8 Reasons to Retire Early ...


8 Reasons to Retire Early ...
8 Reasons to Retire Early ...

I'm sure you have all had days where you've wondered what it would be like to retire early without a worry in the world and have time for all those things you've always wanted to do. Of course, for most of us, it's not even a remote possibility unless of course we win the lottery or something. But this post is dedicated to the few lucky others who have managed to either make enough money or have enoughsaved up. Here are 8 reasons why you should retire early. Hopefully, this will give you that extra push you've needed...

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You Don’t Have to Deal with People in the Office Anymore

You Don’t Have to Deal with People in the Office Anymore Photo Credit: cdevroe

If you don’t particularly care for most of the people at your workplace, then this is a good reason to retire. Some offices are filled with drama and politics and it can get seriously tiring. If it's been twenty odd years or more and you can't take the drama anymore, you may want to look into retiring.


You Don’t Have to Get up Early

Hey, when you retire, you do not have to get up early! Think of allthose mornings you've had to get up early to go to work. If you didn’t, then you would be facing your boss. Now, you can sleep in a little bit later than normal. No more rush hour commute and no more skipped breakfast!

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You Can Go on Vacation Whenever You Want

You Can Go on Vacation Whenever You Want Photo Credit: Bill Wight CA

Now that you have all the time (and hopefully, money) you need, you can go on a vacation whenever you want! You do not have to answer to the boss upstairs before you go on your vacation. There are no more leave forms left to fill out. It's all upto you now. There are so many wonderful places to escape to and now, you actually can!


You Get to Pick Who You Associate with

You Get to Pick Who You Associate with Photo Credit: Kelly Sue

When you retire, you will not be forced to associate with anyone. This is great! You can now choose who you talk to and spend time with. No more forced conversations and outings with office colleagues just because you have to!


There Will Be Nothing Holding You down

There Will Be Nothing Holding You down Photo Credit: StreetFly JZ

Face it, when you retire, nothing is going to hold you down. This sounds good, doesn’t it? You will be able to do whatever you want to do, whenever you want to. From hobbies, to travelling the world to finally getting around to your bucket list, retiring opens up a world of possibilities!

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You Make the Decisions

You Make the Decisions When you retire, you will be making your own decisions. If you work for the man, then they will be the ones calling the shots, not you.


Get to Spend More Time with Family

Get to Spend More Time with Family Photo Credit: neloqua

I believe this is one of the best reasons to retire early. Who doesn't want to spend more time with their family? Your family will also be able to enjoy you more, without you having to go to work or answer phone calls all the time! You can finally be more active in your kids' lives and have fun with them!


You Can Start Your Own Business

You Can Start Your Own Business Photo Credit: Katarina 2353

The number one reason I believe it is a good idea to retire early would be to start a business. Depending on the business you are starting, it won’t take a whole lot to get up and running. What business would you be interested in going into if you did not have your current job?

There you have 8 reasons to retire early. Before you retire, you need to look over everything and make sure you are ready for it. So, aren’t those good reasons to retire early? Remember, money isn’t everything, you can’t take it with you!

Top Photo Credit: Ben Heine

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