10 Reasons to Love Jennifer Aniston ...


10 Reasons to Love Jennifer Aniston ...
10 Reasons to Love Jennifer Aniston ...

Jennifer Aniston is already loved by her close celebrity friends like Courteney Cox. So to help celebrate 40 years of Aniston's February 11th birthday, here are 10 reasons why everyone else should love her too.

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She Spoke the Truth about Angelina Jolie…

She Spoke the Truth about Angelina Jolie… Since her divorce with Brad Pitt, Aniston had not said much about what happened between them and if Jolie had played a part in their split. However, in Vogue magazine's December issue Aniston put on her boxing gloves to defend her honor from what Jolie had said about falling in love with Pitt on the set of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". During the filming Aniston and Pitt were still married.

There was stuff printed there that was definitely from a time when I was unaware that it was happening. I felt those details were a little inappropriate to discuss. That stuff about how she couldn't wait to get to work every day? That was really uncool," Aniston proclaimed.


She's Comfortable and Sexy While Wearing Jeans and a T-shirt…

She's Comfortable and Sexy While Wearing Jeans and a T-shirt… Many stars dress up and play the, "I'm a celebrity", card while going out shopping or while eating at a restaurant. However, Jen Aniston always looks comfortable yet sexy in just a t-shirt and jeans. She seems like an approachable person; someone you could be friends with in an instant. I wonder if she would like to be my friend?!

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She Also Looks Good in Nothing but a Tie…

She Also Looks Good in Nothing but a Tie… As an early birthday present to herself Aniston posed for GQ**wearing nothing** but a neck tie. Now I'm sure most readers don't get much further than the cover to actually read the article, but Aniston opens up about John Mayerand how she is not going to be his baby's mama! But after Mayer sees her in this neck tie, he may want her to have his children. What did you think about her birthday suit photo shoot?

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There is More to Life than Brad Pitt…

There is More to Life than Brad Pitt… While the rest of the country and other countries seem to be focused on the Jolie-Pitt clan, Aniston has moved on with her life and moved on to other men. Did I mention that she is dating musician John Mayer, who wrote her a song for her birthday! And before Mayer, Aniston dated other celebrity men like actor Vince Vaughn and British model Paul Sculfor. Aniston has class and has shown class with the men she has dated and doesn't try to hide the truth about her relationships. Hopefully one day she will find the true man she is meant to be with and will live happily ever after.

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She Makes Great Movies and Box Office Hits…

She Makes Great Movies and Box Office Hits… Her new movie "He's Just Not That Into You"made $27.8 million and hit number one during the February 6 weekend. Aniston also had another recent box office hit with the family movie, "Marley and Me", that made $106.5 million in just two weeks after breaking records on its Christmas Day opening. She is a house hold name that everyone recognizes and has a familiar face that no one could ever forget. Have you seen her new movie yet?

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She Kissed Her Best Friend Courteney Cox…

She Kissed Her Best Friend Courteney Cox… Courteney Cox and Aniston have been best friends on and off set; Aniston is also the god mother to Cox's daughter Coco. So in true appreciation Cox invited her best friend on the set of her now canceled FXshow "Dirt" to guest star in an episode. Before it aired, there were rumors that the two friends would share a steamy kiss and indeed when the night came, the kiss was planted! Did you see the kiss that Aniston gave Cox, was it as great as the rumor?

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She Created "the Rachel"…

She Created "the Rachel"… In the 90's "Friends"was one of the most popular shows on TV. Who wouldn't love a show about single people living in New York City? Aniston's character, Rachel Green, loved shopping, spending money, dating, and wearing cute trendy clothes. She also had great hair, which led to a lot of women in America asking for "The Rachel" when they walked into hair salons everywhere. Did you or any of your friends have, "The Rachel"?

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She's Confident and That's Sexy...

She's Confident and That's Sexy... Aniston stands up for herself and everything she puts her heart into. She doesn't need everyone to like what she is doing. She chooses projects that every A-list star might not take like "The Good Girl" **and **"Rock Star". But she pulls them off beautifully and sooner or later gets recognized for a job well done. She is a likeable actress and I can see her around for years to come.

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She Will Set the Rumors Straight...

She Will Set the Rumors Straight... First everyone thought she was engaged to Vince Vaughn and now they say she is going to have John Mayer's baby. Maybe next week she will be adopting a kid from Africa...who knows? There are going to be rumors and not every one of them is a big deal, but when they are Aniston will set the record straight and nix them right in the butt. In 2006 there were not only gossip magazines claiming that Vaughn and Aniston were engaged, there were also news shows on CNN and NBCthat stated she had a ring on her finger.

My dad calls and he says, 'Honey, it's on the CNN crawl,' and I'm going, 'Wait a second!' When it starts to travel over into the Today show and CNN and supposedly reliable and accurate news programs, then you just go, 'This is insane.' People are getting fed a lot of bull," Aniston said firing back.


She'll Be Sexy at 80...

She'll Be Sexy at 80... At 40 Aniston looks like a 20 year old having fun hanging out with her close celebrity friends, making movies, and just enjoying life altogether. Just by looking at her smiling face you wouldn't know that she had a 5 year marriage that was destroyed when her husband fell in love with another woman. And you wouldn't know that she just recently began talking to her mother again after years of being upset with her. But when a woman looks confident, young, sexy, and brilliant at 40, we can only imagine how fantastic she will look at 80!

What do you love about Jennifer Aniston?

Source Credit: PopSugar.com, GossipGirls.com, JenniferAnistonhairstyles.com, Usmagazine.com

Photo Credit: men.style.com, eonline.com, absolutwendy.wordpress.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

There is nothing remotely interesting or genuinely attractive about Jennifer A. Her looks are rather pedestrian and she would not standout in a crowd as a beautiful woman. Her popularity is based on pity. I do not care at all for Angelina, but it seems as if the marriage was doomed by boredom. I'm sure that the woman in real life is as bland as she is in pictures. Dull, dull, dull. Want to see a real beauty? How abiout Sofia Vergara, Patma Lakshimi, Rita Hayworth, Sofia Loren, Marilyn Monroe. Need I add to the list?

LOL! I dont think you could offend anyone Olga. She was great on friends...I love that show! And she does sort of have the same type of character...I think the only one where she played out of her norm was "Derailed". But I'm sure she will venture out sometime...I would love to see her do more action movies. Thanks for the comment Olga! :)

I love Jennifer Anniston, I do! She always seems so confident and sexy- but at the same time down to earth BUT that GQ cover doesnt even look like her...thats the most overworked photoshopped photo i have ever seen! She's so naturally gorgeous I have no idea why they did that.

I do love this one.. I hope one days she finds the man who really deserves her! Thank God her Marridge to Pitt broke. Pitt and Jolie suit each other. I never loved them. Guess Jennie is better off single at the moment! I'm waiting exitedly for her next movie to come out - 'Love Happens'

She is a great actress and does seem very down to earth. I can't wait to see her new movie! Thanks for the comment Kristin! :)

She looks great! I Love she!

your friend Chelsea Handler called Angelina Jolie a homewrecker and all the things you said about angelina.... after all who is the homewrecker? jennifer, you are just an hypocrite!

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