10 Reasons to Love Kate Winslet ...


10 Reasons to Love Kate Winslet ...
10 Reasons to Love Kate Winslet ...

It’s time to celebrate Mrs. Winslet and show her how well deserved her Oscar win for**Best Actress** is. Here are 10 reasons to love her with or without all the awards.

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She Isn’t Afraid to Play a Wide Range of Characters…

She Isn’t Afraid to Play a Wide Range of Characters… We have seen Winslet as a strong but confused young lady in “Titanic”, as a lost memory from her boyfriend’s head in “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”, as a wife and mother who wanted more than her ordinary life in “Revolutionary Road”, and as a lover who disappears only to be found years later on trial defending herself in “The Reader”.

I have seen the first three movies and plan to see them all being the Winslet fan that I am. Each one of her characters is someone we can relate **to and I feel that Winslet gives you that opportunity through her **passion for acting. Which of these movies or other movies of Winslet’s have you seen?
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She Doesn’t Hog the Spotlight…

She Doesn’t Hog the Spotlight… Except for award season and movie premieres we don’t hear much about Winslet’s life or see her hogging the camera like Madonnaor Paris Hilton. Winslet was married for three years to assistant director **Jim Threapleton. The couple had a daughter in 2000 named Mia Honey. A few years after her divorce Winslet married director Sam Mendes; they have a son named Joe Alfie who was born in December of 2003. And instead of going to the premiere of Titanic in 1997, she was attending a funeral for her then boyfriend **Stephen Tredre, who sadly died of bone cancer. What other interesting facts do you know about Winslet?

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She’s Not an Air-brushed Kind of Girl…

She’s Not an Air-brushed Kind of Girl… Winslet has fought rumors and magazines about having weight **issues and being **air-brushed on certain covers. In 2007 she won a lawsuit against Grazia Magazine after they had announced that she was on a diet. And now there are rumors that her beautiful cover on Vanity Fair was air-brushed and that maybe Winslet isn’t really that sexy after all. However, Winslet fired back in Instyle magazine,

If I'm looking good at the moment, just let me look good already! Don't have a go at me just because I'm not the fat person you always thought I was going to be," Winslet said.


She Keeps Her Family Close…

She Keeps Her Family Close… Winslet and her husband Mendes are very much in love and you can see it in their eyes when they look at each other. He was so proud of her when she won her first Oscar for Best Actress last month. And though her daughter has another father, Winslet isn’t afraid of sharing both families. She still keeps in contact with Threapleton; who has been there to help her pick up their daughter Mia and her son Joe from school. It can be difficult for two families to blend, I know that myself coming from a divorced household. I think it’s great that Winslet makes it easier for her kids by including everyone in their day to day activities.
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She Always Looks Classy...

She Always Looks Classy... She may be one to show off some skin on film, but when it comes to movie premieres and award shows Winslet always stays classy. She is a sexy woman, wife, and mother. And she knows how to pull it all together in beautiful dresses from her blue Narciso Rodriguez gown at the SAG awards to her Yves St. Laurent gown at the Academy Awards. I have to say that the Rodriguez gown showed off every sexy curve of Winslet’s body, but the Laurent gown was definitely Oscar worthy.

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She Looks Good without Trying...

She Looks Good without Trying... Whether it’s picking up her kids, walking around NYC, or just going to the airport, Winslet looks good and she probably isn’t even trying. Sometimes she wears flip-flops and jeans or sneakers with a sweater and jeans. But whatever Winslet wears or doesn’t wear we love her all the same for her classy yet comfortable style. I applaud her for being comfortable but not trashy and classy but not sleazy. Many actresses try too hard to be noticed, and Winslet is not one of them.

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2009 is the Year of Kate...

2009 is the Year of Kate... Although Titanic wasn’t her first film it was a big break for her and it brought Winslet’s name into our homes. Her first Oscar nomination began with her supporting role in Jane Austen's “Sense and Sensibility” in 1996. This year she took home her first Oscar win and 6th nomination for her lead role in “The Reader” for which she also won a Golden Globe, and BAFTAand SAGawards. Winslet has also won another Golden Globe for “Revolutionary Road”. She is a wonderful actress and deserves every nomination and every win. And I can only imagine future winning roles for her.

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She Has Rekindled Her Love Affair with Leonardo DiCaprio...

She Has Rekindled Her Love Affair with Leonardo DiCaprio... If you thought their love scene in Titanic was steamy and haven’t seen their new movie… well then maybe you should get yourself to a theater to see “Revolutionary Road”. If you have seen the movie, you know the feeling you got as you watched DiCaprio and Winslet on screen. In the end their relationship was messy, but he loved her and it was hot. What was your reaction to their onscreen passion?

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She Made a Beautiful Acceptance Speech...

She Made a Beautiful Acceptance Speech... During the Oscars I noticed that some of the winners forgot to mention their loved ones in their speeches. Winslet did not. When she got up to accept her award she hugged and kissed her husband right away. She then thanked him and their children and showed how much of a loving mother she truly is.

And I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband and two beautiful children who let me do what I love and who love me just the way that I am,” Kate cried.


She Knows Who She is...

She Knows Who She is... Winslet doesn’t forget where she came from. She thanked her parents in her Oscar speech as well and told her dad to whistle from the audience! Winslet even brought him along to an after party **and introduced him to Elvis Costello. She enjoys what she does and who she is to her fans, but doesn’t take it too far. She’s an actress and that is part of the job she does, but don’t ever say she’s a **movie star.

It's very much a hat that you wear, and as soon as the event's over, the hat comes off. I'm back to being Mummy, and that's my priority," Kate said.
What is it about Kate Winslet that you love?

Source Credit: PopSugar.com, Getreading.co.uk, People.com, Biography.com

Photo Credit: KateWinslet-celebfan.blogspot.com, Zimbio.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I love Kate Winslet also.Just saw "The reader",I have proofed to myself one more time that Kate is the best actress of this generation!Love,love,love her and wish her a great happiness in her life!

I am a guy from china.have been loving kate winslet since titanic. crazy in love with her.fancy her clssy and elegent smile.beautiful british accent.voice.but above all ,her acting.so natural.powerful have almost seen all of her moives. kate .I love you.I love you

I still havent seen "The Reader" Tanya but it is on my blockbuster movie list!!! That's pretty funny Lily about the onion pickling contest her mom was in! Jonathan I think titanic was the start for her...and what a great start!

Awe... Kate Winslet is so wonderful... Just the other day they showed Titanic on CBS. I couldn't tear myself away from the screen the whole time, so captivating the movie was (and I thought I was through with it after I had seen it a dozen of times back in 1997)! PS: It's great to know that all those airbrushing rumors are false, among all the actresses she is the one who truly deserves to look good! :) Thanks for the great read!

I have to admit that I love this celebrity.. Apart from her great movies she's a great lady, and one who carries her style so good :) As I'm one of her biggest fans I have to say that I almost watched her every movie. Titanic won my heart. Greatest movie Ever. Not to mention The life of David Gale, Little Children, All the king's men, The Holiday, The Reader and Revolutionary Road.. As you can see I'm a BIG Fan lool. Regarding interesting facts Diana, I found some and wanted to share them with you. Did you know that Kate found out that she got the role in Titanic when playing the straightjacket scene in Hamlet... Kate said kissing Leonardo DiCaprio in "Titanic" was like kissing her own brother... Kate fainted while shooting the bathtub scene in "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and found out she is pregnant, with her 2nd child. Every time Kate was on her period during the 9 month of shooting "Titanic", she told the crew: "Alright, guys, we can shoot 'Jaws' now"... I hoped you liked some of those facts.. I also love her cause she's a family person. Those pics shows her bond with her children! She always looks good even in some ordinary clothes. Guess who have class don't need certain clothes for it. Go Kate!! Thanks for this post Diana :D

Hey Xannyyy, Wow it was like kissing her brother! LOL. You do love her and Im glad you found my post about her. I have seen just about every movie of hers too...shes beautiful and talented. Thanks for the great new info on her.

Thanks Olga! I def love hearing that she didn't air-brush either. There is no reason for it with any celebrities. My fiance and I watched Titanic too the other night when it was on! I still knew most of the parts too! I said, "Right here Cal (Billy Zane)is going to flip the table over!"...and he did!

LOL! Usually I don't remember stuff! My fiance and his daughters are always saying quotes from Disney movies and I'm like, "What??"...I guess it was just that great of a movie to remember...which it was! Have you seen "Revolutionary Road" or "The Reader" yet? I can't wait to see "The Reader"!

I love everything on her.

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