Ways to Impress Someone on a First Date …" href="https://allwomenstalk.com/10-ways-to-impress-someone-on-a-first-date/">first impressions about whether or not a member of the opposite sex is someone we would like to get to know better.

So wouldn’t it be nice to make the right first impression? Well, why don’t we start with what NOT to do; because it’s the little things that make guys run for the hills:

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Trying too Hard to Be Sexy/ Too Forward/ Too Predatory

Contrary to what some girls think, overtly attempting to flirt and make provocative sexy advances too early on is a big turn off. Put plainly, it freaks a guy out, and whether true or not, be sure he will make all kinds of assumptions about how promiscuous a girl is based on this behaviour. You can also be sure that he’ll assume you act this way for every guy. Also, Shock! Horror! A man may ACTUALLY wants to get to know a bit about you as a person.

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Laughing All the Time – No-one is That Funny

The end–result of this kind of behaviour for the guy is stale conversation and a lack of challenge. If a guy feels like you’ll clap and dance at anything he says, he will get bored. It is better to tease him slightly when he’s not funny; he’ll respect you more for not being so easily entertained.

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Drinking Too Much

Quite simple. Women don’t like drunk men; women about to keel over with alcohol are just as repellent to the male species. There is no greater mood killer for a man than when a girl he has just been kissing turns and seductively whispers in his ear “I am sooo drunk right now”.

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Trying to Appear to Strong and Not Letting Their Vulnerable Side Show

This is a tricky one for many women to get right, especially those who enjoy being very independent. Here’s the thing, self-sufficient strong women are sexy, but men want to know there is a sweet girl with feelings in there somewhere. If a guy gets the feeling you’re an ice queen incapable of romance, he may look elsewhere for a woman more likely to cuddle up with him when the weather turns cold.

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Giggling and Whispering with Girl Mates

Ironically, when it comes to getting male attraction, your best friends can be your worst enemies. Turning around every minute to whisper conspiratorially with your girlfriends may drive him crazy, but NOT in the way you might be hoping! It makes a man feel like you don’t respect him enough to include him or pay attention to what he has to say.

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Bottom line: Don’t make these common, but easy to make mistakes. Even just doing this will put you way ahead of the curve and increase your chances of him calling you back. See you soon!

Matthew Hussey – Founder, MD – **https://www.gettheguy.co.uk

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Hi, I am man who has been on a few dates in my life. Most of the things don't bother me because i know everyone is uncomfortable on the first date except for number 5. I can not understand why a women would put her girlfriend between herself and the man she is with. Doing that will send any good man away very quickly, and any man who does stay is probably not the kind of man you would want to be with. He is not staying because he wants to know you he is staying because he wants something from you. The other thing that is really dangerous to a date is not answering the mans questions. Sometimes I meet women who are curious about me, but they don't want to answer questions about themselves. This is very rude, and the fastest way to lose a good man. If you want to be close to someone you have to be open to them. Grantham

I have a crush on this guy at my school but I don't think he likes me in that why. We are good friends though and i don't want to loose that friendship between us. He is a boy that has lots of good friends that are girls and and I don't know what to do. Im nearly 13 as well and I don't know if I should invite him as my twin might think its wierd even though she has a boyfriend. HELP ME PLEASE!

ive been seeing guy now for 12 weeks always seen him on the weekend when we can he knew how was free this weekend but he didnt want to see me,does that mean anything,he does like his own space he doesnt want a relationship what does this mean

Why didn't you write not to go to bed on the first date. Almost all men vanish after first date sex.

what i dont understand is y a guy wud ask u out and then cancel last minute. if you dont want 2 go on a date dont ask!

After reading this article, I have realized that mistakes 1-4 are my best friends. I'm a very out going, independent, and attractive, however, I laugh constantly, I'll have to much to drink at all the wrong possible moments, I have a hard time showing my vulnerable side, and I can be forward. NOW, since I've come to realize what I've been doing is sending men screaming to the hills. What next?

ya datz rite ... Cookie datz rite because lyke mostly all da guys are excited for sex when they are going out with a hot or pretty gurl duh! :)

soooo I really like this one guy but he won't do anything about it. He likes me back, he even said he's interested in getting to know me, but his best friend called him a predator kuz im 2 years younger than him. so because his friend said that, he wont even talk to me at school anymore. only over text, when hes alone...it really bothers me that he stopped talking to me because his friend said that...what can I do to make him talk to me at school again and maybe even ask me out?

Laura, you might already of worked this out but it sounds like this guy is a mormon (Mormons parents are very strict about dating ages) and 16 is considered the very minimum. Although this is usually a good thing cause it means he will be old enough to respect you.. Hope it worked out for you!

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