10 Ways to Find a Date for Valentine's Day ...


10 Ways to Find a Date for Valentine's Day ...
10 Ways to Find a Date for Valentine's Day ...

Being single on Valentine's Day isn’t a bad thing, but no one can be blamed for wanting a date! Luckily, there are lots of ways to meet that special someone these days, irrespective of your hobbies. Here are my favourite ten ways to find a date in time for Valentine's Day!

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A White Elephant Party

There are white elephant parties everywhere, so sign up, or host your own! The general rule is that everyone has to bring a single friend. It’s okay for couples to come, but they have to display something to show that they aren’t single... this is usually by wearing a certain colour, but could be anything. Then make sure you mingle, talk to everyone and collect phone numbers. Also, have a good strategy in case you don't want to give your phone number out. If you don’t find a date, you’ll at least have made loads of friends.


Look at ‘Local Events’

Check out what’s going on in your local area, and attend all the ones of interest to you. Whether it’s a festival, mini golf or a game, it’s the perfect place to meet likeminded people, and starting conversations will be easy as you’ve already got something in common to talk about!


Try Speed Dating

In the run-up to Valentine's Day, many bars and clubs start hosting speed dating nights, which is the perfect place to meet someone with similar interests! Practise what you can say about yourself, as you only have 60 seconds to introduce yourself, learn about them and decide if you are interested, and go and have fun. Who knows what will happen?


If you're feeling a bit nervous, remember that everyone there is in the same boat and looking to connect. Bring your most charming smile and an open mind. Also, it can be helpful to come up with a few icebreaker questions in advance to kick off the conversations easily. Don't forget to dress to impress, but most importantly, be yourself. Chemistry happens when you're genuine! Plus, with the quick pace of speed dating, you'll meet plenty of potential matches in one evening - improving your odds of finding that special someone!


Join an Online Dating Website

You may be skeptical of online dating but it's definitely worth a shot. Many of the popular dating sites offer free membership in the weeks before, so choose one or two and create your profile. Then spend some time looking for someone who catches your eye, or do the ‘quizzes’ which will suggest potential partners. Then send a wink, and move on.


Online dating has become incredibly effective and widely accepted. It’s an excellent opportunity to meet a diverse range of people you might not encounter in your daily life. Dive into the digital age of love, and tailor your search to match your interests and preferences. Remember to be honest in your profile to attract the right kind of person. Your perfect match may be just a click away, and Valentine's Day could be the ideal time for your first virtual date. Just keep an open mind and embrace the adventure that online dating has to offer.


Join a Health Club

Not only will this get you to lose weight and in great shape, but it’s also likely to cost a lot less at this time of year too. Feeling fit and healthy will give you a massive confidence boost, and who knows who you might find swimming in the pool?


Go on a Blind Date

Let your friends set you up on a blind date. Get dressed up, look hot and go have fun! What’s the worst that can happen? You’ll enjoy a night out with a new friend, and who knows, he may just end up meeting the man of your dreams.


Talk to Everyone

Smile at everyone you see. There isn’t a friendlier thing to do, and you’ll cheer up everyone you see! You’ll also increase the chances of starting a conversation with somebody random, and who knows where that could lead? So quit being shy and smile!


Go to a Pet Meet up

These are a big trend right now, so there is sure to be one at a park near you! Take your dog and meet other people, and dogs, with similar interests. There’s usually quite a big group, so lots of potential friends, and although I haven’t been, my friends have had great results!


Start a Singles Group

Find out about singles groups in your area, and join them! If there isn’t one, start your own. Create a mailing list and social events. While this seems cheesy, they are always really popular, and you’ll find new friends and hopefully a partner too! You’ll also fill your diary, and feel much more confident.


Be Yourself

The best tip to finding a date before Valentine's Dayis to pamper yourself, and then go out and have fun! You are at your most attractive when you are feeling happy and having fun, so make yourself irresistible and have a good time in the meantime.

Now you’ve found the top ten ways to find a date, it’s time to get out there! Whatever happens, have fun and make some excellent friends! Have you got a way to find a hot date before Valentine's Day? Please tell me about it... Oh, and about your Valentine's Day plans, too!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Why be so desperate to have someone on this Day. Its better not to hurry.

tanks very good

I loved reading this!! But I was occupied already with my man this Valentine's! There was to need to search as I found him three years ago! :)

ARRRGHHH single on valentines day and i've left it too long for your (brilliant!) tips :(

Always be yourself. That's what's really important.

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