7 Reasons Why Women Cheat ...


Statistics show that more women than ever are cheating on their partners, and I’ve always wondered why. There has always been that group of men desperate for action with anyone, but women have always been so proud and honest and loving, and cheating just doesn’t fit that mould, so it’s growing popularity has always had me foxed. Why do women stray!? I’ve been doing some research, and the reasons might not be what you think...

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A lot of women who cheat are getting revenge on their partners, after being seriously hurt. Affairs can do a lot of damage, but instead of crying with their friends, women are finding a single hot man and showing him exactly how much it hurts to knowyour partner has cheated on you. Not clever, really, but understandable...there is only so much yelling can achieve, and the hurt is intense. It can easily block rational thought, and even someone who knows two wrongs can’t make a right could be tempted into pay-back.


Feeling Neglected

Feeling Neglected Feeling completely neglected is another common cause of affairs. Women just can’t put up with not having any attention, and if they aren’t getting it at home, they’ll get it from men outside. But one thing can lead to another, and being exposed to flattery which is so rare can make it so much easier for a charming womanizerto talk his way into her bed. Well, I don’t know if it’ll get results, and I’d recommend a talk over a fling any day, but this is understandable too. Don’t stand for being neglected!



Have you ever been with a man who is so damn sexy that no woman can help herself near him? Whether it’s a suggestive smile or sending him a drink, he never seems to be able to escape the admiring crowds, and it can make you feel insecure, especially if you are feeling like an average Jane next to him, which is why women with gorgeous husbands boost their confidenceby getting another man into bed. It shows they are a head-turner too, and makes them feel much more confident but remember, it could leave your relationship in tatters, and it won’t fix the jealousy issue.



Replacement A surprising number of women admitted to cheating to find their next partner so they wouldn’t be single when they left their current partner. Shocked? I was! After all, cheating on your partner can’t make you attractive to potential boyfriends, right? Well, it seems to be happening more and more. I can’t really get my head around this one. If you want to leave, go, and if replacing him witha new man fast is important, throw yourself into blind dates, speed dating and nights out. But be honest!



Change Change can cause a women to seek an affair. From the obvious, such as having a baby, to simple things such asmoving house, an affair will make her feel sexy and attractive and give her life some substance....until it ends that is. Grab a babysitter, book a night out and make a real effort for your partner. Try a wig and new name. Create the same effect, but involve your Mr. Right, or you could lose him!



Some women cheat as a last warning to their man, particularly if they are refusing to do something, or make a change. It’s almost a childish “If you don’t do what I want, I’ll leave” action, but most of the time, it’s out of desperation rather than spite. Talk to him instead, tell him how you feel, and that you are about to give up. Communication is key for a successful relationship. Evaluate his reaction...if he doesn’t care, leave.



For men, sex is a vital part of relationships. Women understand this. I mean, some of us findsex vitaltoo but even if we don’t, we know that men need it. So when we aren’t having it, we know something is up. The survey found that women whose sex lives had dwindled felt like their partners didn’t love them anymore, or find them sexually attractive. Cue finding a man who does, and seeking comfort in his arms.

Well, the survey results have certainly opened my eyes a little. I’d never considered all the reasons women may cheat. I still think there is a better option most of the time, but it makes some cases understandable. Just remember what you have to lose! Have you cheated, or do you know another reason women might cheat? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: DaizyB

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

The actual fact is that u can't satisfy a woman. About 70%-80% of the women are full of covetousness,so no matter what u do for them they will cheat on u. 2. More so women are thier own enemies.

Thanks Andrea.

#6 I was with a girlfriend for four years and was making plans to propose to her. Then one day, she said she wanted to take a break to figure things out. That was about four years ago. She got married about two years after her “break” to a coworker who I later found out through the help of hackgoodnesstech on insta, gram a pro tech guy that she had been cheating on me the whole time we were together. I was devastated at the time, but now I think it was all for the best. Also, it’s a small world, because her husband is cheating on her with someone I know. Thanks karma!

i think if their partners have cheated they will end up doing it. Either for revenge or because they want to be with someone else or both. Woman also may cheat to boast to her friends just like men do.

if ever i will cheat, is it because i want to feel wanted and needed..my bf cheated on me w/o even telling me the reason..i dump him..coz it was unreasonable..cheaters will always be cheaters..girls just want to be loved..we want to be appreciated and valued..guys should knwo our worth if they want to keep us...

If I ever have to cheat on my husband it will be out of jealousy issue...he is so damn popular with girls!

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