10 Celebrity Valentines to Dream about ...


10 Celebrity Valentines to Dream about ...
10 Celebrity Valentines to Dream about ...

Whether you’ve got a romantic date all lined up or you’re having a night out with the girls or you're probably just going to sit at home and watch a movie, there is a celebrity man every girl wishes she could cuddle up to! Which of these hot celebrities would you pick to be your Valentine? (Oh, number one is mine!)

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Channing Tatum

Channing Tatum I don't need a special day to see myself with him, my Birthday, Christmas, New Years, heck even a random Tuesday! Have you seen the latest pictures of Channing filming for “The Eagle of the Ninth”? With those dimples and that adorable smile, he is irresistible. Who wouldn’t love a rose from him?


Ed Westwick

Okay, I admit, Ed Westwick is one of the reasons why I love Gossip Girl... whether it’s his sneaky evil side or that ruffle-able hair, there is something very charming about him. And according to his girlfriend, he loves cuddling up on the sofa with good wine... sounds perfect!


David Beckham

David Beckham With the World Cup around the corner and with him being an ambassador for the Olympics, David has been really busy recently and there is no avoiding him on the news! He looks fantastic, and with his fortune and all those cars, you could go anywhere in the world for a romantic evening!


Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal My sister was a HUGE Jake Gyllenhaal fan, and there were always pictures of him all over the house. It’s not hard to see why when he’s got that cheeky smile! Having recently split with Reese Witherspoon, I’m sure there will be no shortage of girls trying to cheer him up this Valentine's Day.


Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo Having been recently linked with Paris Hilton, I was glad to hear that Ronaldo is still single... But looking like he does, I can’t see why! His new underwear adverts are everywhere, so if we can’t spend the night with the sexy man, at least we can check out his perfect body...


Taylor Lautner

Taylor Lautner Whether it’s those boyish looks or that adorable smile, Taylor Lautner is irresistible to most women! Having recently split up with girlfriend Taylor Swift, he could do with some comforting... although it’ll have to be a kiss goodnight, Taylor is only 17!


Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper Who wouldn’t want to wake up with this cutie? His smile could melt ice, and I’m sure he’s got some romantic surprises up his sleeve. If nothing, I could just stare into his beautiful eyes the whole day.


Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson Anyone who has seen Twilight knows how devilishly sexy this man can be, and who wouldn’t want to spend Valentine's playing vampires with him? I’m counting down for the next film...


Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp Whatever he is doing, Johnny always looks as sexy as hell, and leaves crowds of women sighing. And no matter what, he will always find a spot in the list of hottest celebrities. Can you imagine anything sexier than playing pirates with Depp? Dreamy.


Cesc Fabregas

Cesc Fabregas Mmmm.... my personal favourite man EVER (apart from my boyfriend, of course) is Cesc. He makes Saturday morning football worth getting excited about! Although I won’t share :P

Whatever you are up to on Valentine's day, spend a few minutes thinking about the sexy celebrities you’d love to be curled up with... it’s the perfect way to de-stress! Have I missed someone out? Please let me know, I need some more eye candy!

Top Photo Credit: whossein

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Taylor <3 i love this list :)

What about Karl Urban! Won't someone PLEASE think of Karl Urban!?!? And what about Sean Biggerstaff? This list should have been the top 100 but it is great all the same Kati :) Thank you and have a sweet Valentines Day!

Bradley for me, please! If that's not possible, I'd like some John Krasinski... thanks!

I'll take Johnny, than you very much. :)

OK I will choose Taylor Lautner because he just got 18 a couple of days ago :)


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